The Manosphere: Taking the Red Pill | Page 5 | MangaHelpers

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The Manosphere: Taking the Red Pill


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah that's stupid. In Islam we're thought not to judge people. If she shows her hair it's between her and God not her and you. You can try to correct or advice but you shouldn't judge her especially if you're not her dad brother or husband
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I also don't like that. It's dumb asf and being a hypocrite
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Cuz y'all westerners especially Americans are clowns. Straight up degenerates. Back in highschool I really looked up to you guys but now y'all are nothing special. Y'all preach climate change and whatever weather activist bullshit but continue sponsoring proxy wars? Tf?

Liberal leftist same thing. Zero differences.
Yet lot of conservative Muslim men don't take the teachings to heart, only when it benefits them. And they rarely get checked by other conservatives.

Why are you acting as if I'm defending USA? When I learned more about this country, from its history to present, I realized just how evil it truly is, and how pro-business it is.

No. Liberals are okay with foreign countries committing genocide on innocent people aided by the president they support, whereas the left don't support that shit.

This thread is pointless cuz most anime fans aren't red pillers. 99.99 percent of weebs are Liberal leftist so why try discussing red pill on an anime manga forum? Doesn't even make sense.
Nah, majority of them are apolitical incels or hate the left and the "woke"