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Mag Talk Weekly Shonen Jump (2024) - News and Discussion!


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 17, 2023
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Holy... crap. What the hell happened while I was asleep? A-Anyway, I'm throwing hands too.

Stivie, you may or may not be part of the problem with this.
Stivie may be unhinged whenever he enters the playing field but I have never ever, not even once, seen him starting an argument or instigating anything. Everytime he gives us a bad time, it was started by someone else. Part of the problem is one thing, but everyone jumped to SharkBait's defense and just says, "That's just how he is! Don't take the bait, idiot!" I honestly think that's wrong, and reeks of some high school clique energy. "B-But he started it!" is some childish argument but I mean... Why keep forgiving instigators and coming down on retaliators? Why blame the retaliator for fighting back and defend the instigator for being the way they are? It's like cutting grass, it's gone, but it grows back. It'll keep growing back. The only way to remove grass is to pull it out by the root. And I'm totally okay if no one wants to (I don't really care either way) but if things like this keep on happening, don't keep being annoyed at the grass that's growing, and remember that you're keeping the roots intact.

This is my two cents as well, but I'm very sure SharkBait's responsible for the neverending Nue vs Kagurabachi war. And this is going to be our flavor for another two or so years so... Enjoy it. Just remember that there weren't any Kagurabachi defenders during the early times before Volume 1, and both Shinuki and SharkBait took every opportunity to dunk on its fans. "They're so desperate to call out to fujos, fujos won't save the series!" "Shipping doesn't count into Oricon!" "Nue has organic growth from good word of mouth and KGB is just a meme and fad that has explosive hype but whittles away and dies within a month or two!" I didn't fight back through all of that and just waited... And even when things looked up for me, I never gloated. Gloating usually leads to bad karma, and I don't need that negative energy as a gambler.

Still, it's amusing for me, so please carry on. Guess I didn't need Enjoyer for an amusing day. Heh.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 24, 2023
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United States
Stivie may be unhinged whenever he enters the playing field but I have never ever, not even once, seen him starting an argument or instigating anything.
I admit that I am part of it, but the shark never admitted his own mistakes.
Yeah, fair, I'll admit I saw a little potential irony, but I do agree, Shark sort of is the problem, I just don't see the need to call into it any further after ItSamu's glorious rebuttal. Thread veterans might come back at cringe at these threads, but that piece of literature made these awful takes all worth it.


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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 17, 2023
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Yeah, fair, I'll admit I saw a little potential irony, but I do agree, Shark sort of is the problem, I just don't see the need to call into it any further after ItSamu's glorious rebuttal. Thread veterans might come back at cringe at these threads, but that piece of literature made these awful takes all worth it.
Yeah. I'll shut up. ItsSamu does good research and articulates their arguments elegantly. Massive respect.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 25, 2019
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United States
God I don't know if I could take even another year of Nue vs Kagura, I would hope that if they're both here at that point it'd be clear they're both here to stay and everyone can take their toys and go home.


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 24, 2023
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United States
Yeah. I'll shut up. ItsSamu does good research and articulates their arguments elegantly. Massive respect.
Please do keep posting your memes and jokes. Also, added a bucket head to your profile pic? Nice (teensy bit late on the notice).


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
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To change to something positive, I have a fun question. Has anyone ever known someone and tried to convince them to read a Jump title that fits with their tastes.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Mar 3, 2023
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Weekly Oricon Ranking Top 50
By Series (Top 10):
08. Jujutsu Kaisen (57,553)
09. MASHLE (55,251)

By Volumes:
23. Kagurabachi #2 (15,498 / 53,966)
33. Akane-banashi #11 (13,766 / 36,560)
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Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 14, 2023
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Oh yeah, factually. Hmmmmmmmmm.

I think most of us can agree with this fact that the TOC is the most important metric, so let's stick with that then! After all, it is what the EiC is giving to all of us as the final result of everything they know. Like you also say, we don't know the (likely high) impact of digital sales, but that means we also don't know which series are succeeding or failing more digitally to make any arguments that would validate our biases on our favourites.

Correct, Nue's Exorcist ranked 10th, one place higher than Kagurabachi's 11th. Both are in the bottom 5 this week along with two flops and a staple gag manga above it.

Since magazine positions matter more than sales then it should be fair game to mention that the last time Nue's Exorcist ranked above Kagurabachi in the TOC was 17 weeks ago (Issue #8) - mind you they both have had a lot of CPs but that's still 8 weeks where neither had a colour page and were directly comparable to each other if you want to be even stricter. But I guess this one week where it ranked above it is when you chime in about TOC rankings and their importance after ignoring Nue's poor TOC rankings every other week? In fact, the last time Nue's Exorcist didn't rank with a double digit (ie 10th place or lower) was 14 issues ago (#11). And from what I've seen my past few years of wrap up data on TOC rankings, if a series is ranking, on average, in the double digitals then that's when it's in danger.

True. Kagurabachi also just had two colour pages back-to-back as well. In fact, both series have had a lot of colour pages this year so far, both getting five in 2024 as of this issue. Both seem to be getting pushes and rewards beyond solely their rankings.

Since you seem to agree that TOC placements are more important than sales (except when you want to convince yourself that Stealth Symphony or Agravity Boys or Shadow Eliminators or X series you like is in the bottom for some special reasons that mean it could never actually be unsuccessful, instead of the fact they are unpopular and going to be cancelled) we can measure Nue's Exorcist by that metric then:
  • In the past 22 issues (all of 2024) it was the 14th best ranked series (average 9.1 TOC ranking) of the 22 series that had ranked in this period
  • In the past 15 issues it was the 15th best ranked series (average 10.7 TOC ranking) of the 22 series that had ranked in this period
  • In the past 10 issues it was the 15th best ranked series (average 11.4 TOC ranking) of the 20 series that had ranked in this period
  • In the past 5 issues it was the 15th best ranked series (average 12.3 TOC ranking) of the 19 series that had ranked in this period
Nue Exorcist's average rankings are actually getting worse as time goes on. It's staying at an even 14/15th place overall but with the amount of ranked series in each range decreasing that puts it closer to the bottom. It's 9.1 TOC ranking is better than Kagurabachi's overall for the year (9.6) thanks to Nue's two top 3 spots at the start of the year (which now look like outliers compared to where it is now) and Kagurabachi's lowest performance at the same time period. Since then Kagurabachi found a decent/good run of better rankings in the middle of the magazine and once in the top 5 before going back to where it is now, while Nue's Exorcist has been in a steady decline and stayed at the back of the magazine for most of the year.

tldr: Nue's Exorcist is not doing 'incredibly well' in the magazine so far this year. At best it's surviving, with a push by the editorial department.

Kagurabachi was literally in the bottom 3 (12th) and bottom 5 (11th) the week the consecutive colour pages. This isn't a sudden collapse but a return to what was/is the norm.

Sale pace 'slowing down' when then it continues to outpace not just Nue Exorcist but more than half the magazine? Including eight series that are older than it? That doesn't make sense and you know it. Kaburabachi should be approaching the max print run limit that was announced not long ago, if you want to bring that up, even though V1 is still doing great, for the most part even better than it was before V2 came out.

Are you just going to now ignore the growth when you feel like it, even after you were complaining about the daily notifications of its continued sales success? Ok.

Nue's Exorcist was in the bottom 3 last week and bottom 2 the week before. By your own logic you must agree that it's not acquiring new buyers? Especially if we use what data we do have showing Kagurabachi outselling Nue Exorcist's month of sales in a under a week?

To that, I say:

If anything the only thing that was closest to bait was rampant speculation from folks lying in bed with people who dislike Kagurabachi downplaying the manga's achievements to try to convince Kagurabachi fans that the manga would be cancelled during the next batch.

It isn't unreasonable or bait if we Kagurabachi fans are taking a victory lap for the series's continued success in volume sales as it goes on to become the 7th (or 6th if you discount RuriDragon) best selling ongoing series in the magazine. It's been a very exciting few months, indeed.

Mind you, I'm not even a big Kagurabachi fan. I like it more than Nue's Exorcist obviously but it's firmly middle of the magazine for me and if I have even voted for it in my top 5 week-to-week here this year it's maybe once or twice total. But you get my point, hopefully? Your argument about who the real baiters are here can be flipped right back at you. You can try and make this about how Kagurabachi fans are actually the ones in the wrong (fans of both are capable of being very annoying about the other) but if you (specifically) are cherry picking your talking points each week with tunnel vision of what fits your best version for your favs then it becomes an easy target for others to latch onto. Especially when your self professed truths are, actually, not true. Don't act shocked when people come at you for bringing in data and facts on the single week where you think it helps your case rather than every other week where it doesn't.

Anyways, in the short term this isn't even a fight between fandoms for which newgen series is better for whatever reason (like peak Big 3 era - grim), this is fans of the two worst battle series in the magazine right now desperately hoping the other doesn't outlive their favourite.

At the end of the day I think the situation is clear:
  1. Green Green Greens and Dear Anemone are the two worst ranking series still ongoing, they are going to end soon.
  2. My Hero Academia is wrapping up, it's also going to end soon.
  3. We'll likely get another batch of 2/3 series when the time comes depending on timings for MHA.
  4. After Green Green Greens and Dear Anemone are gone, going off of current TOC performance Nue's Exorcist and Kagurabachi are the lowest ranked of the magazine. After them are three pretty safe middle series that aren't in danger of cancellation (The Elusive Samurai, Me & Rococo, Undead Unlock).
  5. For now, both are getting editorial pushes and rewards in other ways because they're clearly invested - for now - in having both in the magazine and be potential successes. This may change depending on...
  6. The performance of the latest batch, and how well/poorly they rank will ultimately decide if Nue's Exorcist or Kagurabachi are in any real danger. It was clear neither are in danger for this upcoming cancellation but for the one after they might, we'll see.
On a final note:

Several weeks ago after yet another round of scrutiny by people on here Sharkbait directly acknowledged the trolling claims (for what felt like to me the only time in a decade, maybe?) rather than going about his business and ignoring it while others raged around him and the staff of this website continue to rally around and shield him. He claimed he was being sincere and genuine and just loves the series he loves, so I'm going to take that at face value. Which makes his incorrect claiming of facts and how he warps them to fit his feelings about Kagurabachi as reason enough to respond.
Very eloquently put and neutral. Perfectly summarizing the current downhill situation of this thread. Frankly, most Nue vs Kagurabachi drama is really instigated by Shark and Shark alone.
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Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 24, 2023
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United States
To change to something positive, I have a fun question. Has anyone ever known someone and tried to convince them to read a Jump title that fits with their tastes.
Oh god, my brother to the nth degree. It took him weeks of nagging for him to catch up to Sakamoto Days, and my current target is to get him caught up on Witch Watch. Thing is, I know his tastes, he loves action-comedies like Reborn!, Gintama, and Mashle. It wasn't even much trouble to get him caught up o Yozakura. Problem is, whenever I tell him to catch up on something, that it's not too long right now, he just tells me,"Alright, I'll catch up if you catch up on One Piece." Shuts me up every time.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
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One thing that happened to me was someone who works in the industry but was my mentor, I mentioned that I gave reviews here and told him about Tenmaku Cinema and then told about the comparison to Hikaru no Go. Not knowing he was a Go fan, I told him about it and he might give it a try. I made a comparison to another film that I highly recommend that is like the series (minus the supernatural element), being “Searching for Bobby Fischer”. It is about a kid who loved to play baseball but stumbles upon Chess and turns out he is a prodigy. And it has a good cast with Ben Kingsley and Laurence Fishburne. So I told him about the Hikaru no Go and that was it.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
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I used to be pretty into chess so I actually understood that reference. Praying for a chess manga in the next batch.
That will be a tall order considering we have seen a game similar to that already being Shogi.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

It would be interesting if Jump tried again, doing a board game sport. But if they want to they would have to follow what media has done more recently in this half decade to catch up. Case in point, remember “The Queens Gambit”? Although, they need to stay away from the drug and alcohol problems the main character had in that series, but it was popular.
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Shinuki no Reborn

MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jul 6, 2011
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I'm a bit busy right now, but i will read the comments and maybe start doing things i was already thinking for a while about it, from now, please, no Shark this or that or Nue vs Kagurabachi stuff anymore.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
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I think that would be a good poll question, will Jump green light a Chess Manga? Thank you pennycryman.


MH Senpai
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Aug 23, 2013
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United States
I think that would be a good poll question, will Jump green light a Chess Manga? Thank you pennycryman.
Think they would keep board game manga like shogi or chess among others on jump+ from now on, don't think there is enough time on the weekly magazine to let these type of series build up enough of a fandom in time for survival.

The God Before Me, shogi, is one of my favorite board game manga, but i doubt it would have even lasted as long as like mononofu or double taisai.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
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Think they would keep board game manga like shogi or chess among others on jump+ from now on, don't think there is enough time on the weekly magazine to let these type of series build up enough of a fandom in time for survival.

The God Before Me, shogi, is one of my favorite board game manga, but i doubt it would have even lasted as long as like mononofu or double taisai.
What about that one from WSM that was also a romance?


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Dec 24, 2023
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United States
What about that one from WSM that was also a romance?
You mean Ayumu? Yeah, that's mostly romance, one of those things where the central gimmick is just a backdrop to the romcom antics. By the Takagi-san author.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Apr 17, 2023
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Now I don’t know about Mononofu, but Double Taisei, oh boy that was a terrible experience, and I didn’t even read it on a weekly experience. I kept asking in the beginning “why wasn’t there a game played”?, “who dresses like that as a professional”?, I was just baffled on the pacing and the decision making that when I read Fukuda’s latest short one-shot Delete, I knew that this mangaka was not ready for the industry.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

You mean Ayumu? Yeah, that's mostly romance, one of those things where the central gimmick is just a backdrop to the romcom antics. By the Takagi-san author.
Okay fair enough. So it was like Blue Box where the sport was not the focus but the backdrop.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 17, 2023
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Not gonna continue anything, but it was good meme material, so here you go.


Thank you for the entertainment. Please don't reply.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Please do keep posting your memes and jokes. Also, added a bucket head to your profile pic? Nice (teensy bit late on the notice).
I'm a failed artist, so best I got is rudimentary editing skills. Bucket's just a gag to gas up Psych House (It means a lot to me that you noticed it) but I'll revert it on Sunday.

If you have any meme idea, go ahead and request on thread or PM. I don't charge if it's funny to me.