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TV The Walking Dead


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
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The Wall
As far as Negan goes... I like JDM's portrayal of him for the most part, but I'm not yet sold on him playing a "softer" version of Negan yet. The maniacal streak he has works quite well for the most part, even though I think the comedic side is a bit one-note and doesn't really capture the youthful exuberance that comic Negan has.
Yeah, it's a real shame that tv Negan isn't more like comics Negan... then again if you take away the profanity you just end up losing a big part of the character, even though he's so much more than that.

That Rick and Morgan thing... the juxtaposition of that and Morgan telling Rick he helped him because of Duane, with Rick having just lost Carl. That's probably the best piece of writing/performance that has happened all season. Maybe even in the last two seasons.
In that episode I also liked the contrast of how Rick gave the Saviors his word, yet killed them all, and with Negan promising Jadis that he would "make everything right".

It's strange but as an audience member and despite him being the "bad guy" and all, we KNOW that Negan means it and that he's a man of his word, so I think that was cool and also there to set up the conclusion somehow.

I mean he was right there next to Jadis and everything, even though moments before he was shooting at her and whatnot.

I think it shows that Negan is somewhat reasonable, moreso than current Rick to some extent, too. Granted, he has just lost his son, but still.

The Carl letters to Rick and especially Negan were rather underwhelming. Well, I guess more so the latter. Negan going around acting like Rick caused this is pretty revisionist's history. Carl could have been much more convincing with his words.
Personally I enjoyed Negan's letter a lot more. Rick's was pretty much 80% fluff and then some "pls stap kthxbai".

I think the Whisperers deserve an arc of their own, otherwise they might not "shine" enough.

I just hope we get to see this at some point:


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
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Yeah, it's a real shame that tv Negan isn't more like comics Negan... then again if you take away the profanity you just end up losing a big part of the character, even though he's so much more than that.
Well, "shame" is kind of a strong word for me. He's different from comic Negan, but not necessarily in a bad way. He's probably sexier and more suave... darker even. Comic Negan is more playful and has more of a child-like ignorance to him. Which perhaps makes him scarier. He's totally believable as a gym teacher too.

I guess he can pull off Negan though, maybe I spoke too soon.

In that episode I also liked the contrast of how Rick gave the Saviors his word, yet killed them all, and with Negan promising Jadis that he would "make everything right".

It's strange but as an audience member and despite him being the "bad guy" and all, we KNOW that Negan means it and that he's a man of his word, so I think that was cool and also there to set up the conclusion somehow.

I mean he was right there next to Jadis and everything, even though moments before he was shooting at her and whatnot.

I think it shows that Negan is somewhat reasonable, moreso than current Rick to some extent, too. Granted, he has just lost his son, but still.
Yeah, that was perhaps had a bit more nuance to it. The son stuff was more heavyhanded, but it worked for me for some reason.

Personally I enjoyed Negan's letter a lot more. Rick's was pretty much 80% fluff and then some "pls stap kthxbai".

I think the Whisperers deserve an arc of their own, otherwise they might not "shine" enough.

I just hope we get to see this at some point:
It was of course more sentimental, but it was more believable as a son to father type of conversation. I'm not sure what Carl has seen of Negan that would make him think much of that would resonate with him, and obviously it didn't (for now, anyways). I think it could have been more pointed towards Negan's actions, and less about forgiveness. Carl's take on this was incredibly naive, and not in line with the supposed "maturity" of the character at all. Negan keeps talking about people as a resource and shifting the blame to Rick for what happened to the first outpost. But remember, the Savior's drew first blood by attacking the survivors when they were trying to deal with the walker herd. Of course, this might not have been what Negan himself ordered (much like Simon's actions with Oceanside or the Junkyard), but it's still his responsibility as a leader. And even when the survivors submitted, they were pushed even further into going aggro, just like the Hilltop and the Kingdom. There's way more to this entire situation than a simple turf war, so to not be brutally honest with Negan while you're on your deathbed seems silly to me.

I think they do too, but I'm not sure what will take the place of Carl in that arc. That, and I sort of wonder how they'll end up resolving it too, since in a way, the resolution to it in the comics was somewhat lackluster.


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jun 22, 2009
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The Season 8 finale almost made me regret catching up on the series after season 4. The last battle was terribly anti-climatic.

Like, I get the comics did some stuff that this episode did (or so I've heard), but I dropped the comics because, tbh, they fall into the same boring traps the show does just in different ways.

Also, just to be truly divisive (my friends already hate me for this), Rick is just as bad as Negan, if not worse. Sure, Negan is a straight monster. He admits this himself almost. But before Rick, he had order in a horrifically chaotic world. Rick, on the other hand, *allegedly* has some hella ideals (mostly his crew has these ideals) but he just keep pressing his comrades into brutal and more brutal wars that only end up destroying everything around them. How many communities have fallen in Rick's wake?

And in the end, he couldn't even kill the guy he had led his people (and other people's people) to death and back to stop.

Rick is dangerous and will get everybody killed unless they get rid of his ass. But he's the main character so...
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最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
The Season 8 finale almost made me regret catching up on the series after season 4. The last battle was terribly anti-climatic.

Like, I get the comics did some stuff that this episode did (or so I've heard), but I dropped the comics because, tbh, they fall into the same boring traps the show does just in different ways.

Also, just to be truly divisive (my friends already hate me for this), Rick is just as bad as Negan, if not worse. Sure, Negan is a straight monster. He admits this himself almost. But before Rick, he had order in a horrifically chaotic world. Rick, on the other hand, *allegedly* has some hella ideals (mostly his crew has these ideals) but he just keep pressing his comrades into brutal and more brutal wars that only end up destroying everything around them. How many communities have fallen in Rick's wake?

And in the end, he couldn't even kill the guy he had led his people (and other people's people) to death and back to stop.

Rick is dangerous and will get everybody killed unless they get rid of his ass. But he's the main character so...
When did you drop the comics, out of curiosity?

I mean, the point of Negan being in the story is to have a "villain" who's capable of being as monstrous as most, while not acting like he lost his humanity. I'm not sure I'd go so far as saying he's just as bad or worse than Negan though. Rick does some shitty things, but what are his motivations? Are they really not any different from the people his group comes up againt? Negan led his people to serve him (that's not how he always was and will always be, but that's besides the point). Rick submitted to Negan, the survivors were going to cooperate, but the Saviors pushed them into an untenable situation. Negan "saves" people, but Rick isn't allowed to protect his own? Nonsense IMO. The saviors attacked them while they were driving that herd away. The show did a pretty underwhelming job with this story, and Rick's words to Negan in their final fight in the comics were way better.

I won't say that Rick hasn't had a hand in creating his own problems though, but I mostly see that as the nature of the world they live in. The point of this arc was to show these kinds of conflicts aren't the way forward, and that the dead are still the only threat that needs to exist. Having your boot on the throat of the people that provide you with sustainability isn't something that people should live with, if they can do something about it.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
As far as the finale goes though, there were parts that were satisfying and other parts that were really lackluster. I'm actually impressed with the writing, and not for a good reason - I've yet to experience a show that can feel equal parts rushed and drawn out. The editing was pretty weird in parts as well, mainly how odd Maggie's scene with Jesus and Daryl came off, which might have mostly come down to the music choice. It makes it seem like they're trying to put forth the idea that next season with be Maggie vs. Rick which is just ludicrous. In the comics Rick and Maggie don't see eye to eye on some stuff, but not to the point of them being in conflict with one another. If it does actually look like it's headed in that direction, then that is probably when I'll finally check out.

That being said though, I'm curious to see where they go from here and how Angela Kang handles running the show. No real reason to be overly optimistic about it though...


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jun 22, 2009
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I read up to like issue 104 or 105. I think I stopped right before Ezekiel was introduced in the comics. The Walking Dead slipped pretty hard for me for relatively hard to articulate reasons at that point. My problems with the show have been there since season 2, though I will say I preferred the show's Governor over the dude in the comics.


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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Apr 19, 2010
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United States
Same with GoT.....
Wish someone would direct source material true and say fuck fans:XD


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
I read up to like issue 104 or 105. I think I stopped right before Ezekiel was introduced in the comics. The Walking Dead slipped pretty hard for me for relatively hard to articulate reasons at that point. My problems with the show have been there since season 2, though I will say I preferred the show's Governor over the dude in the comics.
Well, I'd say I would probably prefer the show's Governor as well, as he was just more interesting.

I would say that it'd probably be worth it to read through the entire All Out War arc and then New Beginning to see whether it's redeemed or not. The show's writing is just less on the positive side as time goes on.

Same with GoT.....
Wish someone would direct source material true and say fuck fans:XD
It might not have worked as well as a show though. Not really the case with TWD though, since the narrative is more focused.


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
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The Wall
Andrew Lincoln to Exit 'The Walking Dead' in Season 9

... lol?
Saw this being talked about on reddit (here).

Article source:

You might wanna take this with a little grain of salt for the time being, but honestly - if true - this doesn't surprise me at all considering the decisions that Gimple made.

Many were left unhappy after what they did to Chandler, so yeah, serves them right.

But hey, at least they're promoting Norman Reedus to series lead... lul.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
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I sort of understand if Lincoln has gripes with Gimple. I also understand if he's tired of spending half the year away from his family. But idk... still doesn't sit perfectly with me. I guess it would depend on his motivations.

Pretty funny how the one direction they could have gone is killing Rick off in the Whisperer arc and bringing Carl to the forefront (like Kirkman has always intended), yet Gimple killed him off last season....

Don't really know how the show will continue, but I imagine they'll try. Only thing that could stop them would be if the ratings tank even further than this past season. If Lincoln was still around then it would probably be allowed to linger simply because it's profitable. But Lincoln exiting plus even smaller ratings would probably give them the perfect excuse.

Reedus as the focal point of the show just wouldn't work at all in it's current iteration. It would have to become something completely different or something, not sure. Plus, there were rumors of Reedus wanting to be done with the show for the last few seasons anyway. Money talks I guess, but I think that would be pretty bad for the show.

The one thing they could do that might interest me is making Negan the main character, but it might be too daring on their part. You could basically tell the same story, but have it through his eyes. Which would kind of be hard to do immediately following his imprisonment, with Carl dead.... but, yeah. Problem is I'm not sure the writing is good enough to pull it off, and I don't think AMC has the balls.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
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"Phasing out" the main character and sole driving force of the story btw....


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jun 22, 2009
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Lmao how is it not an unbelievably major spoiler that Rick is gonna be gone come the end of season 9? Character deaths are literally THE selling point of TWD tv show.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
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Yeah I wonder how the information got out. Season 9 only started filming at the beginning of May, so it's a wonder it was kept under wraps for this long. They have Facebook groups dedicated to following the filming and spoiling a lot of stuff, so there's no way it'd be able to be kept a secret until it was filmed. They'll probably use the leak as a way to promote his demise or something - "only 3 episodes left in the story of Rick Grimes!" lol


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
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Ratings are fucking plummeting which is quite sad given that this season so far has been the best the show has been since probably season 5. I guess with the news of Rick's departure means no one is bothering to watch the episodes the week it comes out.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
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is the season ongoing?i had no idea
Yeah two episodes so far. Not sure whether you caught up on last season or not?

There's a lot of critical praise for the first 3 episodes so far but people just aren't watching. The premier was the lowest since the season 1 premier and episode 2 was the lowest rated episode since the first season too.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Oct 31, 2018
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Ratings are fucking plummeting which is quite sad given that this season so far has been the best the show has been since probably season 5. I guess with the news of Rick's departure means no one is bothering to watch the episodes the week it comes out.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
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The Wall
I don't know what to think regarding the first 4 episodes (spoilers).

They're watchable, yeah... I'm glad they're also making Daryl speak again and not treat him like the feral child that he was for who knows how long.

I didn't like how Daryl and Maggie left Arat to die... I get why they did it, but it was fucked up nonetheless.

Anyway, I'm quite apprehensive regarding tonight's episode... For all I know it could be a good episode, the best one ever, but somehow I just don't see Lincoln exiting the show in a satisfying manner AT ALL...

Yes, they might make the whole thing a sob fest, tug at your heart strings and such, but I just don't see it being universally well-received and praised.

To be honest, I said the same thing about Carl, and once all was said and done, I thought "okay, the send-off was actually KINDA good and fitting", but it could never make up for not actually having Carl on the show, and I think it'll be the same thing with Rick.

We've already known for months that
Shane will show up, as well as a variety of other dead characters, maybe even his wife

... but I don't think that will be nearly enough. In fact, it's somewhat of a cheap way to do things, exactly how it happened with Tyreese. Was it "well done"? Sure, but like I said, I can hardly imagine Rick's exit being good enough for fans to go "alright, ok, I am fine with this and am looking forward for the rest of the show/season".

If there was one thing I didn't like in the last episode, it was how Daryl and Rick CONVENIENTLY fell into that big hole that just so happened to be nearby, just like I didn't like how Rick CONVENIENTLY fell on that pole at the very end.

That whole thing with Gabriel and Jadis felt a little dumb, to be honest. They were hyping Gabriel up and showing how he had become relatively badass and the like, but then he just gets knocked out like nothing, and I mean at that point he should've known better...

Tsk, probably using the same old argument that because he got his lil' dick wet, he's now under the spell of Jadis.


最終形態 / Saishuu Keitai / Final Form
Feb 3, 2006
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I didn't like how Daryl and Maggie left Arat to die... I get why they did it, but it was fucked up nonetheless.
I don't like Daryl's attitude in regards to the Saviors and Negan solely because he's the reason Glenn was killed. Sure, he was forgiven by Maggie... but it's still a bit frustrating. However, I think they did a good job conveying his point of view (if you forget him punching Negan).

With that said, that scene with Arat was amazing IMO. The fact that Arat killed a little boy, smiled about it, asked him to beg for his life, using the "No Exceptions" line, just like Negan did when he bashed Glenn's head in. How could Maggie and Daryl not let the Oceanside group kill her? Even if they didn't think it was justice, how would they stop them?

To be honest, I said the same thing about Carl, and once all was said and done, I thought "okay, the send-off was actually KINDA good and fitting", but it could never make up for not actually having Carl on the show, and I think it'll be the same thing with Rick.
Nah, the behind-the-scenes turmoil ruined that entire plotline for me. That and Carl's sudden shift to peacemaker... Just thinking about this show after Rick and where it'll go, not having Carl around is not a positive thing. It hurts this show.

That whole thing with Gabriel and Jadis felt a little dumb, to be honest. They were hyping Gabriel up and showing how he had become relatively badass and the like, but then he just gets knocked out like nothing, and I mean at that point he should've known better...

Tsk, probably using the same old argument that because he got his lil' dick wet, he's now under the spell of Jadis.
Hindsight is everything... but after Rick's last episode we now know why the human-trafficking storyline was there. It's been hinted at for years and years now by this point.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---
This episode 5 was a doozy though. There's a ton to process there...


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有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Apr 9, 2015
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The Wall
Yeah I didn't really like the last episode... at least I don't think I did.

For starters,the way the episode began just made last week's cliffhanger feel extremely shitty and pointless, not to mention that, based on the previous ending, zombies SHOULD've gotten to Rick before he got himself up.

That was offense nº1, and not a good way to start off the episode. Sure, we already KNEW he wasn't gonna die there/stay there the whole time, but at least they could've made it much more realistic... eh.

The "hallucination" scenes were just as expected, nothing groundbreaking at all and felt a bit too cliché and heavy-handed to me.

It would've been fine for the most part, but of course those fucking horrible green screen effects - especially with Sasha - were downright unforgivable, and ruined what could otherwise have been some relatively good scenes.

And then came the bridge scene, the explosion, and I was like "yeah, okay, I can see Rick dying like this, I'm fine with that if that's how he goes"...

And then of course he doesn't...

As soon as Jadis saw him down the river, I pretty much inner-facepalmed for the rest of the episode.

Using the song from the very 1st episode was alright, but I couldn't get over the fact that they didn't have the balls to kill him, instead they just fly him off into the horizon to never be seen/heard from again... at least by the main cast, I reckon.

That was so, so dumb.

And let's not even speak about that Judith ending picking up the hat and ugh, extremely cringy and pointless, but I guess subtlety has never been a characteristic of the writers.

And of course, as soon as the episode is over, news come out with these official statements:

'Walking Dead' Expansion Plans Revealed: Andrew Lincoln to Lead 3 AMC Movies

Ugh, I hardly see this working out the way they expect it to.

I'm still gonna see the rest of the season and all, curious to see how it does until the very end, but I don't know about future seasons. Might binge them once they're over or something.