Battle Round 1 - Shuhei Hisagi vs. Grimmjow Jaegerjaques | Page 2 | MangaHelpers

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Battle Round 1 Shuhei Hisagi vs. Grimmjow Jaegerjaques

Who wins?

  • Shuhei Hisagi

  • Grimmjow Jaegerjaques

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2020
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Gotei 13
Of course I would not! I'm not some perverted weirdo.

Though I think Hisagi did well tattooing that onto his face: that tattoo is the only thing that keeps him from being a plain character. The tattoo itself has more personality than the poor guy himself.

Poor Grimmjow was pushed to his knees. It's very different. It's the contrary of cowardice. Poor, brave Grimmjow stood up against someone stronger and, yes, he was quickly humiliated for it, but he did stand up to him.

It's braver than when Hisagi tried to face Aizen. Wait! ... Oh, that's right, he never even tried to face him having the chance at Karakura after his fight with Tousen. But why do people never call Hisagi a coward for not facing Aizen? Short answer: Because people forget he was even still there. Such a forgettable man.

You played the wrong cards here.

One of the funny things about Bleach is that it had few character popularity polls (that Grimmjow landed 4th at, by the way. Hisagi only managed to be top 10 in the "shinigami-only" poll that excluded all other characters), but there were also "best fight" polls. Surprise, surprise... Grimmjow vs Ichigo landed 3rd place while things like Szayel fight aren't even in the top.

This time, Hisagi's fights weren't even top 10 in a "best fight" popularity poll that excluded non-shinigami fights (and it didn't count Ichigo as a shinigami).

I don't believe popularity really matters for who is the better husbando, but since you brought up the topic of Grimmjow or his battles being forgettable, I had to point out just how forgettable Hisagi actually is, and how beloved Grimmjow is and has always been by the community.

Trying one's best for one's dreams is always charming, no matter how far off the dreams might be. We're fellow fans of One Piece! You should know that. This is what makes a man like Grimmjow passionate and a man like Hisagi a dull conformist.

You've gone out of your way to call out Grimmjow's hygiene with no base and you're calling him a pedophile because the MC is 15, but he's never shown any sexual nor romantic interest in him. Are you eager to slander Grimmjow as the only way to improve Hisagi's chances? His only chances of becoming a husbando are slandering Grimmjow, yet he should still lose to the superior husbando.

Is Hisagi's brain an urban legend? Because I've never seen it. Even Grimmjow's worst photo exudes more charisma than Hisagi, and don't get me started on their hair's. Grimmjow's cool and unique hair vs Hisagi's plain copy-pasted and kinda-emo hairstyle? It's such a stomp that Hisagi is lucky this is a husbando war and not @Evil3ye's Top 10 Hairs.

Grimmjow not only has the looks, he has the personality and the charm that make him the superior Bleach husbando. Hisagi's supposed charm is his tattoo that brings a supposed "bad boy" look to him, yet when you get to know him he's plainness personified. Grimmjow, on the other hand, delivers what he promises.

To whoever's voting: Be happy with Grimmjow for the rest of your life, a life full of excitement and dynamism, or get bored with plain, dull, "all bark and no bite" Hisagi (and clearly inferior intercourse). Your choice.

Man, I hope we don't keep up this rate for the entire week. lol
@Evil3ye It’s good you’re helping him out, he needs all the back-up he can get more than Grimmjow needs a haircut.

Now, back to @Moegara

Firstly, is Barragan who threw a fucking axe at Aizen a joke to you ?

Secondly, what you call Grimmjow ‘standing up’ to his commanding officer I call rebellion. Mutiny even. Disappointing but not unexpected considering Grimmjow’s general lack of character. Truly noble espada like Starrknette and Ulquiorra and Zomari fought to the death without asking when or why and showed true loyalty, something Grimmjow can not even dream of. He jeopardised the entire mission due to his obsession with a 15 year old boy, killing fellow arrancar, attacking his senior espada and sacrificing a valuable hostage. All because he couldn’t control his urges for prepubescent boys.

His role as battle freak of the Espada is also a failure as Nnoitra fills this role far better and has an interesting character going for him.

Shuhei is far more interesting than Vegeta clone no. 956. Grimmjow is the Marvis Frazier to Vegeta’s Joe- a pale imitation that will never be champion.

There is a reason he basically disappeared after he was defeated and was only later brought back in TYBW just for the hell of it. There is simply nothing interesting about him. I sometimes think Kubo intended to kill him but then got an influx of fanmail from furries like you begging him not to. Shuhei on the other hand has been in the thick of things since the SS arc and is a mainstay in all bleach filler.

The reason Aizen did not attack Shuhei was because Kubo loved Shuhei too much to show him be embarrassed. No such love for Grimmjow. Or perhaps he would have given Aizen a run for his money and made him look bad. Grimmjow’s whole existence is little more than a hypetool for other characters. Even in CYFOW it required him and a small army to fight Hikone and they were unable to defeat them. Guess who finally saved the day and defeated Hikone... singlehandedly ? Yes, you guessed it ! None other than Shuhei Hisagi ! Cleaning up weak little Grimmjow’s messes for him. But really don’t attack Grimmjow for that, he isn’t capable of anything better.

Grimmjow goes around calling himself the king when he is king of nothing... except maybe taking Ls. He is delusional and laughable. There is nothing more underwhelming than a dog with a lot of bark and no bite. People in One Piece achieve their dreams something Grimmjow never will.

Shuhei’s emo style is awesome and way cooler than Grimmjow’s Walmart Catra cosplay.

You keep making him out to be interesting and a wild, tough guy, an Espada kenpachi if you will, when the real Grimmjow is nothing like that. Just a trope of a side character who comes across as more funny than badass. A warm-up for Uluqiorra, Ichigo’s real Espada rival.

You argue that Shuhei is vanilla but there is nothing as vanilla and boring as Vegeta clone no. 4802. Honestly I always feel like yawning as he appears on the screen and says the same damn thing again, the textbook example of a one-dimensional character snore.

You keep bringing up Kensei and saying Shuhei is a copy of him. Not only is there some similarity the tattoo but Kensei was actually created as a character after Shuhei so who is a knockoff of who.

Secondly if a man with a tattoo of Donald Trump’s dick sacrificed his life to save mine as a child then I will gladly get a tattoo of Donald Trump’s dick to honour him. Maybe even on my face. This is an admirable and honourable gesture and the fact you try to use it as a con says a lot about your character. He is willing to get a terrible tattoo to honour someone. Grimmjow on the other hand only has half of his tattoo lol.

Vote for Shuhei Hisagi, an actual interesting, complicated character and not a boring, walking trope.
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Nie Li

Marine Hunter
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 24, 2016
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Firstly, is Barragan who threw a fucking axe at Aizen a joke to you ?
Firstly, yes, not only is Baraggan a joke, but he wasn't an Espada when he did that. He didn't know who Aizen was nor how powerful he was. He was a joke, yet he was more relevant than Hisagi to the story.

Secondly, what you call Grimmjow's lack of character and rebellion is actually the definition of character. Grimmjow is rebellious and ambitious, yet he upheld every deal he made, he repaid every debt and never went back on his words.

Your insistence of calling out Grimmjow a pedophile is a clear lack of arguments against this great husbando.

There is a reason he basically disappeared after he was defeated and was only later brought back in TYBW just for the hell of it.
Did you bet against Hisagi in this competition?

You're talking as if Hisagi was ever-present while Grimmjow (for logical plot reasons) wasn't there, yet... no, he wasn't. I'll say more: there were plot reasons why Hisagi could have been included among the vicecaptains that went help Ichigo reclaim his shinigami powers and defeat Xcution, yet the man didn't appear. I don't even remember Hisagi fighting anyone or even being there at all during the latest arc either. If you say he was there I'll believe you, but talk about forgettable; meanwhile Grimmjow was there helping out Urahara (who, by the way, you should have picked as your nomination if you wanted to support a charismatic shinigami for husbando). I'll say even more: After the Arrancar arc, there were people missing Grimmjow and asking for his return, yet I don't remember people asking about Hisagi's whereabouts or really caring.

Yes, you can only talk about some novel and fillers, all things that weren't even written by Kubo, to support that Hisagi was "popular". It's clear that even the author didn't love him.

Grimmjow goes around calling himself the king when he is king of nothing... except maybe taking Ls. He is delusional and laughable. There is nothing more underwhelming than a dog with a lot of bark and no bite. People in One Piece achieve their dreams something Grimmjow never will.
Oh, yes, every single character that has claimed they'll become king of pirates will become it and share the title like happy friends.

Being a dreamer is not about being the closest to achieving said dream, but about working hard towards it. That is what Grimmjow is, a real man, a word the dull Hisagi probably doesn't even understand.

You keep bringing up Kensei and saying Shuhei is a copy of him. Not only is there some similarity the tattoo but Kensei was actually created as a character after Shuhei so who is a knockoff of who.
I... did not even make that point. :grumble I talked about the tattoo, other than that Hisagi is nothing like Kensei: Kensei is actually cool.

Secondly if a man with a tattoo of Donald Trump’s dick sacrificed his life to save mine as a child then I will gladly get a tattoo of Donald Trump’s dick to honour him. Maybe even on my face. This is an admirable and honourable gesture and the fact you try to use it as a con says a lot about your character. He is willing to get a terrible tattoo to honour someone. Grimmjow on the other hand only has half of his tattoo lol.
Yeeeeaaah... no. Of course a man who supports Hisagi over over Grimmjow said he'd get that kind of tattoo for such a reason. You know that you can be grateful towards someone and not copy his random pervert tattoos right on your face, right? Not to mention that being grateful towards someone or even admiring said person doesn't mean you have to copy that person's tastes and style, nor should it impede Hisagi to have his own character. However, Hisagi's only character is a tattoo he copied from Kensei. Hisagi is the male Hinamori Momo of the series.

There are actually other, more intelligent ways of honoring people.

And, as always, the best for last.

Ichigo and Kaien side by side comparison.

Would you look at that. Even in frames from different animation teams, we can see that Kaien is just Ichigo with black hair and blue eyes. Sure, they're so similar that people even guessed that they were related since Kaien's first appearance and there were many theories around about who was really Kaien until their similarities were actually explained by their family ties.

Why do I bring that up?

Well, look at this.

And I don't even need to dig up fanarts for this. This is official artwork. Take away Hisagi's tattoo and wound and poof he's undistinguishable from Kaien! Who is in turn overly similar to Ichigo.

This is what you get for bringing up the topic of rehashed, boring designs, and personality-wise there is not much to say for Hisagi, either. There's a reason why he got so much less screentime than Grimmjow in any canon content: because the character doesn't have the brains or charisma that you claim and he wasn't missed when he disappeared from the plot after the Arrancar arc (or before it, anyway. Was he even in the manga before or after his only interesting scene of fighting Tousen?).

His talk about fearing his own sword was cool and all but it was unoriginal, since he was just repeating Tousen's words, and that's pretty much the only memorable line he had or the only character he showed. He had less deep than the battle-frenzied Grimmjow that you dislike so much, and that's why you have to bring up things like "he was a pedophile" or "he's a furry"; Grimmjow doesn't need lies to show Hisagi who's boss.

Either way, this is probably my last post on this round since I've probably said everything that needed to be said.

Vote Grimmjow
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 15, 2016
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First interaction Grimmjow has with women...

My vote is on Hisagi, he is fun and won't try to fight me to death.

Grimmjow only has looks going for him in the husband material war.

Nie Li

Marine Hunter
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 24, 2016
Reaction score

First interaction Grimmjow has with women...

My vote is on Hisagi, he is fun and won't try to fight me to death.

Grimmjow only has looks going for him in the husband material war.
Does Grimmjow beat women up? Yes. Grimmjow is a man who believes in gender equality. You can be a man, a woman, or any other gender (what was Luppi exactly?): if you're his enemy he'll beat you up (or blow you) with no regard for consequences. But will you be his enemy? Would you stand in your husbandos way? Of course not! There are few more openly progressive characters than him.

Nie Li

Marine Hunter
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 24, 2016
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Husbando wars has devolved or should I say evolved into tattooing Donald Trump's dick on your face.

You have appealed to my inner Kazuma :verily
Should I heart react you for the Kazuma reference or should I just like it because I don't want to heart react a post with the first sentence written on it... What a dilemma.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 10, 2019
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United States
Should I heart react you for the Kazuma reference or should I just like it because I don't want to heart react a post with the first sentence written on it... What a dilemma.
Kazuma trumps all, heart-react :wowsoBOB


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2020
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Gotei 13
Firstly, yes, not only is Baraggan a joke, but he wasn't an Espada when he did that. He didn't know who Aizen was nor how powerful he was. He was a joke, yet he was more relevant than Hisagi to the story.

Secondly, what you call Grimmjow's lack of character and rebellion is actually the definition of character. Grimmjow is rebellious and ambitious, yet he upheld every deal he made, he repaid every debt and never went back on his words.

Your insistence of calling out Grimmjow a pedophile is a clear lack of arguments against this great husbando.

Did you bet against Hisagi in this competition?

You're talking as if Hisagi was ever-present while Grimmjow (for logical plot reasons) wasn't there, yet... no, he wasn't. I'll say more: there were plot reasons why Hisagi could have been included among the vicecaptains that went help Ichigo reclaim his shinigami powers and defeat Xcution, yet the man didn't appear. I don't even remember Hisagi fighting anyone or even being there at all during the latest arc either. If you say he was there I'll believe you, but talk about forgettable; meanwhile Grimmjow was there helping out Urahara (who, by the way, you should have picked as your nomination if you wanted to support a charismatic shinigami for husbando). I'll say even more: After the Arrancar arc, there were people missing Grimmjow and asking for his return, yet I don't remember people asking about Hisagi's whereabouts or really caring.

Yes, you can only talk about some novel and fillers, all things that weren't even written by Kubo, to support that Hisagi was "popular". It's clear that even the author didn't love him.

Oh, yes, every single character that has claimed they'll become king of pirates will become it and share the title like happy friends.

Being a dreamer is not about being the closest to achieving said dream, but about working hard towards it. That is what Grimmjow is, a real man, a word the dull Hisagi probably doesn't even understand.

I... did not even make that point. :grumble I talked about the tattoo, other than that Hisagi is nothing like Kensei: Kensei is actually cool.

Yeeeeaaah... no. Of course a man who supports Hisagi over over Grimmjow said he'd get that kind of tattoo for such a reason. You know that you can be grateful towards someone and not copy his random pervert tattoos right on your face, right? Not to mention that being grateful towards someone or even admiring said person doesn't mean you have to copy that person's tastes and style, nor should it impede Hisagi to have his own character. However, Hisagi's only character is a tattoo he copied from Kensei. Hisagi is the male Hinamori Momo of the series.

There are actually other, more intelligent ways of honoring people.

And, as always, the best for last.

Ichigo and Kaien side by side comparison.

Would you look at that. Even in frames from different animation teams, we can see that Kaien is just Ichigo with black hair and blue eyes. Sure, they're so similar that people even guessed that they were related since Kaien's first appearance and there were many theories around about who was really Kaien until their similarities were actually explained by their family ties.

Why do I bring that up?

Well, look at this.

And I don't even need to dig up fanarts for this. This is official artwork. Take away Hisagi's tattoo and wound and poof he's undistinguishable from Kaien! Who is in turn overly similar to Ichigo.

This is what you get for bringing up the topic of rehashed, boring designs, and personality-wise there is not much to say for Hisagi, either. There's a reason why he got so much less screentime than Grimmjow in any canon content: because the character doesn't have the brains or charisma that you claim and he wasn't missed when he disappeared from the plot after the Arrancar arc (or before it, anyway. Was he even in the manga before or after his only interesting scene of fighting Tousen?).

His talk about fearing his own sword was cool and all but it was unoriginal, since he was just repeating Tousen's words, and that's pretty much the only memorable line he had or the only character he showed. He had less deep than the battle-frenzied Grimmjow that you dislike so much, and that's why you have to bring up things like "he was a pedophile" or "he's a furry"; Grimmjow doesn't need lies to show Hisagi who's boss.

Either way, this is probably my last post on this round since I've probably said everything that needed to be said.

Vote Grimmjow
Firstly Barragan threw an axe at Aizen after becoming an Espada in FKT arc.

Secondly, Shuhei being an edgy, emo version of Ichigo is a good thing. Ichigo is a great MC, all he’s lacking is a hit of edginess, a problem which Hisagi solves.

You’re focusing on my criticisms about his pedophilia and furriness because you don’t want to address the fundamental questions of how he is a boring Vanillageto character. There is nothing even half-exciting about him. Yawn.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Firstly Barragan threw an axe at Aizen after becoming an Espada in FKT arc.

Secondly, Shuhei being an edgy, emo version of Ichigo is a good thing. Ichigo is a great MC, all he’s lacking is a hit of edginess, a problem which Hisagi solves.

You’re focusing on my criticisms about his pedophilia and furriness because you don’t want to address the fundamental questions of how he is a boring Vanillageto character. There is nothing even half-exciting about him. Yawn.
But Lord Whis, Ichigo does not lack edginess at all. Infact with all his hollow forms and split personalities has more personality than squad 9 in its entirety. Making Shuhei super redundent and an inferior choice even in his own nieche field.

Moreoever, I just don't see anyone wanting to bring a guy with scratch scars and prison tattoos in his face to a family dinner. I mean, how would that look? What would abuela say? - No me gusta, for sure.

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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2020
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Gotei 13
But Lord Whis, Ichigo does not lack edginess at all. Infact with all his hollow forms and split personalities has more personality than squad 9 in its entirety. Making Shuhei super redundent and an inferior choice even in his own nieche field.

Moreoever, I just don't see anyone wanting to bring a guy with scratch scars and prison tattoos in his face to a family dinner. I mean, how would that look? What would abuela say? - No me gusta, for sure.

1. Zangetsu has edginess, Ichigo doesn’t

2. You wouldn’t want to bring Grimmjow to a family dinner either.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Well, you don't separate other Zanpaktos or resurrection/vollständig releases from their users either, so same thing. ;)

And I think Grimmjow at a family dinner would be a super hit. After all, who doesn't like to caress a cute pussy. Abuela approved. :hurr



Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2020
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Gotei 13


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
I can’t disagree with you there.
Cat allergy? :gwah

No matter, it doesn't seem as if GJ's hollow shell has the same properties as cat fur, so he's even an allergy-free furry. 😘👌




Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2020
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Gotei 13
Cat allergy? :gwah

No matter, it doesn't seem as if GJ's hollow shell has the same properties as cat fur, so he's even an allergy-free furry. 😘👌


Lol you didn’t get what I was saying. Reread.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
Lol you didn’t get what I was saying. Reread.
Oh you double negative lord tricked me in delivering more Grimmjow arguments. :p Though I think Moe won't mind.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2020
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Gotei 13
Oh you double negative lord tricked me in delivering more Grimmjow arguments. :p Though I think Moe won't mind.
You still don’t get it


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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You still don’t get it
Yeah I do, it's a filthy vajay-jay reference, which context-wise don't work for Shuhei either way, unless he has one to offer. Such as my own round 1 opponent lmao


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2020
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Gotei 13
Yeah I do, it's a filthy vajay-jay reference, which context-wise don't work for Shuhei either way, unless he has one to offer. Such as my own round 1 opponent lmao
It’s just a light-hearted joke lol not an argument


Alive Ain't Always Livin'
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 8, 2009
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United States
I didn't want to vote for Grimmjow, but that Kaien comparison is bullet proof. Gotta go with the non clone.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 7, 2020
Reaction score
Gotei 13
I didn't want to vote for Grimmjow, but that Kaien comparison is bullet proof. Gotta go with the non clone.
Grimmjow is a vegeta clone. And Shuhei is at least cooler than Kaien.
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