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Recipes Community Taste Makers!


The Witch of Drama
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Ok, this place has a lot of talented and/or enthusiastic cooks and it's common to see people sharing their meal results, recipes, tips, and etc, in many MH threads (or other kinds of hangouts).
We should start recording those! Here's what I propose:
- Whenever someone comes up with a recipe, it could be posted here. I mean, maybe the person didn't "invent" the recipe per se, but just loves it, or added his/her own touch, it can be anything you're passionate about!
- I can typeset it into a cook book page to organize it all in a digital place.
- With a categorized summary (by author, origin, recipe or tip type, you name it!0), people can start checking the published book whenever they want an inspiration to cook - or just replicate something they saw as delicious.
- You can provide any info about your recipe/tip: pictures, tutorial videos links, etc. All can be added to the book.
- Considering the content will be in English, feel free to ask others to fix your material if you're not a native in... wtv speaks English.
- People can also comment on the recipes/tips, make suggestions, solve doubts, etc.
I'll keep this post stickied and updated with the book whenever there's a new addition to it.
That's it \o/

Updated Recipes:

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Pirate King in the North
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Scavenger Hunter Supreme
Nov 5, 2007
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Veggie B-Org-ers

Simple but good burgers for those rare days when you (or your wife…) don’t feel like eating a dead animal.

7-8 burgers

Carrots (250 g / ~9 oz)
Halloumi cheese (200 g / 7 oz)
Ströbröd/”bread crumbs”/panko (1 dl / 0,42 cup) *
Eggs (2 of’em)
Chili flakes and whatever spices you damn like

* if this isn’t something you can find, Google what might be a reasonable substitute.

• Grate the carrots and the halloumi and mix them up in a bowl.
• Add the eggs and the ströbröd/bread crumbs/whatevs.
• Get your hands in there and work the mix until it’s shapable enough to form burgers.
• Add spices of your choice (I recommend at least a sprinkle of chili flakes).
• Form burgers.
• Get out a frying pan and cook the burgers on medium high heat until they’ve got a nice ”golden” color.

I like to serve them in simple hamburger buns with avocado slices, cucumber and a simple garlic mayo, with oven roasted sweet potato slices on the side.



Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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I call this one Hayama's Hidden Technique @lawlett-kun

This refined jutsu recipe may only be pulled out of the arsenal in dire situations like deadly fights with high level shinobi or apparently battles fought with food instead of literally anything else but food

Anyway, enjoy the Butter Chicken Kinjutsu

2 pieces of chicken breast

Dry ingredients
salt and pepper based on personal preference
0,5 tea spoon of turmeric
1 tea spoon of cayenne pepper
1 tea spoon of cumin
2 x 1 tea spoons of chili powder
3 tea spoons of garam masala
1 table spoon of grated ginger
1 stick of cinnamon

Non-dry ingredients
3 x 2 table spoons of butter
1,5 cups of yellow onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced

bunch of cups of tomato sauce
1 cup of water
1 cup of heavy cream

Stuff to eat this with
spring onion for taste, garnish and colour
rice, preferably broken sticky rice

How to perform jutsu:

1.) Take chicken breast chans, and cover it with 1 spoon of that chili powder, the tumeric, some salt and some pepper. It's probably smart to cut it before you do this but its your life. Let it sit for some 10 to 20 minutes.

2.) Take out your pan, starting heating it and add in 2 table spoons of butter. Put in the chicken pieces and let it sit till it has browned properly on both sides. Remove the chicken so you can use the pan for the next part of the jutsu.

3.) Melt another 2 table spoons of butter in the same pan. Add onions, garlic, garam masala, ginger, more chili powder, ground cumin, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Cook until immigration asks if you're hiding someone.

4.) Once your kitchen smells like Indian grandma's flat, add the tomato sauce. Wait till it like bubbles or whatever its called. Add water, add cute amounts of cream, more bubbles. Throw in the chicken, wait till its simmering.

5.) Stir in the last 2 table of spoons of butter, add additional salt and pepper to taste

6.) Take the sticky rice which u btw should have been cooking already, pour over this creamy delight of a kinjutsu, sprinkle some spring onion on top.

7.) itadakimasu
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Registered User
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Apr 19, 2010
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United States
Simple smothered pork chops using a slow cooker....

6/8 bone in pork chops
Can of cream of celery soup
Can of cream of mushroom soup
Whole onion....cut in big pieces
Whole bell pepper...cut in big pieces

Cook on high for 4-6hours
Cook on low for 6-8hrs

Serve with your choice of rice,potato or pasta


Brandish μ

Can you?
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Global Moderator
Oct 24, 2015
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Alvarez Empire
Quiche... calling it simply "Quiche zomg"

Use a ceramic tray of some kind, rectangular or pie shaped. Mine is roughly 2.5L.

250g diced bacon
1 Italian sausage
1 large onion diced
300g shredded mozzarella
100g shredded pepper jack cheese
150g self raising flour
700mL milk
8 eggs
Herbs of your choice

1. Cook the sausage and then chop it up. Saute the onion and bacon in the pan you cooked the sausage in (should still have some fat in there, add olive oil if there's none). Add all to a mixing bowl with the flour and cheeses. Mix with hands.
2. Spray the ceramic tray with some olive oil. Transfer ingredients from the mixing bowl into the tray, and spread evenly over the base. Finely chop up some herbs but don't go nuts with it (parsley, basil, chives or thyme are good options).
3. Whisk eggs in another bowl and add milk to it, whisk again. Slowly poor this mixture into the tray.
4. Place tray in oven (which you've preheated at 200 Celsius :P ), cooking for roughly 45mins. Allow to cool for a little while before eating.

- You can substitute Italian sausage with chorizo, or go for more bacon, or cherry tomatoes (around a dozen, chopped in half). Any ingredient that you think goes well with eggs is viable. Pancetta instead of bacon is good too.
- Mozzarella can be substituted for another cheese.
- If you find the eggs were too soggy, a little more flour should do the trick (but it should be right).
- Goes well with steak.
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Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
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Use a ceramic tray of some kind, rectangular or pie shaped. Mine is roughly 2.5L.

250g diced bacon
1 Italian sausage
1 large onion diced
300g shredded mozzarella
100g shredded pepper jack cheese
150g self raising flour
700mL milk
8 eggs
Herbs of your choice

1. Cook the sausage and then chop it up. Saute the onion and pancetta in the pan you cooked the sausage in (should still have some fat in there, add olive oil if there's none). Add all to a mixing bowl with the flour and cheeses. Mix with hands.
2. Spray the ceramic tray with some olive oil. Transfer ingredients from the mixing bowl into the tray, and spread evenly over the base. Finely chop up some herbs but don't go nuts with it (parsley, basil, chives or thyme are good options).
3. Whisk eggs in another bowl and add milk to it, whisk again. Slowly poor this mixture into the tray.
4. Place tray in oven (which you've preheated at 200 Celsius :P ), cooking for roughly 45mins. Allow to cool for a little while before eating.

- You can substitute Italian sausage with chorizo, or go for more bacon, or cherry tomatoes (around a dozen, chopped in half). Any ingredient that you think goes well with eggs is viable.
- Mozzarella can be substituted for another cheese.
- If you find the eggs were too soggy, a little more flour should do the trick (but it should be right).
- Goes well with steak.
Chorizo :drool
You have, very good taste from what I can see. Maybe our country isn't doomed after all.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall

Pear & frangipane tart

Filling (you can adjust depending on the size of your tart) :

Frangipane :

- 2 eggs
- 20 cl of crème fraiche
- around 100mg of sugar (5 tablespoons), im using at least 20/30% less i tend to think desserts are oversweet.
- 100-120gr of power almond

Optional tricks to make it better :
- Im usually adding almond extract it intensifies almond flavor.
- you can add also some vanilla just enough too add some nice aroma (not too much not too ruin your frangipane taste).
- you can add some pear liquor (1tsp) to your frangipane or pear concentrated juice from the can if you use canned pears, but not too much, (make sure to mix the juice more or less 2 tsp to 1/2 tsp of cornflour then add it to your mixture so it doesnt make your frangipane too liquid).

pears :
you can use fresh or canned pear, I used those pears for my recipe you can use apricot instead depending on your likings

Pastry :
Shortcrust pastry i used a ready made one (sorry too lazy :pout) but you can do it by yourself
for 2 to 3 tarts (you can freeze the pastry) :
- 300 gr butter (soften)
- 150gr to 200gr confectioner's sugar
- some powder almond (50/60gr)
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 500gr of flour
just mix and knead, or use a processor if you have one.

So roll out the pastry then pour your frangipane mixture, then arrange the pears as you like, you can just cut them on half (lazy method, the one i choose
ofc )or choose something else, it's up to you.

Baking :
preheat then bake for around 30 35 min, oven 180°c (until it turns golden brown depends on your oven)

So here's mine (its not pretty, but its' more golden that how it looks on the pics) im sorry im totally unable to make lovely stuff, but I swear its yumy if you love fruity things. You can serve it with pear sherbet or vanilla ice cream or custard, but be sure to use less sugar.

- the 2 eggs/20cl creme fraiche + sugar is the base Im using for pumpkin pie too , Im just adding some vanilla, ginger and cinnamon.
- and minus sugar thats also the filling base Im using to make quiches. Just mix 20cl creme fraiche and 2 eggs with any vegetables (like leek or broccoli) you cook beforehands or anything you like + salt and pepper ad any condiment you like , also optional but you can add some parmesan cheese or goat cheese (i personnaly dont like cheese that much except maybe goat cheese) if you like and there you have your quiche filling.



The Golden Witch
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Global Moderator
Oct 2, 2016
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Boerenkool with rookworst
Mashed potato with kale and a salty, smoked sausage
This hearty dish is a traditional Dutch Recipe, mainly eaten on cold, winter days. It's a filling meal, with all the vitamins you need.

Ingredients (for approximately 3 persons)
* Potatoes (700 grams, a crumbly, floury type of potato is the best for this dish)
* Kale (300 grams)
* Bacon (125 grams, cubed)
* Gravy (Any type you like. Left over gravy works the best)
* Pickles or pickled silver skin unions
* Milk (100 ml)
* Sausage (Preferably smoked type of sausage, with a salty/sour taste.)

Cooking instructions

1. Peel the potatoes and cut them in pieces about the same size - this will make sure they're cooked at the same time.
2. Fill a large pan with water, about 2/3 and put in your potatoes.
3. If you need to (Here the kale is usually already chopped): Chop the kale. You don't have to chop it finely - the kale will shrink a lot when cooking this dish.
4. Put the kale in the same pan you have your potatoes in. Just let it sit on top. If your largest pan is like mine it will probably look like this:

Do not worry about that! The kale will shrink a lot and it will fit properly in your pan in no time.
5. Bring the kale and potato mixture to a boil. It needs to boil for about 30 minutes, so that gives you enough time relax, have a drink and work on the rest of this dish.
6. Get your bacon, dice it finely and fry it. I personally prefer it if it's a bit crunchy, adds a bit of a bite to this dish. Don't bother using oil when frying the bacon - this meat is naturally quite fatty already.
7. Start preparing your (smoked) sausage. Prepare it as you are supposed to with the type of sausage you chose to pair with this dish. The sausage I used is a bit of a salty sour type of sausage.
8. Stir the kale and potato mixture. After a few minutes of boiling, you can gently push the kale to cover it in water. That way everything will be boiled evenly.
8. As you still have some time left, start heating up/making your gravy. Feel free to use whatever you like to create your gravy.

9. After 30 minutes, drain the kale and potato mixture
10. And mash the mixture together. It's easy to do if you use a masher, but honestly any type of item to mash the mixture will do (Even a fork).

11. Add a bit of milk to the mixture, about 100 ml and the bacon. Keep mashing it together. If you are vegan: You can replace the milk with water and add a bit of salt instead of bacon.

12. Your dish is done! Serve it with your sausage, gravy and something pickled - it really brings the taste of this dish to another level, trust me. I'm using pickled silver skinned onions this time. In the picture below the final result. Eat it all together.

And it's done! I hope you enjoy it. If you want to see more of these traditional dishes, let me know! :zomg

Eet smakelijk! (Have a nice meal)


Registered User
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Apr 19, 2010
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United States
Come on with the come ons....
Its a new year and i need some new varieties....


Certified Sensei
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 4, 2016
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Work has been too busy for me to write down any recipes lately.


Savage Huntress
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 20, 2012
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The Wall
Leek & goat cheese quiche

I did this for a friends meal, expected us to be like 8-10 and ended up being more than 35 lol thanksfully there was a lot of food. :arf


- puff pastry
- finely sliced leek (cant tell how much i just know apporx when its enough)
- 2 eggs
- 20 cl heavy cream
- slices of goat cheese
- parmesan (or cheddar depending on your taste or the ingredients you have)
- salt/pepper/mustard+ an spices or herbs you want


i added
- finely sliced spring onions
- sun-dried tomatoes
- pesto

2- Preparation

- whisk eggs, cream, salt /pepper in a large bowl + add leak and onions and parmesan (i use very little) i added a tsp of pesto to give a little more taste.
- Roll out the pastry. Its optional, but i spread a little mustard on the pastry for extra taste, but not too much, no to ruin vegetables and cheese taste. Then, pour the mixture upon the pastry, and add the sundried tomatoes and the goat cheese on top. (you can replace goat cheese with smoked salmon or bacon or anything else depending on your taste)

3 - Baking

- preheat then bake for around 30 /35 min approx oven 180°c ( depends on your oven)

The result is not artistic at all, but its really good and it's quick and easy to do !


Eggless pancakes

Did this today for a vegan friend, but you don't need to be vegan to try this, you can do it if you re short of eggs or wtv reason. the taste was nice, but i failed because the batter rised too long, someone came at my place and asked me some stuff , it took so long that my batter "overrised", and became thicker and difficult to manage, but it was yumy !


- 1 cup milk, any could be vegan ( i used coconut milk bc wanted them to go with litchi/mango jam , it gives just a subtle coco taste, which works like a wonder with those kind of fruits)
- 1 cup of all purpose flour
- 1tsp of melted butter (i used coconut oil)
- baking powder
- 1 tsp of sugar or maple syrup
- pinch of salt

- i added vanilla, it goes well with fruits.

I just mixed everything in a bowl, i used coconut oil to grease the frying pan (because i had no butter at home lol).
I told you im very bad at cooking beautiful things :arf, they re not good looking at all

but they were really lovely especially with litchi-mango-guava jam :zomg Can be served also with mango or pear sorbet or any other ice-cream with whipped cream !

i like it bc it had more fruits than sugar, very tasty !

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Ruin me, Ruan Mei
九千以上だ! / Kyuusen Ijou Da! / It's Over 9000!
Aug 23, 2015
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hi '-'/ not a native speaker so bear with me ('-'

Salted Egg Sauce (your request :vbunny @Erinyes)

- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 2 sp margarine
- 6 hard-boiled yolks, mashed
- 300 ml full cream, plain milk
- 1 tsp salt
- 2-3 sp flour

- Heat the frying pan (low heat).
- Put the margarine into the pan and stir-fry the minced garlic.
- Put the rest of the ingredients into the pan.
- Keep stirring until it curdles. Turn off the stove immediately.

(maybe gotta take a better pic tomorrow. better lighting)

Comments after trials:
- More garlic = bitter, best to use less
- Stirring is highly recommended, because of the flour
- Was really satisfied. Definitely spiced things up in the midst of being tired of foods :blush


The One True Salt King
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 1, 2015
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Sir's Keto Pizza
So your name is @Kiki and you somehow miss several of my pings on slack across a few months where I provide this recipe, and then ask me to post it on a random MH thread: now here I am to provide you all with the pizza recipe that has been talked about the most in recent times!

Ingredients and tools (for two serves)!

- 4 eggs
- 2 cups of shredded cheese

- 3-4 tablespoons of unsweetened tomato sauce or tomato paste
- Oregano
- More cheese! (I like Mozzarella for this!)
- Whatever the fuck toppings you want!

- Medium-sized bowl
- Whisk
- Baking paper
- Baking tray
- Spatula

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
2. Time to make your crust! Crack your eggs into the bowl and whisk them together with your shredded cheese until combined
3. Use a spatula to spread the crust onto the baking paper (which should be on the tray). Put it in the oven and let it cook for 15 minutes, until the crust is golden. Remove it once done and let it cool for a minute or 2.
4. Spread the sauce onto the base, and then add your toppings to it. Finish it with your cheese and some oregano
5. Put the pizza back in the oven for 5 to 10 minutes until the pizza is golden brown.
6. Get that cunt out of the oven and eat it!

Sanity Check

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 7, 2019
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Improvised bargain basement pizza

Take instant pizza crust mix, add water & follow instructions

Add pizza or spaghetti sauce

Slice cheese to cover as topping

Vienna sausage for meat topping

Other easy to obtain toppings include spinach, pineapple and olives, etc.


And hopefully enjoy~



It can actually be decent eats.

The part that sucks is the pizza crust mix is sticky and requires lots of flour to be worked into the shape of a pizza pie. Perhaps not the dough most might prefer to work with. And ingredients not being the 100% best or healthiest.

Copy Panda

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Mar 1, 2015
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Grilled Sandwich

take two slices of bread, smear some butter on both sides

then, from bottom to top, chicken filet, cheddar cheese, thin slices of tomato, cucumber and small bits of red onion. add some light sprinkles of pepper. stack other bread on top of this, put it in the grilled sandwich maker and enjoy this culinary master piece
To celebrate the four year anniversary of me sharing this banger of a bread recipe I made it again today 🙏
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

It was good btw :blush You should try it too!