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Politics CNN threatens to reveal Redditor who made Trump-CNN GIF


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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You throw around bias towards anyone who offers a different view than you, just like many on the left and right. The words are said, but there is no weight to them. Both sides hate so much they don't care what ridiculous claims they make because they know millions of like minded people will echo them. I'm absolutely certain to the DNC, their followers and disgusting people like Merkel honestly (or maybe not even honestly) believe Trump ruined the image of our country, but I guess that's the price you pay for standing up against global corruption like the Clinton empire and an incompetent, retard like Merkel. Having a majority back you doesn't make you in the right either, but I guess people forget that.
It has nothing to do with different views, but what the people say and believe. Trump supporters are blind and biased because they believe a lot of his lies. How do I know they're lies? I fact check. Even sources biased towards Trump have admitted he has exaggerated a bit, like when he claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrate 9/11 (which is false). While I'm an anti-Trump, I still at least defend the idiot if I think there's something wrong said.

No, a lot of people know Trump ruined the image of USA even more. We're literally the butt of jokes for having voted Trump, and it's his victory along with Brexit that prevented horrible people like LePen and May from winning. Because they knew the BS they'd get if someone like Trump came into power. And having the majority back me does make me in the right when it comes to claims like majority think Trump has hurt US and its image. I mean, the majority's opinions do make up our image.... And Trump standing up to global corruption when he himself is corrupt? Funny.

Anti-Semitic, racist etc are all "mean things" said. That's the problem here. People thought it was "wrong" and so they think they have the "right" to threaten, cry and take away his rights just because he's an asshole that never once said to hurt people for their skin color, religion or sexual orientation (except, as previously stated, Islamic terrorists who cares about that remark?). I'm asking what makes you and so many others think him saying things you* disagree with somehow grants you* the right to do this? It's absolutely asinine to me. Where does it stop if this is what it has come to? He didn't advocate for anything either, which if he actually had this wouldn't be a problem, but he didn't. If anyone thinks a meme of a fake wrestling is "advocating violence against CNN" they have issues they need to work out. And no, Kathy Griffin's moment was not out of "comedy" as opposed to a silly little meme. She shot that image for a magazine with a man known for his "shocking, edgy style" Tyler Shields. It was a message against Trump, not as a comedic "har har I beheaded him" stunt (though I'd have to wonder who would find that funny/not a clear threat but find a damn meme "promoting violence").
It's not disagreement. If he supported Trump, then whatever. If he thought Hillary deserved to be locked up, and CNN deserved to go out of business, then whatever. But if he spreads around hatred, then that's a problem.

Just as the wrestling GIF was a message against CNN. It sort of advocating violence, especially when Trump has advocated violence against BLM and news reporters, if I recall correctly. I also fail to see how Kathy's picture is a threat. That's like saying the Trump attacking the CNN meme is threatening CNN.

I have yet to see anyone logically explain how a harmless meme created over a harmless, funny wrestling incident is "advocating violence" and I'm beginning to realize I never will. It makes absolutely no sense and sounds like some desperate attempt to liken the harshness and cruelty of what Kathy did to that meme when in reality they are worlds apart.

It is also apparent no one is going to stand up against what CNN did since so many people have no problem with it. Such a sad realization.
I don't think a lot of people were thinking about what Kathy did (which isn't really that cruel or harsh if we compare it to worse stuff), or at least I don't remember anyone bringing it up, but I. And a lot of people actually did have an issue with what CNN did. At least, the left wingers I know did.

Are you saying I don't admit to something here and if so, what? That doxxing, threatening or revoking a man's rights and liberties because he said insensitive stuff is "okay" just because it was hurtful? Or that what the crazy people on the right did for/against Obama was wrong? If the later, of course it was wrong, but someone else's actions do not make the actions of another any less wrong. For the former, nope, I won't admit to it because even if a billion people stand behind it it is still wrong to do it. I don't and never will advocate the existence of thought police.

*plural you here
I'm saying that despite being anti-Trump and being a left wing, at least I admit the kid did nothing wrong when he made and shared the meme, and that CNN was being douchebag.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
I'm sorry for the lateness, been real busy. It seems we're off topic but that's the way it goes sometimes. hehe I'm thinking we're going to need to take this part of the discussion elsewhere. For that I have included the "off topic" portions to a spoiler. I think we should move that part of the discussion to the other politics thread, what do you think?

It has nothing to do with different views, but what the people say and believe. Trump supporters are blind and biased because they believe a lot of his lies. How do I know they're lies? I fact check. Even sources biased towards Trump have admitted he has exaggerated a bit, like when he claimed he saw thousands of Muslims celebrate 9/11 (which is false). While I'm an anti-Trump, I still at least defend the idiot if I think there's something wrong said.
And what do you think about Hillary supporters, if I may so ask? I mean even if I were to believe we're all blind and biased and that everything Trump says is proven "wrong" by liberal controlled media and websites.

And wait... I think I'm misunderstanding you here.

I quite clearly remembered Muslims celebrating in the streets across the globe on 9/11 and post 9/11, in the U.S and out of it. I did not see the videos of what happened in New Jersey on that day that it happened (I did later), but I remember it being covered vocally by media at the time. Look at WaPo's article by Serge Kovaleski (before he edited it) and watch some of these videos:

*please not the above videos also have footage of the reports etc that Muslims were seen in the U.S celebrating as well

Let's get Trump's words straight here though. He said he saw Muslims in the streets celebrating in New Jersey. Dozens of people said the same. CNN and various news outlets also said the same and reported on these claims. There is video proof of it happening [in NJ] and you can see dozens and dozens of people in the shitty camera quality while a news reporter talks about it. What Donald never says is that Serge said he saw it. He only brought up the article to prove that it had been seen and reported by other people as well. It wasn't just Muslims either. There were reports that Israelis were celebrating in the streets too (which I also remember!).

It happened, but since it is an inconvenient truth, the left doesn't want people to remember it or hear it. Denying that thousands of Muslims celebrated 9/11 is the craziest thing ever when they absolutely did.

Now, if I'm misunderstanding you here I think you might be saying he said this about Muslims within the U.S only, right? If so, there are two claims he made that we must get straight and not muddled together; that Muslims celebrated around the world (which is 100% true) and then that he also saw Muslims celebrating in NJ (which is, speaking unbiasedly, partially true). I don't know how many celebrated there (a perfect number) but going off reports, news casting etc there were hundreds of Muslims celebrating in NJ. It wasn't just a few people like 1 or 10. Again, various reports, calls, and news casting even discussed these incidents. Watch the videos above and feel free to google them for youtubers or sites you prefer.

However, I will concede that since there is no better footage of those celebrations that he's wrong about it being "thousands" in NJ that celebrated the attack. I only see in the video or hear through the recordings that it was "hundreds". He's not wrong that Muslims across the globe celebrated or that there were Muslims within this country celebrating on that day though—because there was.

No, a lot of people know Trump ruined the image of USA even more. We're literally the butt of jokes for having voted Trump, and it's his victory along with Brexit that prevented horrible people like LePen and May from winning. Because they knew the BS they'd get if someone like Trump came into power. And having the majority back me does make me in the right when it comes to claims like majority think Trump has hurt US and its image. I mean, the majority's opinions do make up our image.... And Trump standing up to global corruption when he himself is corrupt? Funny.
Horrible people like LePen...? Right. How is she a horrible person? Because she doesn't believe in ignorantly allowing millions of migrants into her country that have, without a doubt, destroyed Germany and put fear back into women/gays etc? Because she's conservative? I admit I don't know enough about here to argue as I do about Trump but from what I have seen of her? I don't buy it...

And being a joke to people who hate him hardly says anything worth discussing. Being in a majority only means people support your opinions. And yes, I made a comment acknowledging this and tried to explain what I meant. I'm aware public perception dictates this. Please see my other replies for clarification.

Trump is corrupt?

Trump was spied on for years by Obama [in an effort to put Hillary in the White House] and they couldn't find one thing to pin on him. He now has people trying to leak shit in order to ruin him but even that comes up as nothing. If he was corrupt, they would have found something instead of the whole "nothing burgers" they have been living off of for months. Wikileaks can't even find anything on him. The worse the left has is that he says "mean stuff" like "grab her by the pussy" or calling Rosie, an autism child hating POS, a "pig".

If you think he is corrupt (and being mean or saying "sexist" or "hurtful" things does not make him corrupt) please respond how and with evidence as to why. I'd be interested in seeing what you bring up.

However, Clinton is 100% a corrupt, greedy, hypocritical, human rights disregarding scum bag.


Whitegate, travelgate, emailgate, Benghazi, ties to illegal practices such as human experimentation etc etc.

It's not disagreement. If he supported Trump, then whatever. If he thought Hillary deserved to be locked up, and CNN deserved to go out of business, then whatever. But if he spreads around hatred, then that's a problem.
It's distasteful and bigoted, sure, but that still doesn't grant anyone or CNN the right to do this just because he's a raging bigot or shares racist jokes. Thinking they do or that we need "end it" or "take action against it" or even that "it is a problem [that requires action?]" is heinous and encroaches upon the creation and authorization of thought police. Everyone is entitled to it, even bigots.

*note: I know you do not approve of CNN's message. My comments are "in general", a plural etc*

Just as the wrestling GIF was a message against CNN. It sort of advocating violence, especially when Trump has advocated violence against BLM and news reporters, if I recall correctly. I also fail to see how Kathy's picture is a threat. That's like saying the Trump attacking the CNN meme is threatening CNN.
A message against fake news/CNN, sure, but in no ways supporting violence. I still haven't gotten a valid, reasonable reason why people think it is. I also said that if this is somehow advocating violence, why isn't Kathy Griffin beheading a doll of Trump inciting violence or a threat? It is simply absurd.

I don't think a lot of people were thinking about what Kathy did (which isn't really that cruel or harsh if we compare it to worse stuff), or at least I don't remember anyone bringing it up, but I. And a lot of people actually did have an issue with what CNN did. At least, the left wingers I know did.
Beheading a doll of someone in a serious message against that someone [she hates] isn't really cruel but saying black people can't jump (like Han did) in a troll subreddit or posting a silly meme about fighting CNN's bullshit is "cruel" etc? How is beheading a doll of Trump not as cruel as racists burning a doll of Obama? I'm certain there are "worse" things out there, like U.S backed "rebels" killing innocents, but so what? It is the hypocrisy, bias and danger behind what CNN did and stands behind that needs to be discussed and "more cruel" things happen around the world should hold no bearing on the subject.

And yes, many on the left had a problem with the doxxing and the Kathy Griffin beheading shoot. I do not deny this. I was actually very happy about it, because it restored faith in me for the left. However, it was on news for what, a week? And then right after that every (DNC owned) media painted her off as a victim and Trump evil because it "ruined her career". Meanwhile they showed, demonized and attacked the ENTIRE right field of politics when some crazy racists hung up dolls of Obama or sat the likeliness of him on fire. And they still do to this day.

I'm saying that despite being anti-Trump and being a left wing, at least I admit the kid did nothing wrong when he made and shared the meme, and that CNN was being douchebag.
Ah, okay! I guess we're at the end of this part of the discussion then, since we're in total agreement on the overall "problem" of the incident. :amuse
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Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
Reaction score
Now, how is revealing the identity of someone who advocated for violence a bad thing?
Because it's just exposing this kid who made a harmless meme to crazy political people who could actually harm them...


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
Because it's just exposing this kid who made a harmless meme to crazy political people who could actually harm them...
Now, wait. The person who did this didn't simply post a harmless meme and to say that it is a kid is an assumption.

I am glad CNN did not reveal him, but I am talking in general here.

If someone goes to the internet and posts severe hatespeech (like advocating for killing all muslims or posting antisemitist pictures), then i do think it is not unfair to reveal who he is if you get to know it.
I would say the same about a sprayer who sprays racist stuff under a nickname. I think that is isn't unfair to simply make it visible what someone did in that regard.

I do not think someone who posts severe hatespeech in the internet can insist on the shield of anonymity when he is unlucky enough to get his identity revealed.


Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
Reaction score
Now, wait. The person who did this didn't simply post a harmless meme and to say that it is a kid is an assumption.

I am glad CNN did not reveal him, but I am talking in general here.

If someone goes to the internet and posts severe hatespeech (like advocating for killing all muslims or posting antisemitist pictures), then i do think it is not unfair to reveal who he is if you get to know it.
I would say the same about a sprayer who sprays racist stuff under a nickname. I think that is isn't unfair to simply make it visible what someone did in that regard.

I do not think someone who posts severe hatespeech in the internet can insist on the shield of anonymity when he is unlucky enough to get his identity revealed.
The gif itself was more cynical and dry humor than anything else though.


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
The gif itself was more cynical and dry humor than anything else though.
Yes, the gif itself was. Personally, i don't think the original gif is even problematic. Making a fuss over that is something that should be beneath the dignity of any researcher or journalist.
However, once you get the context of a person posting anti semitist 'memes' and callings for violence against muslims, I don't feel like they can insist on the shield i mentioned.

Noone, not even ppl posting hatespeech, deserves to be harmed for it. However, they also do not deserve to be enabled to do it anonymously.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Because it's just exposing this kid who made a harmless meme to crazy political people who could actually harm them...
As far as we know it wasn't a kid, it was a grown ass man. And it wasn't just this meme (though trump using it and cnn got it attention), the guy supposedly made a number of other racist post "as a joke".
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Yes, the gif itself was. Personally, i don't think the original gif is even problematic. Making a fuss over that is something that should be beneath the dignity of any researcher or journalist.
However, once you get the context of a person posting anti semitist 'memes' and callings for violence against muslims, I don't feel like they can insist on the shield i mentioned.

Noone, not even ppl posting hatespeech, deserves to be harmed for it. However, they also do not deserve to be enabled to do it anonymously.
It wasn't. The issue here would be, well, the people who worked at cnn. For most people the gif would be just that... but if you work at cnn it is far more likely that the president's comments and then this gif would be significantly more offensive.


有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
It wasn't. The issue here would be, well, the people who worked at cnn. For most people the gif would be just that... but if you work at cnn it is far more likely that the president's comments and then this gif would be significantly more offensive.
Now, it is true that the president posting the gif after the (definitely legitimate) fears about him attacking press is worrying and should be condemned.
However, the original maker of the gif cannot know Trump will post it and had nothing to do with it.

If it was JUST the gif then i would agree that the maker is just some harmless internet person.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
Now, it is true that the president posting the gif after the (definitely legitimate) fears about him attacking press is worrying and should be condemned.
However, the original maker of the gif cannot know Trump will post it and had nothing to do with it.

If it was JUST the gif then i would agree that the maker is just some harmless internet person.
I would argue that if the president posts something online, anything really, it is completely reasonable to go as deep as possible to determine where it came from. In that regard, cnn tracking down the guy who made the gif is more than reasonable. The fact remains that the gif is at least part of an official statement by the president of the united states. The issue here should be that the story ends at "random reddit user by the username of ***** made the gif. To literally the surprise of exactly 0 people in the entirety of the multiverse the guy constantly posts racist and xenophobic stuff. We would have been SHOCKED if this wasn't the case". There was never any need whatsoever to talk about the guy's identity.

And sure, the original maker can't know trump will post it. But the issue here is trump just getting a meme and posting it... But that takes us back to trump, he is the president of the US, he knows his every breath is under intense scrutiny. He shouldn't be posting stuff if he doesn't know where it came from (note that I am saying "shouldn't" as in, "he should know better" rather than "he can't or isn't allowed to").


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Russian Federation
The gif itself was more cynical and dry humor than anything else though.
It was harmless fun, yes, but he "deserved" to be hunted down for remarks he made online because they were really, really, really mean stuff that in no way incited violence (no matter how much some people want to lie about this but I must have missed the part where we're not supposed to fight back against terrorists). I can't wait to see where this new level of thin skin takes us as a nation. What next will the thought police pursue? They've got a pretty big backing so no one will fight them on it.

At the end of the day though I guess I can't understand how a meme incites violence, how Trump posting it marks the end of the world, why saying mean stuff on the internet entitles someone to lose their privacy and rights or makes it "okay" to be treated like this, but silly me? I must have to visit Room 101 again.

Anyways, slight update on this incident.​

Since Twitter is shadowbanning #CNNBlackMail (because, hey, how else do you control people?) people have begun using #CNNDirt. People have been digging through CNN social media accounts recording hateful, racist, evil, hypocritical, disgusting things they said and retweeting them etc as a protest against what CNN did or allowed an employee to do. It has gotten so bad that employees have locked their accounts to prevent people from digging through their public crap.

It ranges from "joking" about telling people to kill themselves to anti-gay jokes, to jokes about raping women, to anti-white comments and even to laughing on live television over a broadcast of a (white) man being tortured. Some pretty farky things you think someone would get fired over at a supposedly legit, reasonable, non-bias billion $ news empire, right? Well, not at CNN!

At this point it is becoming clear the standards CNN sets and accepts while they cry on television for hours about how long Trump and Macron shook hands. lol

(I also want to honorably mention the wikileaks email from the Hillary campaign talking about calling everyone who disagrees with with Hillary "Hitler" even if they are right or wrong. Y'all should really be reading it. Reveals just how corrupt she and the DNC is.)


Only Half Psychic
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Global Moderator
Oct 26, 2008
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Holy Britannian Empire
To be honest, it doesn't matter how much of an arsehole the guy is, or how many racist posts he may or may not have made. You don't publish another person's real life details online without their express permission.
Even if they were trying to incite violence.

In this case - you send their details to the police.

Publishing someone's details online and saying how much of a dick they are is just asking for some random asshat to turn up at their home and do something regrettable.

Now I really know very little about the minutiae of this specific example, but if CNN is in any way suggesting that they will make another guy's details widely known then they are in the wrong - even if the guy isn't in the right to begin with.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
May 7, 2017
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CNN butthurt over harmless meme is uncanny.

With that case, they are most retarded, hypocritical and sanctimonious TV station that exists on Earth, Memri TV excluded.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
To be honest, it doesn't matter how much of an arsehole the guy is, or how many racist posts he may or may not have made. You don't publish another person's real life details online without their express permission.
Even if they were trying to incite violence.

In this case - you send their details to the police.

Publishing someone's details online and saying how much of a dick they are is just asking for some random asshat to turn up at their home and do something regrettable.

Now I really know very little about the minutiae of this specific example, but if CNN is in any way suggesting that they will make another guy's details widely known then they are in the wrong - even if the guy isn't in the right to begin with.
What makes it even worse is that CNN implied that it'd reveal the guy's details if he did something CNN didn't like, which could be making another harmless GIF. What they were basically saying was "we'll fuck your life up if we don't like what you do," from a position of power and taking away some of his freedom. It's messed up.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Oct 16, 2007
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United States
I'm amazed by the sheer number of people who overlook the fact that if CNN can track HanAssholeSolo down, so can someone else. Afterwards, Han would have been viral on Twitter no matter how abjectly he’s apologized. CNN also took the liberty of covering itself: If it turned out that Han was playing them, they have 0 obligation to maintain his anonymity. Hence the "threat".

The biggest issues in this entire fiasco were (1) President Trump being stupid enough to tweet such as a gif and (2) people getting outraged over the president's stupid tweet. We need more professionalism, less faux outrage. Either way, both CNN and the President looked like chumps in this particular situation. Who cares though. What's done is done. It's long overdue now to move onto far more important matters.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
One thing I wanna know. While most of the left criticized Kathy beheading Trump (somewhat a shame), would the right have criticized anyone like Paul Joseph Watson, Alex JOnes, or some other right wing idiot beheading Hillary or Obama? Obama being lynched? I'm sure John McCain would have, but I doubt other right wingers would. Maybe few politicians would chastise, at best.

And how would the right have reacted if someone posted the exact same GIF, but instead of CNN logo they used InfoWars or Breitbart?


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Missed this thread, but yeah, I've made a conscious effort to avoid watching CNN since this whole fiasco. The only exceptions really are more of the into-tainment programs and documentaries (not that those necessarily belong on a news outlet, but they're well-made nonethless :cookiestare)


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 13, 2015
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CNN is dirty I´m not surprised they did this. Of course in the end it´s just throwing more fuel to the fire of the trump memesters, people if you want to stop those trump memes just let it go, dont be stupid like CNN and get triggered over something so cheap LMAO. What happened to free speech nowadays?