Naruto 579 review: Brothers, Fight as one! | Page 3 | MangaHelpers

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Naruto 579 review: Brothers, Fight as one!

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The Hero MH Deserves
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 3, 2009
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

0-1 for each section...there are 5 it's 0-5 summary is already posted...until jdw sends his bit to me, I'll take care of the art corner as well...


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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

So I assume it is official now that this review will be published?

---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

BTW, we still need the panels for the analysis. Othewise the banner will be the only graphic in this 3000+ characters review.


The Hero MH Deserves
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 3, 2009
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

So I assume it is official now that this review will be published?

---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

BTW, we still need the panels for the analysis. Othewise the banner will be the only graphic in this 3000+ characters review.
It will be published if we arrive in time, which looks we will...

We need panels as well...I can choose the panels this time, since this is the first time we worked time everyone can choose the panels themselves...

---------- Post added at 12:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------

We still need impressions from everyone, I would ask you to make those impressions short and to the point...


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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair


I liked the chapter overall. My one grievance with it, is the fact that Madara is effortlessly manhandling the five Kage. I understand that it's to be expected, but it gets boring and tedious after a while. Unless the five Kage are going to somehow overcome this, as unlikely as that seems, I honestly do not see a point in Kishimoto wasting pages to show it. The only thing that kept my interest, is the entire situation between Kabuto and the Uchiha brothers. The fact that Itachi and Sasuke are finally working together is cool, and it will be interesting to see what Kabuto has a up his sleeve.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

benelori said:
We still need impressions from everyone, I would ask you to make those impressions short and to the point...
Yikes. My impressions are long and all around the point instead of short and to the point. I guess the first and second paragraph, since they focus mainly on the main point? Just cut and paste the parts that get the right idea across and use them.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 31, 2007
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

My Impressions. If they need to be longer let me know.

1) Overall chapter: .8. A very good chapter, that certainly sets up quite a bit for the next week. The Kages have been backed into a corner, and for the first time ever we get to see two Uchiha's fight side by side. Should be awesome.
2) Character Development: .8. Sasuke and thinking with his head for once and teaming up with his brother is good and shows he isn't just hell bent on revenge. Also the resolve of the Kages vs. Madara finally being serious and even joking to point of mocking the Kages was nice to see.
3) Plot: .6. Nothing really big has really happened that shouldn't have already happened, no big surprises really.
4) Art: .7 No crazy scenes but no glaring mistakes or too messy scenes.
5) Action: .6 A few high notes but nothing over the top or crazy.
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

I'll do characters again this week.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

I'll do action again.
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

Back like I never left! Sup all. I can do plot (first choice). I will be on time, promise :(


MH Senpai
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Mar 2, 2009
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

I wanna see ninjabot vs. jdw, that'd be such an interesting "debate."

Though, more interested in theirs and Delbi's thoughts of the chapters. This is one review I look forward to. :)
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

Here's my part

579 Characters

This week's chapter begins where the last one left off. Sasuke and Itachi are standing side by side facing Kabuto.

While grabbing his hood, Kabuto states that as a shy person, he is not used to being stared at. Sasuke points out that this is merely an attempt for Kabuto to avoid genjutsu from the two of them. Kabuto covers his face from view as his snakes prepare to strike. Itachi comments on the fact that the snakes seem to still be able to sense them based on their movement. Sasuke confirms this, saying that snakes can sense body temperature and can track prey by passing scents through their mouth. Itachi makes a note of Sasuke's knowledge, calling him an expert on snakes. Sasuke informs his brother that he did a lot of research to defeat Orochimaru. Kabuto cuts in, saying that a mere snake expert cannot defeat him because "nature is his ally." The snakes surrounding Kabuto get bigger, which doesn't escape Sasuke notice. Itachi interprets Kabuto's comment on nature as having the advantage of location, and warns Sasuke of traps. Kabuto seems to take offense to this, because he tells Itachi not to insult him before attacking with his snakes.

The brothers defend with susanoo and there is a quick shot of Anko on the ground, motionless. Itachi Holds the snakes, while Sasuke slices through them. Itachi again warns Sasuke not to kill Kabuto, but Sasuke reminds his brother that Kabuto currently has Orochimaru's power and will not die easily. Sasuke dashes to Kabuto's location intent on forcibly revealing him, only to discover that the attack was a diversion so that Kabuto could create roam between himself and the Uchiha brothers. The snakes revealed beneath the hood do just that, as they speed off further into the cave. Before they all can get away, Sasuke, using the predictive abilities of the sharingan, hurls his sword at one of them catching it by the tail. This slight victory it short lived, as the snake passes through the blade anyway and retreats, slicing its tail in the process.

Sasuke taunts Kabuto, stating that if shedding his skin and running away is all he can do, then placing Orochimaru's DNA into his body did nothing but make him a weaker version of Orochimaru. Kabuto comments on the fact that Sasuke is underestimating him, but grants that Sasuke's bounty was higher than his. And his was nothing compared to a Orochimaru's. Sasuke cuts in, reminding Kabuto that he cannot hide from him, before focusing with his mangekyo. Snakeskin chakra is revealed to be littering the cave, keeping the Uchiha brothers from locating the real Kabuto. Itachi points this out, as Kabuto goes more in depth about the ability. He explains that the ability belongs to Suigetsu's Clan. It uses bodily fluids to break the body down. Which is why it looks like he's shedding his skin. He created the technique by studying and altering the transformation ability of Suigetsu's Clan. The cut snake tail from earlier is seen healing as Kabuto reveals that he also has an amazing recovery power. A power he gained from studying the body of an Uzumaki female. The female in question is revealed to be Karin, a fact that Sasuke didn't seem to be aware of. Kabuto informs him that members of the Uzumaki Clan typically have red hair, and amazing vitality. With two members of Sasuke's old team out of the way, Kabuto inquires if Sasuke is wondering about the last member. He compliments Sasuke on his choice of teammates before stating that "in the world of ninja, if one does not possess talent then ones very existence is denied. However, if one has no talent then all they need to do is steal it from someone who does and make it their own."

Sasuke takes this as confirmation that Kabuto possesses Jugo's abilities as well, asking him if he also has the cursed seal. Kabuto states that the cursed seal is just an imitation, and that the power itself can be gained by self training at Ryuuchidou. Itachi indicates that he knows what Kabuto's talking about, while Kabuto goes on to further explain that Ryuuchidou is equally as famous as Myoubokuzan and Shikkotsurin. And that he and Orochimaru found this place. At this point the snakes have come out of hiding and Sasuke shows surprise at the fact that they seem to be morphing together. Kabuto states that he trained under the great snake sage at Ryuuchidou and mastered this power, claiming to have finally surpassed Orochimaru because of it. He tries to emerge from the mouth of the snake, while at the same time Sasuke tries to intercept him. Activating susanoo, Sasuke fires off an arrow intent on skewering Kabuto to the rock behind him before he can emerge from the snake. Itachi yells at his brother to calm down due to the fact that such an action could kill Kabuto. However, as the dust settles, the arrow is shown to have missed its target, leaving Kabuto to comically wag the finger of his partially emerged arm. As if to say " ah ah ah."

Sasuke is in a state of extreme surprise, as Kabuto explains that his perceptual abilities have been greatly increased, once again stating that "natural energy is his ally." Itachi seems to confirm whatever train of thought he had regarding Kabuto as the man in question explains the secret behind Jugo's ability. It turns out that Jugo's moments of craziness were caused by his clan's ability to involuntarily absorb National Energy. Orochimaru's true goal lied not in the form that Jugo took, but in the source of the clan's power. He eventually found that source in Ryuuchidou. After which, he immediately began to experiment to try and obtain the power. But unfortunately for him, he did not have the body capable of withstanding it. Kabuto states that this was why Orochimaru could not become a perfect sage like him.

At this point, Kabuto has fully emerged from the snake with a slightly different appearance. The sclera of his eyes have turned completely black. His pupils have become more serpent like, and he has horn like appendages on his head. However, the most notable change is the fact that he has legs, and the snake creature believed to be his lower half is merely a snake wrapped around his waist. Itachi vocalizes his earlier confirmation, and recognizes the form as sage mode. Sasuke however dismisses Kabuto, stating that he's just like Orochimaru, an incomplete snake. Kabuto informs the "snake expert" that he is no longer a snake. The power of sage mode has shed his snakeskin and "transformed him into a dragon."

The chapter ends with Kabuto performing the sage art technique: white aggression.


I liked this chapter a lot. More for the information that we learn than anything else. It was kind of already hinted that Karin was an Uzumaki, so that's not much of a surprise. The highlight of the chapter was the information we learned about Jugo's Clan. It's good to know that the toads aren't the only ones with access to sage mode. I personally take issue with the fact that the snakes version of sage mode is labeled as "evil" or "filthy." Regardless of that however, it's still good to know that that toads aren't the only summon animals that have their own culture and place of residence. The most hilarious part of the chapter for me, was Kabuto's display of team hawks techniques. The reason I find this funny is because of the fact that it means that team hawk, specifically Juugo and Suigetsu, have no other importance than the scroll they possess right now. Their abilities can be explored through Kabuto. This means that they are disposable, and I find that absolutely hilarious. If I had to pick a low point, or something that I didn't like about the chapter, it would be susanoo. Don't get me wrong, that Uchiha brothers working together is cool. However, Itachi and Sasuke are two of the most versatile ninja in the manga, is it absolutely necessary for them to use susanoo so much right now? Overall it was a good chapter. It has me excited for what we might learn about sage mode next week.
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

Here we go:

jdw task - Plot development, pace, new revelations/info...basically anything that moves or doesn't move the plot forward, or anything that expands the lore
The major revelations of the chapter are:

1. Kabuto has achieved Sage Mode and elevated to being a dragon and not a mere snake by training with the Sage of White Snake at Ryuchi Dou, which is as notable as Myobokuzan. This is rather important because it even surprises and impresses Itachi, who is a pro at analysis. If he knows f it and still cares, then it probably matters a great deal.

2. Kabuto obtained much of his power by researching the shinobi who would later be called upon by Sasuke to be a part of Hebi/Taka: Suigetsu, Karin, and Juugo.

3. Karin is an Uzumaki. This could be a rather important fact going forward, but we will have to wait and see. Sasuke was interested in this fact for one reason or another, but we don't know yet the extent of his curiosity.

4. Snakes are not completely useless. The Sage of the White Snake training Kabuto to achieve their version of Sage Mode is truly stunning as there was no previous indication that there were any other practicing Sage arts outside of those affiliated with the toads of Myoubokuzan.

Overall, the pacing of the chapter moved fairly fast. 578 ended with Itachi and Sasuke facing off against Kabuto. 579 launches into actual combat after a few words are exchanged.

We didn't really see any advancement of the Uchiha brothers as this was mainly Kabuto's chance to show something. There was twin Susanoo, but no abilities that we have not seen previously.

One interesting point is about Kabuto's perception in Sage Mode. There is no sure basis of comparison of actual ability across the Sage Modes (Snake/Toad), but could it be possible that Kabuto's avoidance of Sasuke's arrow means that Naruto would be able to avoid it in Sage Mode? Just something to think about as the story unfolds I guess.

Not a huge fan of the chapter but it was good. It was interesting to learn that Karin is indeed and Uzumaki, which is something Naruto fans thought could be possible but lacked conclusive evidence. I wonder how she will play a role going forward. Her role should seemingly be expanded as a living Uzumaki.

I am not pleased about the other Sage Mode. It comes off very cheaply imo, as snakes have been fairly useless in the manga, generally lacking in skills/jutsu, but now they have the possibility of Sage Mode Dragon Edition.

Sasuke's observation about Kabuto's snakes intending to interfere with their genjutsu is fascinating. He doesn't quite say that it is certain to succeed, but that he mentioned it makes it seem like the possibility may exist. Still, there hasn't been any obvious Uchiha genjutsu yet, so maybe Kabuto is on to something.

Itachi's sense of humor continues to come through after his death. Calling Sasuke Dr. Snakes is an instant classic.

Haven't really done this before so please let me know if it is insufficient or could use some help.


The Hero MH Deserves
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 3, 2009
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Re: Joint Naruto review: The Weakness of Despair

Awesome!!....I'm gonna write my part as soon as possible....
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 31, 2007
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I'm currently writing up my part. Sorry for the delay had a busy weekend with work and school.

---------- Post added at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 PM ----------

The action of this chapter was more so a build up to the juicy parts of the fight between the Uchiha brothers and Kabuto that are bound to ensue in coming chapters; even still quite a few interesting things happened, along with a few reveals in reguards to new jutsu.

Before we get to what everyone is raving about (Kabuto's Dragon Sage Mode), it should be noted that right off the bat Itachi and Sasuke whipped out Sussano. Frankly, it's disappointing for me to see these two great fighters turned into nothing more than mecha operators, but alas, I guess they need to pull out the big guns considering who their opponent is and the situation they are in. What should be noted is that while Itachi has infinite stamina, Sasuke does not, and for once, Itachi won't be this feeble ninja having to hold back. It'll be interesting to see if stamina becomes an issue for Sasuke during this fight.

Starting off though, both Itachi and Sasuke began engaging Kabuto differently. Itachi took a more restrained approach and didn't attempt to hurt Kabuto whereas Sasuke immediately cut through his snakes. While Itachi is usually always correcting Sasuke, this time it was Sasuke who corrected Itachi claiming that they mustn’t take it easy on Kabuto given the fact he has Orochimaru's powers. This should lead into quite the brawl between these fighters as it's becoming blatantly obvious that even if the Uchiha brothers wanted to kill Kabuto, they might not succeed.

Speaking of Kabuto, is it just me or did Kishi take some influence for Doc. Ock from the Spider-Man comics in the way he uses his snakes? Offensively Kabuto didn't display much in this chapter, but I do like his fighting style nonetheless. And his initial attacks with the snakes were pretty cool.

But while Kabuto may not have been offensive heavy this week, his defense is proving to be quite impressive. Not only does he have an amazing defense against ocular genjutsu with his snakes, but his healing capabilities and ability to liquefy (thanks to Karin and Suigetsu respectively) have given him quite the powerful body. Watching him easily deal with an onslaught that would leave most ninja's gasping for straws was impressive. These abilities alone would make him quite the headache for nearly anyone in the manga, and yet, neither of those improvements compare much to his new trump card....


With the help of Juugo's DNA and training at Ryuchidou Kabuto has now become a Sage, and good God is that scary. Remember when Kakashi, a very fast ninja with the Sharigan failed to dodge Sasuke's Sussano arrow and had to use Kamui? Kabuto has no such problem thanks to the perceptual ability of his new Sage Mode. Now, if his Sage Mode is like Naruto's we can assume his body just received a massive upgrade in the strength, speed, and durability department as well (it will also be interesting to see if there are differences between the two, such as one being better at doing something than the other). O, and let's not forget adding natural energy to his techniques is going to boost their power as well. Yea, Itachi and Sasuke are in for quite a ride. And whatever Sage Technique: Hakugeki Jutsu is, I'm sure it'll be cool and quite deadly.

Overall the action in this chapter surmounts to two exchanges, Kabuto attacking Sasuke and Itachi with his snakes and them countering said attack, and Kabuto dodging Sasuke's Sussano arrow. Not all that exciting, but the reveal of Dragon Sage Mode will surely give us an action packed chapter next week. I'd give the action this week a 3/5.


While the reveal of Dragon Sage Mode was a surprise this week, I can't help but think that Kishi is simply running out of ideas. It disappoints me as a fan that he would follow up using Edo Tensei with having Kabuto have a power-up that many thought was unique to only Jiraiya and Naruto. It seems like a cop out if you ask me. Saying that, I am excited to see this fight as it might give us a preview of what to expect if Sasuke and Naruto ever throw down. Also it's great to see Itachi and Sasuke fighting together and I like that Sasuke is taking the lead since he knows more about Kabuto than Itachi.

Here you go.


The Hero MH Deserves
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 3, 2009
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In a few minutes I will have my part posted, and probably art and predictions as well...of course if anybody wants to take something for himself, be my guest...

I have a few observations though: for the stuff that has been submitted so far...content-wise there are no problems with them, except maybe Characters where there's not much analysis, but more like re-telling the chapter...I think maybe the problem might be that it's unclear how to approach such an analysis...

Character traits...what traits can be noticed in this chapter?
- Itachi being calmer than Sasuke, yet Sasuke being more weary of snake power
- Itachi with sense of humor, similar to how Nagato was with Naruto....might draw parallel between the two...
- Kabuto being as smart and as clever as usual, but with small hints of overconfidence(overconfidence in villains means their death)

This is are just 3 precise things from the chapter...3 characters, 3 ideas that come from observing how the characters behave...using the content of the chapter, by emphasizing on a dialogue line or a certain event, should come after establishing the basic ideas)

@KiSwordsman....I think the direction of the approach should be reverse...not starting from chapter to reach ideas(which many times turns into a summary of the chapter), but starting from ideas, and backing up them up

However most times the how to approach and how to write it down/organize the ideas go hand in hand...

I've noticed two similar formats from jdw and Delbi...the basic idea is to come illustrate the main points, and then writing an overall impressions part.

I like this, however I can't and won't decide by myself what should we adopt, or should we even adopt one format...
- jdw's format is more precise and to the point, and consequently shorter, which means the entire review is easier to read
- Delbi's format reaches out with more cohesive text, and contains a more detailed analysis of what we are seeing in the chapter...

So which way should we go? Should we try both? So next week we would go with one format, and then with another? Of course this format would be applied to both Characters and Art as well...
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So basically, describe how the characters present themselves within the chapter and explore that? Well, I felt a little put on the spot, but I will revise my section.
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Honestly, I think we should each have a word/character limit. The limit does not have to be low, but it should reflect, when totaled across all contributions, the type of length a person would willingly read and/or respond to. If our combined review is too long, no one will read, imo. I think the lengths we have so far are great, but we need to make sure we don't overwhelm people at the same time going forward.


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Revised 579 Characters

In this chapter the focus was entirely on the Itachi and Sasuke vs Kabuto fight. The characters presented themselves in three completely different ways in regard to each. However, this was not out of the norm for two of them.

Sasuke was his observant, condescending self. While Kabuto, like his master before him, was very confident, despite the situation. It was Itachi's attitude that I found interesting this week. While calm, like he usually tends to be. He was also slightly humorous, giving Sasuke the nickname "doctor snakes," which ended up becoming a running gag for the chapter. I found this odd, but then remembered how Nagato acted with Naruto before Kabuto stripped him of his free will. Most likely, the logic behind this is that some characters brought back with edo-tensei, especially Itachi, no longer have a reason to present themselves the same way that they did while alive. It would make sense, given Itachi's words to Sasuke at the end last weeks chapter.

At the end of the chapter we see why Kabuto has been so confident throughout it, despite hiding from the Uchiha brothers for most of it. It turns out that, along with taking the abilities of both Karin and Suigetsu, he has also taken, or rather learned Jugo's ability. Which in truth turns out to be the snakes version of sage mode. Not only has Kabuto learned this ability, he has mastered it, becoming a perfect sage. If that weren't enough, he claims to have become a dragon because of his mastery over the ability. Weather this meant symbolically, or literally remains to be seen. We can gather that he seems very confident in the ability, due to the fact that he chose to stop hiding from both Sasuke and Itachi upon its activation. This implies that he possibly is no longer wary of their genjutsu.

Even more interesting is the fact that Itachi seemed to be aware of not only the the places that Kabuto mentioned, but also sage mode itself. However, given the fact that Itachi has been shown to be informed about things like the identity of Naruto's parents, I suppose it's not all that surprising.

There isn't that much to say about Sasuke. The one thing that I can say regarding him is that he seems to be alot less mentally unstable in his brothers presence. He is still a little hot headed and condesending, but seems alot less likely to kill someone at the drop of a hat.

I didn't think that I had to resubmit my impressions sense they are the exact same as in the unrevised version.


The Hero MH Deserves
伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Feb 3, 2009
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Review is posted....finally!!! Sorry for the delay though...

I will try my best to keep my schedule up next time, so that there won't be any delays like this in the future. But good work everyone, thanks for taking part, and let's do this again...hopefully with ninjabot and Googz joining in.

About the word you guys have anything in mind? A certain number?...I think this time the review was really acceptable considering the size, because there was an equal distribution of plot, character development and action. But sometimes maybe there will be only some battle, so there will be more analysis for that, or maybe there will be only characters featured.

But I agree we should reach a consensus on a max size.

---------- Post added at 02:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 AM ----------

This time the review has roughly 2400 words. Dividing that to the 6 different parts we have, that's roughly 400 per category.

400 words include both the assigned parts and impressions. So is that an acceptable number? Should we lower it to 300, which would allow a similarly sized Art analysis to be included, and a small summary?

Of course these word numbers are just estimates, there's no hurt if we pass the limit and write, say 330 words.

---------- Post added at 02:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 AM ----------

I also made a new thread, so we can head there to discuss these new details...


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I am going to be away this weekend, basically starting right now, so I may not have a chance to post the plot review. I will try to post it before Friday night, but if things come up, or I don't have reliable internet access I may not be able to. I will certainly try though. Worst case, I should be back in time for the next chapter review.
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