Canon - Vergo vs Sanji with Raid Suit | Page 7 | MangaHelpers

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Canon Vergo vs Sanji with Raid Suit

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King Moe

MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 29, 2018
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United States
If sanji was joking around, why does his face seem distressed in the panel i showed?

when did i say vergo is above king? Stop lying. Hell memories is no match for full hardened vergo with bamboo weapon, especially since casual vergo broke sanji legs with one hit. Not to mention vergo can just wreck sanji in his head anyway since it's not protected with raid suit. Sanji lost here

nah i am not bashing at sanji, just telling the truth when sanji would lose a battle.
Why didn't he have face of distress or concerns about King after coming out of that unscathed and facing in front of King again? Again your imagination isn't canon.

Your stating Vergo can still hurt Sanji even now yet King couldn't even do anything. Your pushing narrative Vergo is above King when that is falsehood no matter how you try to spin it. Vergo is washed easily at this point and even going full power, won't match's Sanji with his or even push him to that point. Heck he couldn't beat Sanji while nerf and failed his mission in all that. Please stop pretending your fantasy into reality when nothing shows Vergo could be above Sanji at this point as feel like if your stating stuff like that, then we can say Hody could beat Zoro in his state given he capture him in FI arc and Hody was still active after their fight.

You are bashing them as your even pushing narrative of Vergo still above him when nothing proves that when he couldn't handle his nerf state and got bested twice by him before choosing to leave the fight from him. Just admit you got nothing to exert and have hate for an fictional character as none your points are credible.

Grandmaster Woro

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 20, 2018
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Why didn't he have face of distress or concerns about King after coming out of that unscathed and facing in front of King again? Again your imagination isn't canon.

Your stating Vergo can still hurt Sanji even now yet King couldn't even do anything. Your pushing narrative Vergo is above King when that is falsehood no matter how you try to spin it. Vergo is washed easily at this point and even going full power, won't match's Sanji with his or even push him to that point. Heck he couldn't beat Sanji while nerf and failed his mission in all that. Please stop pretending your fantasy into reality when nothing shows Vergo could be above Sanji at this point as feel like if your stating stuff like that, then we can say Hody could beat Zoro in his state given he capture him in FI arc and Hody was still active after their fight.

You are bashing them as your even pushing narrative of Vergo still above him when nothing proves that when he couldn't handle his nerf state and got bested twice by him before choosing to leave the fight from him. Just admit you got nothing to exert and have hate for an fictional character as none your points are credible.
coming out unscathed?

Sanji already looks messed up

Sanji wasn't distressed because king wasn't around anymore (king took down sanji in one hit and left him to block the passage to the roof dome).
King wrecked sanji and vergo definitely can do the same thing here
Don't derail the topic by bashing at zoro.

nah i didn't bash, just tell the truth. Fact is sanji had no hope against vergo since vergo broke his legs in one hit.

King Moe

MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 29, 2018
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United States
coming out unscathed?

Sanji already looks messed up

Sanji wasn't distressed because king wasn't around anymore (king took down sanji in one hit and left him to block the passage to the roof dome).
King wrecked sanji and vergo definitely can do the same thing here
Don't derail the topic by bashing at zoro.

nah i didn't bash, just tell the truth. Fact is sanji had no hope against vergo since vergo broke his legs in one hit.
Sure about that?:

In the next chapter after that we have him shown again along with the others (especially still damaged Zoro) and he has nothing on his being of a injury. Meaning it was just debris than wound around his face or skull. So that is more your headcannon if you think King got damage in him as he wouldn't have been able to come back fine if he did. Also King and Queen was in front of them and they weren't afraid on facing them even with Sanji remarking about flying DF users with King. Your idea thinking he is afraid of him is falsehood than true. and you shown nothing to say Vergo > King is anything at all as you keep using old stuff when Sanji was nerf and still beat Vergo down twice by making him bleed and pushing him back without going full power yet.

You are bashing as your stating Sanji was injured and afraid of King when we see opposite shown when he comes out unharmed and no problem coming in view of him again especially talking on flying DF users. You got nothing to backup what you state, so either admit fault in your talk or admit you have a hate on character as you got nothing to back up on your imaginary opinion.

Grandmaster Woro

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 20, 2018
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Sure about that?:

In the next chapter after that we have him shown again along with the others (especially still damaged Zoro) and he has nothing on his being of a injury. Meaning it was just debris than wound around his face or skull. So that is more your headcannon if you think King got damage in him as he wouldn't have been able to come back fine if he did. Also King and Queen was in front of them and they weren't afraid on facing them even with Sanji remarking about flying DF users with King. Your idea thinking he is afraid of him is falsehood than true. and you shown nothing to say Vergo > King is anything at all as you keep using old stuff when Sanji was nerf and still beat Vergo down twice by making him bleed and pushing him back without going full power yet.

You are bashing as your stating Sanji was injured and afraid of King when we see opposite shown when he comes out unharmed and no problem coming in view of him again especially talking on flying DF users. You got nothing to backup what you state, so either admit fault in your talk or admit you have a hate on character as you got nothing to back up on your imaginary opinion.
i already showed the picture

Sanji was visibly wounded by king's attack. So you failed to prove that sanji "comes out unharmed".

Sanji never beat vergo. Vergo easily took on sanji attacks and broke sanji legs in only one kick.

Nah not bashing, that's what you tried to do by bringing zoro at this topic multiple times. I am sanji's fan and i think sanji has no chance to win against vergo. Vergo has much better CoA than sanji.


Strongest Under the Sun
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 12, 2008
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United Kingdom
Will you two grow up and stop this pissing contest you're constantly having everywhere that involves Sanji and Zoro?

I'm gonna remove you both from this thread and I'll keep doing so from any thread where I see the same type of behaviour.


MH Senpai
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Mar 2, 2009
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Sanji was able to hold the pain and keep fighting fodder for some minutes, sure. That's a very good argument to say he could also have kept fighting against the man who fractured his leg with a single kick.

Sanji wasn't dealing much damage. He kicked Vergo twice in the face, one of them with diable jambe, and Vergo didn't even move nor coat himself with haki. If Vergo would have felt menaced by those kicks or thought he couldn't dodge them or take them, he would have then activated his fullbody hardening (according to his vibre card, his "fullbody SUPERhardening") to make sure Sanji "wouldn't deal more significant damage to him", but he didn't, because he didn't felt menaced at all. Instead, he rushed Sanji and fractured his leg with a single kick. A fractured leg is easy to break in two had the fight gone on, and Vergo still had to even get serious, draw his weapon or use his signature fullbody haki, while he had already experienced a diable jambe kick, Sanji's strongest form at the time.

After all that, and Sanji commented how bad it would have been for himself if the fight had continued, it's far-fetched to talk about he had chances of winning. It's not what was hinted in the fight, and the Vergo vs Smoker is more than enough proof of how easy Vergo was still going on Sanji.

All I see here are excuses to say your favorite character would win a fight despite everything in the manga hinting he was going to lose, not actual arguments. I don't wanna keep going in circles here.
He was still fighting the man who fractured his leg... there's a panel of them exchanging kicks after Sanji's pain face.

He felt challenged enough that he fought back and was bloodied up. Vergo may not have felt intimidated, but neither did Sanji, both kept fighting. But this seems to be going around in circles as I was going to bring up how Sanji's statement had different meanings, and the manga proves that he could have continued had the fight continued.

Nice try but Sanji's not my favorite character. Nothing came close to hinting he was going to lose, the manga showed that he could have kept fighting. ONly way this circle will even break is if there's clear-cut proof of Vergo being superior to Sanji or Sanji not being able to last long enough against Vergo and his haki.

Nie Li

Marine Hunter
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 24, 2016
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He was still fighting the man who fractured his leg... there's a panel of them exchanging kicks after Sanji's pain face.

He felt challenged enough that he fought back and was bloodied up. Vergo may not have felt intimidated, but neither did Sanji, both kept fighting. But this seems to be going around in circles as I was going to bring up how Sanji's statement had different meanings, and the manga proves that he could have continued had the fight continued.

Nice try but Sanji's not my favorite character. Nothing came close to hinting he was going to lose, the manga showed that he could have kept fighting. ONly way this circle will even break is if there's clear-cut proof of Vergo being superior to Sanji or Sanji not being able to last long enough against Vergo and his haki.
"Sanji did not feel intimidated" is a contradiction to the panel of Sanji thinking "have the fight lasted longer it would have been bad"; Vergo certainly didn't think anything of the sort. Sanji was intimidated. The manga doesn't "prove" he would have been okay if the fight had continued, rather the contrary.

What "nice try"? If you pay attention, I only imitated your ridiculous statement from your previous post, in which you claimed the same thing about "Sanji haters" (which I'm not. I don't see how thinking Vergo was stronger than him is hating on him. That's just the way Vergo was solidly presented).

I honestly don't see how you think "nothing came close to hinting he was going to lose", since that's honestly all I take from that scene, but good for you for having different views if that's how you saw it.

You want to break the circle? Then just let it go. I had done so two weeks ago before you quoted my post this week.

Crimson Ice

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Feb 10, 2016
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sanji stopped his attack, but he also still attempted to block the attack. And judge overwhelmed him with EM shaft.

can you tell me when judge struggled to block him? Because the manga pictures showed different thing. Sanji was brought to his knee in the ground fight and was knocked down in the aerial fight. The flashback thing is irrelevant to sanji fight. That's like saying luffy lost to kaido because he was worried about his crewmates. That's just a headcanon.

Judge beat sanji in both ground fight and aerial fight.
Forgot about this.

Sanji stopped the momentum of his kick and was caught off guard, that's why he was thrown back.

Judge struggled to block when Sanji used a base kick on him and it left a bruise. The flashback thing IS VERY RELEVANT as it's clearly distracting Sanji, Judge also mentions this. You used a really bad false equivalence with the Luffy and Kaido point.

Judge "WON" their skirmish because Sanji didn't want to attack the clone and was caught off guard, not because he's weaker.


Registered User
初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Sep 10, 2023
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United States
So who would win between Vergo or Raid Suit Sanji. So pretty recently in the anime, Sanji unlocked his Germa Genes, but Sanji destroys Vergo with Germa genes, then Doflamingo would try to attack Sanji to save Vergo, Sanji obviously dodges then "Sanji dissapears," then attacks Doflamingo with a barrage of kicks and Diamble Jambe, which damages Doflamingo heavily, then Doflamingo uses his strongest attack while Sanji uses Ifrit Jambe, Vergo finally gets back up to beat Sanji then gets hit by Doffy's flying body and they both get knocked out. Now let's talk about Raid Suit Sanji, bro is way too fast for Vergo and lands multiple hits on, now it took a while for Sanji to take out P1, but I'll give Vergo the benefit of the doubt that he's more durable. RS Sanji also took a hit from King, sure he thought he was gonna die from the attack, but he was just underestimating himself in that moment, plus later he took an attack from King in base anyway so yeah he was just underestimating himself, like Sanji haters do, but I imagine this fight going like Luffy vs Kata, it's going to be a dragged out fight where Sanji keeps hitting Vergo a lot but can't take him out while dodging a bunch of attacks, sure Vergo may get him once in a while but it's not really going to do anything to Sanji, and the way the fight is different from Luffy vs Kata is that Vergo doesn't haki bloom then overcome Sanji but instead just knocks Vergo out eventually. Now I'll finally be generous to Vergo, I'll talk about base Sanji vs Vergo, so Vergo cracks Sanji's leg in PH, sure maybe he doesn't low diff Sanji cuz we see all of Sanji's flashy moves from WCI like Hell's Memories plus Sanji was overall faster but still Vergo with bamboo was full body Haki was definitely stronger than Sanji back then, and I'm not going to diss my boy Sanji by saying he took damage from an explosion Usopp seemed fine after, it's even generous to Sanji to say that he could force Vergo into full body haki, but as we know the Straw Hats get stronger each arc, doesn't matter whether they train or power-up or don't do any of that, they just get stronger cuz they fight stronger villains, there should be no reason why Usopp can even damage Page One but guess what, he does, so base Sanji in Wano is obviously stronger than PH Sanji, so let's see and just skip to Onigashima since beating Drake is not proof of him beating Vergo, but in the fight against Queen who basically toyed with Luffy in Udon who is stronger than Vergo, Sanji does pretty well and goes toe to toe with Queen but it's hard to do damage to Queen cuz Queen's durability is better than Doflamingo's whose is better than Vergo's, but he still does some things like helicoptering Queen, then later he perception blitzes Queen who can percieve Marco who kept up with Kizaru so yeah, so the fight begins and "Sanji dissapears" then hits Vergo with a barrage of attacks then does Diable Jambe and Hell's Memories and Vergo gets knocked out, and the reason Sanji in base does better than in Raid Suit is is because the RS Sanji I was using was only the one that we saw before he destroyed RS so Base Sanji has better feats than RS, so the conclusion is, Sanji has far surpassed Vergo and would no diff him with Germa Genes, low diff with RS if he gets the better Base Sanji feats, mid diff with base form post Queen fight, high diff with RS before he gets the better feats, and extreme diffs Vergo in base right before unlocking Germa Genes but this is Onigashima Sanji so it took RS to surpass Vergo then surpassed him anyway in base and destroys him with Germa Genes, and yes I'm a Restless Gambler fan if you couldn't tell.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
Pretty sure current sanji would one shot vergo without needing a raid suit or even diable jambe... vergo was some subordinate doflamingo had. Sanji already defeated queen and that without a raid suit. We are at a point were sanji is higher in the pecking order, as in stronger, than doflamingo. Maybe sanji doesn't have an easy victory over doflamingo but he definitely wins. There's no reason to think vergo would last long against current sanji or doflamingo...


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 14, 2017
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Galactic Empire
Why is this even a question? Sanji will cook him on his way to a real problem without the raid suit.