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TV The Walking Dead


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah I didn't really like the last episode... at least I don't think I did.

For starters,the way the episode began just made last week's cliffhanger feel extremely shitty and pointless, not to mention that, based on the previous ending, zombies SHOULD've gotten to Rick before he got himself up.

That was offense nº1, and not a good way to start off the episode. Sure, we already KNEW he wasn't gonna die there/stay there the whole time, but at least they could've made it much more realistic... eh.
Well, I've seen some people compare it to another Glenn dumpster moment but I don't really think that's fair. Obviously the show is acknowledging that Rick is leaving so we know he could die... but it isn't anywhere near the level of a scene being filmed with the intention making you think someone is being ripped apart when they actually weren't. But I digress.

Yeah, the scene wasn't very realistic at all, but this is nothing new with TWD in recent years. Though, not as ridiculous as .50 cal bullets being fired into the engine block of a vehicle and it still running. Getting impaled like that through the abdomen means Rick would probably not have the strength to pull himself off of it without passing out from the pain... let alone the zombies apparently freezing in place or straight up ignoring him.

The "hallucination" scenes were just as expected, nothing groundbreaking at all and felt a bit too cliché and heavy-handed to me.

It would've been fine for the most part, but of course those fucking horrible green screen effects - especially with Sasha - were downright unforgivable, and ruined what could otherwise have been some relatively good scenes.
They were expected for me mainly because too much had been spoiled... from dead characters being announced to be returning, to just showing way too much in the trailer. Though I did like the nod to the Issue #100 variant cover with all of the bodies. And while the CGI was pretty bad, I thought the performances from Bernthal and Scott Wilson were pretty good personally. Sasha's appearance instead of other characters seemed a bit odd, but given how she talked about sacrificing oneself for the sake of the group, it was somewhat poignant given what Rick was going through. But her wig looked

And then came the bridge scene, the explosion, and I was like "yeah, okay, I can see Rick dying like this, I'm fine with that if that's how he goes"...

And then of course he doesn't...

As soon as Jadis saw him down the river, I pretty much inner-facepalmed for the rest of the episode.

Using the song from the very 1st episode was alright, but I couldn't get over the fact that they didn't have the balls to kill him, instead they just fly him off into the horizon to never be seen/heard from again... at least by the main cast, I reckon.

That was so, so dumb.
They were using dynamite in episode 2 to distract the herd from the construction site but it makes NO sense that it would be on the bridge that supposedly could collapse at any moment...

I sort of wondered how the show could even work if he was just shuttled off somewhere. I didn't want to believe the helicopter plot because I thought it just wouldn't make sense that these characters would give no care to where Rick was all those years. The audience would always be wondering where Rick was and would be frothing at the mouth looking for any indication that he was returning. And that sort of thing could overshadow the actual show in a really shitty way. But I think them making it so they think he's dead is actually pretty smart for the sake of this story. Especially when it comes to future plotlines from the comics, if they go that direction, that is.

And now the audience isn't left wondering about his fate either since that was addressed as well... of course they might await his return at some point but at least there will be plausibility given whatever the narrative is in the movies.

And let's not even speak about that Judith ending picking up the hat and ugh, extremely cringy and pointless, but I guess subtlety has never been a characteristic of the writers.

And of course, as soon as the episode is over, news come out with these official statements:

'Walking Dead' Expansion Plans Revealed: Andrew Lincoln to Lead 3 AMC Movies

Ugh, I hardly see this working out the way they expect it to.

I'm still gonna see the rest of the season and all, curious to see how it does until the very end, but I don't know about future seasons. Might binge them once they're over or something.
Yeah, that scene could have been executed so much better. I don't have a problem with the concept, but have her use a 9mm or something, not Rick's fucking Python... The notion that an 8 year old could lift and fire a Colt Python from a football field's length, never mind AT ALL. Ridiculous.

I'm actually way more into seeing where the story goes now than I thought I would be. The Whisperers Arc has A TON of potential. Of course it'll probably still be hit or miss, but in all honesty I've been pleasantly surprised overall with this season, at leastcompared to Seasons 7-8. Angela Kang has improved this show IMO.


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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Apr 19, 2010
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United States
What aggravates me the most....why the fuck after a year and 1/2....
There are still herds of walkers in the boonies....why?


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
What aggravates me the most....why the fuck after a year and 1/2....
There are still herds of walkers in the boonies....why?
They're outside DC, so herds probably move through a bunch of different settings. Whatever brings people back to life slows down decomposition, otherwise zombies wouldn't really last longer than a few weeks. We know they gain no sustenance from consuming flesh, though Milton sort of implied this... though if that was true, it'd be a show-only thing.


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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Apr 19, 2010
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United States
After 6 yrs....and 100head herds still in their vicinity...idk Gary just seems very forced just to have some kinda drama.
I know the show needs it but its kinda ridiculous when its that many.
Like they have bloodhound noses or some shit to just roam that far out into the"woods".

Also...its been like 10yrs so far...
Are there possibly that many dead still walking around in such clumps?
Guess im just bitchin xP


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
After 6 yrs....and 100head herds still in their vicinity...idk Gary just seems very forced just to have some kinda drama.
I know the show needs it but its kinda ridiculous when its that many.
Like they have bloodhound noses or some shit to just roam that far out into the"woods".

Also...its been like 10yrs so far...
Are there possibly that many dead still walking around in such clumps?
Guess im just bitchin xP
It's nothing from the show though, since that aspect isn't any different in the comics either. While TWD is always described as a "realistic" take on the genre since there are laid out rules that are stuck to, but there are still a ton of unrealistic things about it.

As far as there being this many walkers left, I don't find that aspect that weird. In this show and Fear, we're following groups that know how to handle themselves. Given the amount of fodder even then, people surviving this long like they do in the communities has to be incredibly freaking rare, especially given that the only other known, distant community is in Ohio. So there would be more than enough dead for herds of these size, as long as you suspend disbelief when it comes to the decaying thing.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
Episode 6 was much stronger than any episode post-Rick deserves to be. I already like Magna's group more than I do in the comics, hopefully they build upon that and they don't end up as disappointments.
--- Double Post Merged, ---
Episode 7 was was pretty good too. They're really nailing the atmospheric/creepy vibe mixed in with the western feel pretty well. Midseason finale next week, and judging by the previews, I'm wondering if we're getting that reveal...

My only real issue with this episode is...
The absence of Maggie is a bit jarring. Whether we end up getting a full explanation or not, and I sort of do like the mystery surrounding whatever beef might exist between the communities now... it can't really cover for the lack of Maggie after the time-skip. It just wouldn't be written this way if it wasn't for the actress' pilot getting picked up.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
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The Wall
I don't know about y'alls but I've had a really hard time stomaching the last two episodes (saw them both on Sunday) more than any other in the series so far.

It doesn't help that Rick and Carl should be part of this storyline, but more than anything I didn't believe some character interactions as well as their rational choices... mainly anything that had to do with Lydia. It was all just bad and not believable at all to me.

And at the very end of the last episode, Alpha looked like some kid that was caught eating dirt... wtf? I'm really not feeling her at all so far.

I'll keep watching and try to keep an open mind, but man there was just something about these two episodes that just sucked for me, I don't know why.

And of course, with news that

will also be leaving the show, you just have to wonder what exactly will be left of it that will still make it worthwhile.

The comic, on the other hand, has been pretty good as of late.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
I don't know about y'alls but I've had a really hard time stomaching the last two episodes (saw them both on Sunday) more than any other in the series so far.

It doesn't help that Rick and Carl should be part of this storyline, but more than anything I didn't believe some character interactions as well as their rational choices... mainly anything that had to do with Lydia. It was all just bad and not believable at all to me.

And at the very end of the last episode, Alpha looked like some kid that was caught eating dirt... wtf? I'm really not feeling her at all so far.

I'll keep watching and try to keep an open mind, but man there was just something about these two episodes that just sucked for me, I don't know why.

And of course, with news that

will also be leaving the show, you just have to wonder what exactly will be left of it that will still make it worthwhile.

The comic, on the other hand, has been pretty good as of late.
I mean, the show has had a few less than spectacular moments in these two episodes, but I think the quality from the first half is still there. I've done my best to keep an open mind in regards to the Rick and Carl stuff. It's easier with the latter I think, simply because Henry's actor is just better than Chandler Riggs IMO. He is missing that rougher edge that Carl had after the time skip, but I guess they're not to meant to be the same character. Henry did trust her more than he should have, especially with letting her out at night, that was pretty dumb.

I sort of get what you mean with Alpha, but that might be because I'm used to the comic version, which isn't as diminutive. She's doing a good job acting-wise so far.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
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The Wall
It's easier with the latter I think, simply because Henry's actor is just better than Chandler Riggs IMO.
That's pretty much my problem with it. I like his presense, and acting-wise he seems like a good enough actor, but the whole thing about instantly caring for this random girl, when the only thing he knows (for a fact) about her is that her group have just killed Jesus and that they wear zombie masks?

That's just dumb and unbelievable, especially how he's so quick to blab important information that could put others in danger, and then by episode 2 they're already holding hands and sheet. That's just not how you do character development.

And I also don't believe that Daryl and the rest wouldn't be beating the shit out of her until they got some answers.

I know that they probably don't want to have Daryl, a "good guy", beating a defenseless woman, but I didn't buy his interactions with her one bit. I just didn't, none of it felt rational.

I sort of get what you mean with Alpha, but that might be because I'm used to the comic version, which isn't as diminutive. She's doing a good job acting-wise so far.
The acting felt a little weird to me but it's as I said, I just need to see more of her.

I honestly think that the bigger problem was that this character didn't need a flashback/origin story.

The way the Whisperers are and work, this should've been one of those cases where you 100% show and don't tell, let people figure out by themselves how these guys work, don't just force a backstory on us like that (pretty sure there was no such thing in the comic, but I could be wrong).

I mean, it was nice and surprising to see a flashback set during the first days of the outbreak, but the whole thing also felt incredibly cheap.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
That's pretty much my problem with it. I like his presense, and acting-wise he seems like a good enough actor, but the whole thing about instantly caring for this random girl, when the only thing he knows (for a fact) about her is that her group have just killed Jesus and that they wear zombie masks?

That's just dumb and unbelievable, especially how he's so quick to blab important information that could put others in danger, and then by episode 2 they're already holding hands and sheet. That's just not how you do character development.
I remember Carl being much less trusting of her at first, but Henry just had his heart broken when he found out about Alden and Enid, so maybe they wrote it as him being vulnerable or easily manipulated. But I'm not sure it really worked, no... especially when you consider his past with the Saviors when he was younger.

And I also don't believe that Daryl and the rest wouldn't be beating the shit out of her until they got some answers.

I know that they probably don't want to have Daryl, a "good guy", beating a defenseless woman, but I didn't buy his interactions with her one bit. I just didn't, none of it felt rational.
Really? I mean, not even Negan would have done something like that, so I'm not sure why you would have expected Daryl to. Lydia acted like a victim of past physical abuse, so the threat itself would have worked on it's own. The problem is she's so brainwashed that she doesn't know how to handle herself. Daryl pretty much saw this when she was cornered in the cell and acted like a beaten animal and given their interactions it probably reminded him of his own childhood. You saw the look on his face when Michonne told him that he might have to kill her... I don't think for a second that Daryl would do something like that unless he was pushed by her or something.

The acting felt a little weird to me but it's as I said, I just need to see more of her.

I honestly think that the bigger problem was that this character didn't need a flashback/origin story.

The way the Whisperers are and work, this should've been one of those cases where you 100% show and don't tell, let people figure out by themselves how these guys work, don't just force a backstory on us like that (pretty sure there was no such thing in the comic, but I could be wrong).

I mean, it was nice and surprising to see a flashback set during the first days of the outbreak, but the whole thing also felt incredibly cheap.
I think the origin story worked well, but the issue I see with it is that it happened way too early. The interesting fake-out that they did with her lying about her father being the piece of shit, or maybe that was her own brainwashed version of it... that part isn't the clear to me. The point is it existed to show how deranged the villain they're facing is. But I would have preferred seeing Alpha in the present day more and then we could learn something about her and Lydia's past.

What's most interesting to me is whether Season 10 is going to include the same conclusion that the Whisperer Arc had in the comics...
because as awesome as that moment was, it kind of left the story to sputter a bit and die, and I'm not sure whether AMC has the balls to kill Alpha off like that


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
Reaction score
The Wall
Really? I mean, not even Negan would have done something like that, so I'm not sure why you would have expected Daryl to. Lydia acted like a victim of past physical abuse, so the threat itself would have worked on it's own. The problem is she's so brainwashed that she doesn't know how to handle herself. Daryl pretty much saw this when she was cornered in the cell and acted like a beaten animal and given their interactions it probably reminded him of his own childhood. You saw the look on his face when Michonne told him that he might have to kill her... I don't think for a second that Daryl would do something like that unless he was pushed by her or something.
But see, character-wise that doesn't seem to make much sense to me at all.
Remember when Rick promised a dude he would let him go, but then Daryl straight up murdered him like it was nothing?
Sure, they were "at war", but even now they wouldn't just sit around and not take drastic measures.

And, above all else, remember the "X scars" thing? We were shown that at least Daryl and Michonne both have the same X marks on their backs, and I'm not really sure what she said back then, "never again" or something like that, but it implied that they were never going to make the same mistakes again/trust blindly or something like that, I don't know, but it doesn't make sense to me that they'd be all like "yeah, we won't ever let this happen again", but then they just act super-carefree around Lydia and with their interrogation tactics and whatnot, and at the point where the characters are right now, I just don't think they would've taken any chances, but that's just me.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
But see, character-wise that doesn't seem to make much sense to me at all.
Remember when Rick promised a dude he would let him go, but then Daryl straight up murdered him like it was nothing?
Sure, they were "at war", but even now they wouldn't just sit around and not take drastic measures.
Yeah but that person wasn't an adolescent girl who was clearly a victim of emotional and physical abuse. I will agree though that not all of the characters are shown being consistent in their actions though... that's just poor writing from the past several seasons I guess.

What exactly do you mean by drastic measures though when it applies to Lydia? They didn't even know Alden and Luke were missing when they took her prisoner.

And, above all else, remember the "X scars" thing? We were shown that at least Daryl and Michonne both have the same X marks on their backs, and I'm not really sure what she said back then, "never again" or something like that, but it implied that they were never going to make the same mistakes again/trust blindly or something like that, I don't know, but it doesn't make sense to me that they'd be all like "yeah, we won't ever let this happen again", but then they just act super-carefree around Lydia and with their interrogation tactics and whatnot, and at the point where the characters are right now, I just don't think they would've taken any chances, but that's just me.
It could be a red herring, but I'm not sure what else the X's could be besides something related to the Oceanside people. We still haven't seen any of them since this latest timeskip. To tie that into the "never again" thing... perhaps the Oceanside people were attacked by the remnants of the Saviors once they found out they were assassinating people like Arat... Who knows. All we really know is Norman Reedus said it's some dark stuff that only they know about..
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I'm a bit mixed on the Scars revelation. I can appreciate that episode conceptually, but the execution ended up not making too much sense to me. It sort of justifies Michonne's unwillingness to trust "new" people, but it doesn't make much sense to me why there was a such a rift between the communities. I don't really see how her/Carol/Maggie/Tara/etc would allow that to happen between them after all they've been through.

The branding also didn't make too much sense to me in a practical sense either, but that might be too nitpicky.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
So... The Walking Dead comic just abruptly ended. Kirkman even had Charlie Adlard make fake covers for the next few issues in order to keep it a secret. Overall I think it was pretty satisfying, but bittersweet since the timeskip that happens in this issue was so fucking interesting to me and it's a shame we don't get more. It ending out of nowhere is still jarring though, but Kirkman's letter at the end makes a lot of sense I guess. He expressed regrets despite the ending feeling "right", so I sort of wonder if we'll never get another TWD comic from him again though.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
Reaction score
The Wall
So... The Walking Dead comic just abruptly ended. Kirkman even had Charlie Adlard make fake covers for the next few issues in order to keep it a secret. Overall I think it was pretty satisfying, but bittersweet since the timeskip that happens in this issue was so fucking interesting to me and it's a shame we don't get more. It ending out of nowhere is still jarring though, but Kirkman's letter at the end makes a lot of sense I guess. He expressed regrets despite the ending feeling "right", so I sort of wonder if we'll never get another TWD comic from him again though.

Yeah I was pretty shocked, and quite disgusted that spoiled that it "abruptly came to an end", when just the day before I was checking to see if the latest chapter had been released already, when it hadn't, not having a clue of what was to come.

I'm ok with the ending, I guess, but really disappointed that it ended so suddenly.

I mean I get it, you can't just brute-force certain things, like making Kirkman come up with more storylines and all that, but I don't know.

I've been following the comic for many years now, and I enjoyed it for what it is, but on reddit for example, I saw many people saying (and agreeing with) that it was overdue, that some arcs completely sucked, and that it should've ended a long time ago.

I don't really get where that's coming, but yeah...

Never in a million years did I expect TWD comic to be ending ANY time soon.

But hey, if anything, this could mean that the TWD tv show could be having its best shot yet at becoming really good again, seeing as they're free to go in whichever direction they want next now that the source material is already over and done with.

I have 0 expectations, but it's a silver-lining I guess.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah I was pretty shocked, and quite disgusted that spoiled that it "abruptly came to an end", when just the day before I was checking to see if the latest chapter had been released already, when it hadn't, not having a clue of what was to come.
I didn't see anyone outright spoiling it, but there were sites advertising some thermonuclear spoilers so I couldn't really help myself. I'm glad because I think it was better going in prepared.

I've been following the comic for many years now, and I enjoyed it for what it is, but on reddit for example, I saw many people saying (and agreeing with) that it was overdue, that some arcs completely sucked, and that it should've ended a long time ago.

I don't really get where that's coming, but yeah...
I've seen people who've said they dropped it before Negan or even before Alexandria. I sort of see why people didn't like the Commonwealth, but I wouldn't understand the point of dropping it that far into reading it. It wasn't that bad, it was just somewhat aimless... and I guess we sort of understand why.

But hey, if anything, this could mean that the TWD tv show could be having its best shot yet at becoming really good again, seeing as they're free to go in whichever direction they want next now that the source material is already over and done with.

I have 0 expectations, but it's a silver-lining I guess.
If you think of the comics as being some sort of burden to making the show, then perhaps. I'm sure plenty of the people who've worked on the show have felt that way. Thankfully I don't think Angela Kang does, as they're casting Dante finally... which is a bit odd considering everyone thought Alden was his stand-in. I see a lot of people jumping to conclusions that that means Maggie is coming back, but I think it was said that he's going to be a part of Alexandria and not Hilltop, which could mean a variety of things. Lauren Cohan's show was cancelled when Season 10 was probably already written, and who even knows if AMC wants to deal with her now.

Not sure how I feel about them no longer having source material. Unlike GoT, this show has had some pretty good original stuff but also some pretty bad original stuff. Even in adapting some of the comics strongest stuff, like All Out War, they floundered. For me I guess it's more about them having Kang running things now instead of anything to do with comic storylines.


初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 5, 2021
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I am a fan of the Walking Dead. I already knew that I would watch Walking Dead: World Beyond. And in short, I didn't like it. I do not know what audience the series "The Walking Dead: The World Beyond" is intended for, but it is clear that fans of the franchise will rush to watch this suffering teenage drama. I'll watch the sequel, because there were rumors about the appearance of Rick, but I don't really believe in this either.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
I am a fan of the Walking Dead. I already knew that I would watch Walking Dead: World Beyond. And in short, I didn't like it. I do not know what audience the series "The Walking Dead: The World Beyond" is intended for, but it is clear that fans of the franchise will rush to watch this suffering teenage drama. I'll watch the sequel, because there were rumors about the appearance of Rick, but I don't really believe in this either.
It's a CW version of the show apparently. I have no interest, and I think Gimple already confirmed Rick wouldn't be appearing on it.

Andrew Lincoln himself has left open the possibility of him appearing in the final season of the main show though. But how that would work with his movies being filmed, not too sure.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
I finished season 10 finally (the one with Alpha and Beta). 11 is the final?


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
I finished season 10 finally (the one with Alpha and Beta). 11 is the final?
Yeah, but it's more episodes. Covid kept them from starting filming on time so they did extra episodes at the end of season 10. Season 11 has been airing over the span of 2ish years in three 8 episode parts. with the last part probably airing in October.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Nov 19, 2008
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Fun Forum
Darn, it's still not over. What about the spin off series Fear and the likes?


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Darn, it's still not over. What about the spin off series Fear and the likes?
Yeah, and tbh I haven't even been following it. I watched the first 2 episodes last August and didn't keep up with it. I figured there'd be no rush since they decided to add more and divide it so much.

Fear is still ongoing, why I have no idea. I started watching it in season 4 because Morgan joined it and then Dwight and just lost interest. World Beyond ran for 2 seasons but that was supposedly the plan from the beginning. Idk, never looked interesting to me so I never bothered.

There were announced plans for a Daryl/Carol spinoff but Carol's actress dropped out last minute, I guess because it was set in Europe or something. Supposedly they have a new kind of zombie there that was revealed in World Beyond. Also Negan and Maggie are supposedly having a spinoff set in New York.

There was news about Andrew Lincoln being in Atlanta where they film the show so maybe he'll be involved in the finale somehow. But still no real definite word on how his movie is supposed to go. IDK, I think AMC is just a mess and the pandemic made things even worse. I'll probably catch up just to see how it all "ends" but I can't say how enthusiastic I would be for anything in the future other than something involving Rick.