Chapter - Tower of God Chapter 595 Spoilers & Discussion | Page 16 | MangaHelpers

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Chapter Tower of God Chapter 595 Spoilers & Discussion


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 15, 2021
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French Guiana
Like Traumerei has any trouble recruiting High Rankers, people would line up for the job if Traumerei asked for it, not to mention LPB is at War following Zahard orders.
A BH is worth to Traumerei just a bit more than a meal for a shinheuh he likes, folk like Elbaba are expendable if you are someone like Traumerei.
we see that with HL, the weakest and the one with the least HR of all
Traum may not care, but Rob does.
If Rob had succeeded in his plan, he might have become the enemy of Z's army, as Yas tells him, so all the more reason to go and save his siblings, so they can really defend themselves if Z or another GF falls on them.
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Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
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Fire Nation
What if Baek Ryun heard about the prophecy of Baam
Leading the people of the tower to new levels and decided to use him to get out the tower
Im sure he just there to check on him for now and see if he is worthy and give him another membership proposal..

Baam could be in a situation where he probably will have te sell his soul to this org to escape with his friends before that im sure we are going to see Baam at full power just to fail.
I don't think joining wolfhaikson is so stringent a process that baek ryun would have to show up to test him. There's a test of course but it'd be ridiculous if they test bam via a match with a family head, something which baek wouldn't be able to match and even urek isn't guaranteed to win (depending on the test). Add to that, at least what we know of wolfhaikson does not evidence them caring all that much about the next floor as their objective apparently is to find a way out of the tower. The next floor could be in their interest if they believe it's the way out. Add to that, such a thing woul immediately put wolfhaikson on a warpath with the empire, which as far as we know it's not.

Vali x lucifer

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 6, 2021
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I kinda expect to see Regulars in that Wolhaiksong ship. And if there is a big shot inside, i believe it will be Urek, doubt Baek is going to be introduced meeting some Regulars from Poe Bidau.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 11, 2018
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Dominican Republic
People say shit like this with every new arc. And it never, ever, ever, ever happens. Baam does not fail and he does not lose. This ain't that kind of story and it's not going to be.
people say this everytime with no base at all
But now we saw the whs ship.

baam doesn’t fail and he doesn’t lose?
This is delusional fr
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I kinda expect to see Regulars in that Wolhaiksong ship. And if there is a big shot inside, i believe it will be Urek, doubt Baek is going to be introduced meeting some Regulars from Poe Bidau.
Ranks are define by wings their ranker with the hammer has 3, hachuling khun has 6 wings
The guy in the ship has a hologram with 16 wings (Baek Ryun?)
Urek as the vice president has 14 in his back.

Or this could be a normal SIU inconsistency as usual.

King Dryst

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 17, 2018
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I kinda expect to see Regulars in that Wolhaiksong ship. And if there is a big shot inside, i believe it will be Urek, doubt Baek is going to be introduced meeting some Regulars from Poe Bidau.
I'm expecting Mazino now, if not both him and Baek Ryun together. Baam is probably going to need some serious help getting out of this place when things start getting hairy for him (again, I think this will happen as a result of him refusing to do whatever FUG expects of him with respect to Traumerei and Gustang). So whoever is coming is going to need to be someone strong enough to make people sit down and shut up.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 15, 2021
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French Guiana
U laugh at swr ship is tbh weird, even lobadon admit swr ship, his so proud tree got shred by one attack,
and yet the attack was blocked without much difficulty, Rob was surprised that it was powerful enough to tear Abuelo apart, but that was all, the attack was perfectly blocked.
And tbh u just make my opinion stronger, like i said so far LPB look stronger because SIU just make them fight all the time, their ranker got introduced since like 100 chapter before, ofc its natural that we have seen more LPB HR tan PB HR u can even clearly see this chapter that Varan is third commander, that implies there is a few commander that havent been introduced, smh cant imagine i need to explain this crystal clear fact
PB will not catch up with their numerical gap
as early as S2 we knew there were a lot of them, for BH SIU just introduced guys we already knew existed

PB saga is coming to its conclusion,PB will always be fewer in number
Why is this even up for debate and why are y’all genuinely believing this ? Proust did not join in on the fight against the branch heads, this means it was literally dozens of branch heads vs a few PB high rankers ( most likely Ernaux, gir and a few randoms ). The fact that they can even hold off so many branch heads with a small number of them is crazy asl and shows the power gap between the two families.
Rasth didn't really put up much of a fight until the 2nd teleport.
Joo was still on her ship
Wiwi was the only one clearly shown fighting
Everything indicates that the BH weren't all fighting, and there's nothing to suggest that Luini, Ernaux and Gir was doing 3 vs 12.

The PB couldn’t use their shinwonryu ship as they was in a location surrounded by their own troops and their family’s personal vanguard. Which is why the plan was to always teleport them to an empty space. So saying that it didn’t even wipe them out is redundant, even lobadon was shocked at its power, do y’all think branch heads weaker then purdidy and Perseus are tanking it without major injuries ? Be serious.
and what says the SWR ship didn't fire, it just might not have been in range
Wiwi's fleet was in the vanguard, the SWR ship and a small ship appeared in front of it, then when we see it again and all his fleet has been annihilated except him
the person in that small ship wasn't fighting Wiwi, so it can't have been Gir or Ernaux because they were seen attacking the fleet, by elimination it was Proust, and as you say Proust was passive during the whole ambush, you know what's left, Wiwi took a direct hit from the SWR ship and just had his shirt ripped or Proust attacked destroying his whole fleet and Wiwi just had his shirt ripped.
What device did richemont use ? Wasn’t that literally his shinsu ability ? He’s a lightbearer so having a defensive shinsu ability alligns up with his power set. Even if it was it’s still wildly impressive. You can’t see how it’s useful in combat ? The shield literally absorbs the energy of enemy attacks and uses it to teleport and maybe other things we haven’t seen. This shield would not only provide immense defence, it would make the enemy hesitant to attack knowing its power could be turned back on them and would also give richemont a huge speed and range boost.

clearly a machine,at best it's some sort of thing linked to his lighthouse manipulation
Teleportation is its only known function,
in a fight it would just be used for escape or repositioning and that's all.
and it's not a shield
Using outnumbering is a ridiculous theory. The lo po bia have been explored on for years now, the Po bidau are only getting their shine now. We hadn’t even met any notable Po bidaus until tiara who herself was introduced just after the hiatus ? Something like that. They outnumber them purely because they have been explored on
PB arc is coming to an end, and you're hoping that SIU will introduce the double of PB HR?
It won't, at best you'll get a few PB HR here and there and that's it.
next chapter is a set up for heaps of new PB high rankers to appear so we will see if y’all keep that mindset.
1: good luck with that
2: only the top 300 counts, if the HR PBs you're talking about aren't in the top 300, their existence won't matter (I wonder why I counted Giskar and Luini, Giskar is fodder and Luini shares the same rank as this fodder:cookiestare).

It's either about strenght so even BH's are worthless given that the FH's are an unstoppable force for people below Adori lvl at least (It's like putting 20 Pam's and a Kallavan if not worse, the Rankers are useless in a battle here and so are the BH's with Traumerei). Or it's about the LPB Family as a whole, and as long as Traumerei is there it will work out, they can't kill most LPB descendants anyway.
you talked about their other force without the BH, and I told you that this force is worthless.
what constitutes the military power of a family is top 300 and above.
so it's normal that Rob wants to save them
I mean we saw how many BH's are there already, Wiwi (Bear), blood angel (Chimera), turtle, badger, Carp and Elephant. I guess you can count Hollan (Ancient Shinheuhs) as well, 7 if so.
WgW (Spider) is at the mothership, Elbaba (Wolf) is with Baam, Goruru (Lizard) is with Baam, Yorari (Snake) is missing, 1 ex BH was captured by Cha/SS ( sea urchins ? ), Dokoko (Bird), Pudidy (Owl) and Perseus (Horse) dead, Maybe Catan (Hunter), Kirin's 2nd in Command (?) are also BH's, On top of Lobadon (Plants) and Kirin (Heathe). We already saw close to 20 LPB different Branches, if there were more BH's with Wiwi and co we would have known it by now i think.
Haaland is not a BH
Katan is not a BH, he belongs to Rob's branch
Kukuda is not a BH, he failed, Perper has not been a BH for a long time, she left her post and "disappeared".

Alphine told us that there are 20 branches, and she is the most current source we have, so there are currently 20, Didiano branch, Ledodo, Kukoko and Perper are all events that happened in the distant past and should not affect the word of Alphine.
Rob and Kirin exclude we know 12 branches, them includes then 14, missing between 8 and 6.
and WGW is there
Kirin tells us that he has taken all BH.
Luini buddy us that all BH are there
Wiwi say it
Proust say it
Katan says it
I don't know why people keep thinking that WGW isn't there when we're being bombarded with the fact that all the BH who aren't dead, traitors or busy elsewhere are there.:cookiestare
so as I said Kirin should be leading a fleet of 12 BH (assuming Yorari is dead and nothing indicates it)

How did the book plan fail ? Baam was literally starting to tell him about it when they got interrupted, if he wanted to he could have gotten the info, he literally had the book in front of him and let it go because Kirin (a traitor) told him it was useless, on top of that, he left Baam with a PB Top High Ranker even Kirin was wary of, and a LPB High Ranker that was likely a traitor as well.
Kirin told him that his plan had gone wrong and that PB had planned everything.
Rob had already guessed that his informant was unreliable
and the fact that Kirin knew about the book, had sent men to his position (despite the fact that Kirin should not know where the fuck he is) and was collaborating with PB, gave his words weight that Rob couldn't ignore.
But suppose he's successful, then what?

Gustang is ready to fight even without his memories, if robadon came to him and told him to make a truce "Lol Lmao" would be the last words he would hear.
But let's imagine he accepts, a truce is between 2 people, how will Rob convince Traum to accept? The same Traum who knows that war is impossible to avoid and as Rob himself noted Traum will do whatever Z tells him to do, even if he doesn't want to.

the same Z who wants the PB family to disappear from the face of the tower, so in his mind Rob wants to convince Gustang, Traum and Z.:epicfacepalm
This guy is stupid, his plan is stupid, we the readers know it, Kirin knows it, Traum know it, Gustang know it, this war is impossible to stop.
we should be glad that Rob move on :cookiestare
I mean, SIU is saying that Lobadon gave up on the book without even opening it when it was in his hands, i think it's irrealistic but everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
and I think his plan was stupid, destined to fail and I'm glad this plot is over:residentsleeper


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 11, 2018
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Dominican Republic
and yet the attack was blocked without much difficulty, Rob was surprised that it was powerful enough to tear Abuelo apart, but that was all, the attack was perfectly blocked.

PB will not catch up with their numerical gap
as early as S2 we knew there were a lot of them, for BH SIU just introduced guys we already knew existed

PB saga is coming to its conclusion,PB will always be fewer in number

Rasth didn't really put up much of a fight until the 2nd teleport.
Joo was still on her ship
Wiwi was the only one clearly shown fighting
Everything indicates that the BH weren't all fighting, and there's nothing to suggest that Luini, Ernaux and Gir was doing 3 vs 12.

and what says the SWR ship didn't fire, it just might not have been in range
Wiwi's fleet was in the vanguard, the SWR ship and a small ship appeared in front of it, then when we see it again and all his fleet has been annihilated except him
the person in that small ship wasn't fighting Wiwi, so it can't have been Gir or Ernaux because they were seen attacking the fleet, by elimination it was Proust, and as you say Proust was passive during the whole ambush, you know what's left, Wiwi took a direct hit from the SWR ship and just had his shirt ripped or Proust attacked destroying his whole fleet and Wiwi just had his shirt ripped.

clearly a machine,at best it's some sort of thing linked to his lighthouse manipulation
Teleportation is its only known function,
in a fight it would just be used for escape or repositioning and that's all.
and it's not a shield

PB arc is coming to an end, and you're hoping that SIU will introduce the double of PB HR?
It won't, at best you'll get a few PB HR here and there and that's it.

1: good luck with that
2: only the top 300 counts, if the HR PBs you're talking about aren't in the top 300, their existence won't matter (I wonder why I counted Giskar and Luini, Giskar is fodder and Luini shares the same rank as this fodder:cookiestare).

you talked about their other force without the BH, and I told you that this force is worthless.
what constitutes the military power of a family is top 300 and above.
so it's normal that Rob wants to save them

Haaland is not a BH
Katan is not a BH, he belongs to Rob's branch
Kukuda is not a BH, he failed, Perper has not been a BH for a long time, she left her post and "disappeared".

Alphine told us that there are 20 branches, and she is the most current source we have, so there are currently 20, Didiano branch, Ledodo, Kukoko and Perper are all events that happened in the distant past and should not affect the word of Alphine.
Rob and Kirin exclude we know 12 branches, them includes then 14, missing between 8 and 6.
and WGW is there
Kirin tells us that he has taken all BH.
Luini buddy us that all BH are there
Wiwi say it
Proust say it
Katan says it
I don't know why people keep thinking that WGW isn't there when we're being bombarded with the fact that all the BH who aren't dead, traitors or busy elsewhere are there.:cookiestare
so as I said Kirin should be leading a fleet of 12 BH (assuming Yorari is dead and nothing indicates it)

Kirin told him that his plan had gone wrong and that PB had planned everything.
Rob had already guessed that his informant was unreliable
and the fact that Kirin knew about the book, had sent men to his position (despite the fact that Kirin should not know where the fuck he is) and was collaborating with PB, gave his words weight that Rob couldn't ignore.
But suppose he's successful, then what?

Gustang is ready to fight even without his memories, if robadon came to him and told him to make a truce "Lol Lmao" would be the last words he would hear.
But let's imagine he accepts, a truce is between 2 people, how will Rob convince Traum to accept? The same Traum who knows that war is impossible to avoid and as Rob himself noted Traum will do whatever Z tells him to do, even if he doesn't want to.

the same Z who wants the PB family to disappear from the face of the tower, so in his mind Rob wants to convince Gustang, Traum and Z.:epicfacepalm
This guy is stupid, his plan is stupid, we the readers know it, Kirin knows it, Traum know it, Gustang know it, this war is impossible to stop.
we should be glad that Rob move on :cookiestare

and I think his plan was stupid, destined to fail and I'm glad this plot is over:residentsleeper
I mean TSdream was asking for a debate
He didn’t call you to a fight and you just killed him
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

LPB 23 Branch were known from the start
PB doesn’t have that many HR
That’s why Gustang called the BHs a shield around TRAUMEREI

Is clear that LPB is way more powerful than PB as a family the difference is the head of the PB family here and we don’t even know if these ranks mean something in that league 11-20

Vali x lucifer

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jun 6, 2021
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and yet the attack was blocked without much difficulty, Rob was surprised that it was powerful enough to tear Abuelo apart, but that was all, the attack was perfectly blocked.

PB will not catch up with their numerical gap
as early as S2 we knew there were a lot of them, for BH SIU just introduced guys we already knew existed

PB saga is coming to its conclusion,PB will always be fewer in number

Rasth didn't really put up much of a fight until the 2nd teleport.
Joo was still on her ship
Wiwi was the only one clearly shown fighting
Everything indicates that the BH weren't all fighting, and there's nothing to suggest that Luini, Ernaux and Gir was doing 3 vs 12.

and what says the SWR ship didn't fire, it just might not have been in range
Wiwi's fleet was in the vanguard, the SWR ship and a small ship appeared in front of it, then when we see it again and all his fleet has been annihilated except him
the person in that small ship wasn't fighting Wiwi, so it can't have been Gir or Ernaux because they were seen attacking the fleet, by elimination it was Proust, and as you say Proust was passive during the whole ambush, you know what's left, Wiwi took a direct hit from the SWR ship and just had his shirt ripped or Proust attacked destroying his whole fleet and Wiwi just had his shirt ripped.

clearly a machine,at best it's some sort of thing linked to his lighthouse manipulation
Teleportation is its only known function,
in a fight it would just be used for escape or repositioning and that's all.
and it's not a shield

PB arc is coming to an end, and you're hoping that SIU will introduce the double of PB HR?
It won't, at best you'll get a few PB HR here and there and that's it.

1: good luck with that
2: only the top 300 counts, if the HR PBs you're talking about aren't in the top 300, their existence won't matter (I wonder why I counted Giskar and Luini, Giskar is fodder and Luini shares the same rank as this fodder:cookiestare).

you talked about their other force without the BH, and I told you that this force is worthless.
what constitutes the military power of a family is top 300 and above.
so it's normal that Rob wants to save them

Haaland is not a BH
Katan is not a BH, he belongs to Rob's branch
Kukuda is not a BH, he failed, Perper has not been a BH for a long time, she left her post and "disappeared".

Alphine told us that there are 20 branches, and she is the most current source we have, so there are currently 20, Didiano branch, Ledodo, Kukoko and Perper are all events that happened in the distant past and should not affect the word of Alphine.
Rob and Kirin exclude we know 12 branches, them includes then 14, missing between 8 and 6.
and WGW is there
Kirin tells us that he has taken all BH.
Luini buddy us that all BH are there
Wiwi say it
Proust say it
Katan says it
I don't know why people keep thinking that WGW isn't there when we're being bombarded with the fact that all the BH who aren't dead, traitors or busy elsewhere are there.:cookiestare
so as I said Kirin should be leading a fleet of 12 BH (assuming Yorari is dead and nothing indicates it)

Kirin told him that his plan had gone wrong and that PB had planned everything.
Rob had already guessed that his informant was unreliable
and the fact that Kirin knew about the book, had sent men to his position (despite the fact that Kirin should not know where the fuck he is) and was collaborating with PB, gave his words weight that Rob couldn't ignore.
But suppose he's successful, then what?

Gustang is ready to fight even without his memories, if robadon came to him and told him to make a truce "Lol Lmao" would be the last words he would hear.
But let's imagine he accepts, a truce is between 2 people, how will Rob convince Traum to accept? The same Traum who knows that war is impossible to avoid and as Rob himself noted Traum will do whatever Z tells him to do, even if he doesn't want to.

the same Z who wants the PB family to disappear from the face of the tower, so in his mind Rob wants to convince Gustang, Traum and Z.:epicfacepalm
This guy is stupid, his plan is stupid, we the readers know it, Kirin knows it, Traum know it, Gustang know it, this war is impossible to stop.
we should be glad that Rob move on :cookiestare

and I think his plan was stupid, destined to fail and I'm glad this plot is over:residentsleeper
The book is Gustang pressure point, Traumerei will obviously learn and use the informations in it if Lobadon secures it. Everyone knows that Lobadon alone can't force a truce, him included.
Fact of the matter is that Gustang plan revolves around those informations and Baam, who also holds Traumerei's memories.
Lobadon had the key pieces of this war on the palm of his hands and decided to leave it to Tiara and Goruro.
To do what ? Replicate Gustang vs Pudidy and Perseus ?


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 11, 2018
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Dominican Republic
Something that i notice is that PB don’t have young rankers like LPB

as a family (not counting the heads) i believe that only the top 3 could take care of LPB bc LPB is to large!

they have rankers, advance rankers, HR not associated with one of the 23 branch

HR in the top 300 and then 2 guys in the top 100
At the level of Kell hellam.

then they have a bunch of animals powerful enough
To fight top 300 rankers

imagine Traumerei having the same relationship with his sons and daughters like Gustang? LPB would be a fucking menace.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Kirin is fucking smart to not brought WGW
That fucking SWR ship is not match to that shield
Plus she is a top 100 herself!


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jan 24, 2022
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Tin foil hat on

What if Luslec (and FUG by extension) was just controlled opposition for a while?
The circumstances present in the tower in general (in particular the missing memories of FH) seem very convenient for Zahard and Bam and too contrived to have arisen naturally. So what if after trying fighting and seeing is not working out Luslec decided to play ball with Zahard until Bam finally comes around. Preparing the field in the process. Maybe sealing the memories away was the "compromise" that ended the conflicts. No one had a solution for their problems at the time so they decided to ignore it for the time being. At least that's what it would've looked like to the FH without knowing it was them such a compromise would target.
Otherwise i find it weird that multiple people would come up with the same solution of sealing the same memories in similar ways.
It was always kinda weird how much space it was given to Bam to do his things considering how important he seems to be for the tower. Some FH know he's an irregular but they don't seem to know he's THAT irregular . I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the FH also have limited info on V, Arlene and Bam. Or at least the one that would have sympathized more with the family than with Z do.
And they might've not even been fully duped as past Gustang seems aware at some extent. But with no solution at the time they might've accepted temporal peaceful coexistence. It would also explain why the memories were sealed in a way that in theory should've only been accessible to the FH concerned and not given to zahard for safekeeping or destroyed.
Im saying FUG must be involved as i don't understand how this could all work out if the enemy wasn't in on it. Gustang could just ask other ppl from that time about the past. It only works out if everyone is in on it
It would also be funny if Luslesc isn't here as FUG but as Zahard's agent. Cuz is also weird how little direct involvement was there from Z after the nest
And like,you'd think FUG would be thriled that the empires has new enemies in Gustang and the revo. You'd also expect gustang or the revo to try ally FUG into an enemy of my enemy type thing. I have trouble coming up with other reasons as why they wouldn't do some of those things unless they knew fug ain't fully committed to it yet
Then again it might just be the case that siu didn't think things through and it ain't that deep


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Aug 29, 2023
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United Kingdom
and yet the attack was blocked without much difficulty, Rob was surprised that it was powerful enough to tear Abuelo apart, but that was all, the attack was perfectly blocked.

PB will not catch up with their numerical gap
as early as S2 we knew there were a lot of them, for BH SIU just introduced guys we already knew existed

PB saga is coming to its conclusion,PB will always be fewer in number

Rasth didn't really put up much of a fight until the 2nd teleport.
Joo was still on her ship
Wiwi was the only one clearly shown fighting
Everything indicates that the BH weren't all fighting, and there's nothing to suggest that Luini, Ernaux and Gir was doing 3 vs 12.

and what says the SWR ship didn't fire, it just might not have been in range
Wiwi's fleet was in the vanguard, the SWR ship and a small ship appeared in front of it, then when we see it again and all his fleet has been annihilated except him
the person in that small ship wasn't fighting Wiwi, so it can't have been Gir or Ernaux because they were seen attacking the fleet, by elimination it was Proust, and as you say Proust was passive during the whole ambush, you know what's left, Wiwi took a direct hit from the SWR ship and just had his shirt ripped or Proust attacked destroying his whole fleet and Wiwi just had his shirt ripped.

clearly a machine,at best it's some sort of thing linked to his lighthouse manipulation
Teleportation is its only known function,
in a fight it would just be used for escape or repositioning and that's all.
and it's not a shield

PB arc is coming to an end, and you're hoping that SIU will introduce the double of PB HR?
It won't, at best you'll get a few PB HR here and there and that's it.

1: good luck with that
2: only the top 300 counts, if the HR PBs you're talking about aren't in the top 300, their existence won't matter (I wonder why I counted Giskar and Luini, Giskar is fodder and Luini shares the same rank as this fodder:cookiestare).

you talked about their other force without the BH, and I told you that this force is worthless.
what constitutes the military power of a family is top 300 and above.
so it's normal that Rob wants to save them

Haaland is not a BH
Katan is not a BH, he belongs to Rob's branch
Kukuda is not a BH, he failed, Perper has not been a BH for a long time, she left her post and "disappeared".

Alphine told us that there are 20 branches, and she is the most current source we have, so there are currently 20, Didiano branch, Ledodo, Kukoko and Perper are all events that happened in the distant past and should not affect the word of Alphine.
Rob and Kirin exclude we know 12 branches, them includes then 14, missing between 8 and 6.
and WGW is there
Kirin tells us that he has taken all BH.
Luini buddy us that all BH are there
Wiwi say it
Proust say it
Katan says it
I don't know why people keep thinking that WGW isn't there when we're being bombarded with the fact that all the BH who aren't dead, traitors or busy elsewhere are there.:cookiestare
so as I said Kirin should be leading a fleet of 12 BH (assuming Yorari is dead and nothing indicates it)

Kirin told him that his plan had gone wrong and that PB had planned everything.
Rob had already guessed that his informant was unreliable
and the fact that Kirin knew about the book, had sent men to his position (despite the fact that Kirin should not know where the fuck he is) and was collaborating with PB, gave his words weight that Rob couldn't ignore.
But suppose he's successful, then what?

Gustang is ready to fight even without his memories, if robadon came to him and told him to make a truce "Lol Lmao" would be the last words he would hear.
But let's imagine he accepts, a truce is between 2 people, how will Rob convince Traum to accept? The same Traum who knows that war is impossible to avoid and as Rob himself noted Traum will do whatever Z tells him to do, even if he doesn't want to.

the same Z who wants the PB family to disappear from the face of the tower, so in his mind Rob wants to convince Gustang, Traum and Z.:epicfacepalm
This guy is stupid, his plan is stupid, we the readers know it, Kirin knows it, Traum know it, Gustang know it, this war is impossible to stop.
we should be glad that Rob move on :cookiestare

and I think his plan was stupid, destined to fail and I'm glad this plot is over:residentsleeper
Wiwi wasn’t the only one fighting… joo was shown outside the ship with a gun in her hands and the blood chimera was also shown fighting, and seeing as she was on the floor even before the teleportation warp, implies she started fighting at probably the same time as wiwi. Proust also referred to fighting the branch heads as a collective ( “ they’re the branch heads, they aren’t easy “ ) not just one person, like you’re insinuating. Therefore it makes sense for it to have been Atleast multiple BH vs Ernaux and gir etc.

I clearly stated there was most likely a few other PB rankers fighting alongside the army members such as luini, however they would not have Made a difference

…are you slow ? Not only would Proust destroy wiwi like Dumas did Jinsung, but wiwi isn’t taking a direct hit from the shinwonryu ship and leaving with only a ripped shirt. It completely decimated el abuelo even from the distance it was shot at and even traumerie spoke on its capabilities. Most of That fleet was destroyed by Gir when they first commited the ambush and the rest was done by either the Po bidau vanguard or the army. Why is this far fetched to assume when we straight up saw Gir blow up a ship with one hit ?? You don’t believe that maybe they directed their efforts to wiwis ship after the scene cut ?? After all Proust was specifically told to use the shinwonryu ship after the warp, why would he have used it beforehand ?

“ linked to his lighthouse manipulation “ …so it’s a shinsu ability…. Lmaoo

how is it “ clearly a machine “ ? Shinsu abilities manifest in all shapes and sizes. For example catan, are you gonna say his shinsu ability is a machine or device because he can summon tanks and guns ?? Not only has it literally got the design of a shield but it must have some defensive capabilities in order to stop incoming attacks before absorption. What are you talking about ?

I don’t think anything, it’s explicitly stated. In order to get to the grand match somebody has to break through all the Po bidau forces ( emphasis on the ‘s’ ) Do you think Po bidau forces refers to a group of regulars ? It obviously refers to other powerful high rankers, not in the army, who are within the family. Such as idk, the guy we dead saw this chapter 💀.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

I mean TSdream was asking for a debate
He didn’t call you to a fight and you just killed him
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

LPB 23 Branch were known from the start
PB doesn’t have that many HR
That’s why Gustang called the BHs a shield around TRAUMEREI

Is clear that LPB is way more powerful than PB as a family the difference is the head of the PB family here and we don’t even know if these ranks mean something in that league 11-20
He didn’t do nothing help-
Last edited:


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 11, 2018
Reaction score
Dominican Republic
Nah kirin didn’t brought 12 BH with him
He brought that one fighting PB
They were probably that ones wouldn’t betray the family head for him.

There’s no way Kirin would trust PB family to sacrifice its whole family to lead a powerless clan without any BH. We are losing our mind here

can’t wait for this arc to finish.
Wiwi wasn’t the only one fighting… joo was shown outside the ship with a gun in her hands and the blood chimera was also shown fighting, and seeing as she was on the floor even before the teleportation warp, implies she started fighting at probably the same time as wiwi. Proust also referred to fighting the branch heads as a collective ( “ they’re the branch heads, they aren’t easy “ ) not just one person, like you’re insinuating. Therefore it makes sense for it to have been Atleast multiple BH vs Ernaux and gir etc.

I clearly stated there was most likely a few other PB rankers fighting alongside the army members such as luini, however they would not have Made a difference

…are you slow ? Not only would Proust destroy wiwi like Dumas did Jinsung, but wiwi isn’t taking a direct hit from the shinwonryu ship and leaving with only a ripped shirt. It completely decimated el abuelo even from the distance it was shot at and even traumerie spoke on its capabilities. Most of That fleet was destroyed by Gir when they first commited the ambush and the rest was done by either the Po bidau vanguard or the army. Why is this far fetched to assume when we straight up saw Gir blow up a ship with one hit ?? You don’t believe that maybe they directed their efforts to wiwis ship after the scene cut ?? After all Proust was specifically told to use the shinwonryu ship after the warp, why would he have used it beforehand ?

“ linked to his lighthouse manipulation “ …so it’s a shinsu ability…. Lmaoo

how is it “ clearly a machine “ ? Shinsu abilities manifest in all shapes and sizes. For example catan, are you gonna say his shinsu ability is a machine or device because he can summon tanks and guns ?? Not only has it literally got the design of a shield but it must have some defensive capabilities in order to stop incoming attacks before absorption. What are you talking about ?

I don’t think anything, it’s explicitly stated. In order to get to the grand match somebody has to break through all the Po bidau forces ( emphasis on the ‘s’ ) Do you think Po bidau forces refers to a group of regulars ? It obviously refers to other powerful high rankers, not in the army, who are within the family. Such as idk, the guy we dead saw this chapter 💀.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

He didn’t do nothing help-
he destroyed you for sure
But he is not making any sense
With his BHs point of view
When i thought it was a tie match
You just posted that blasphemous theory
About Luslec and Zahard etc

i need to see another round to decide the winner.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

A 5 years hiatus is needed tbf.

Lo Po Bia

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上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Oct 26, 2021
Reaction score
The truth is that we know that neither LPB nor PB are "much superior" to each other, both are balanced, regarding the fight no one knows who is fighting who, we don't know if 15 BH are there, we know that what you saw, there must be rankers and AR there, or even HR, at least Luini said "avoid exposing our rankers", so the other BH could simply be facing common soldiers, we only saw Wiwi without part of his clothes, and Lashute in ground and some of the monsters she controlled, we know that if Proust wanted to, he would probably have already finished off some of them, and we also know that it is very difficult for three HR, if we consider just these three (Gir Ernaux and Luini) to be dealing with several BH at the same time, and we also know that the SIU will not show us all the HR but the main ones, we cannot assume that all the SIU will show is the exact number, there are people who think that the Lobadon army is just Kadede and Catan, which doesn't make sense because if Kadade is a divcom from the first corp, there should be at least one CC, we know Luini from the second fleet and Varane from the third, by logic there will be the first fleet too, LPB will probably be the one family with the most HR shown, after all there was a huge arc with them, I doubt that SIU will do something like that for all families otherwise this story won't end, we will probably know the top 10 of each family and little more than that, that doesn't mean that LPB has more HR, and it doesn't mean that it is more powerful.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 16, 2021
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I'm expecting Mazino now, if not both him and Baek Ryun together. Baam is probably going to need some serious help getting out of this place when things start getting hairy for him (again, I think this will happen as a result of him refusing to do whatever FUG expects of him with respect to Traumerei and Gustang). So whoever is coming is going to need to be someone strong enough to make people sit down and shut up.
I'd rather not have Urek/WHS bail out Baam TBH, I prefer SIU finds another route. Heck, an admin intervening is even better than Urek/WHS, and we had a precedent for that (floor 2 admin sent Evankhell & YHS to Karaka's heart IIRC).


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
I don't think that what we have seen necessarily evidences the PB being more powerful than the LPB. It is worth noting that we have seen more of the LPB and they have taken loses since they were introduced (dokoko, perseus, pudily, yaratcha). With what we know about them at least I don't think it's a stretch that before the nest battle the two families were pretty even in most regards. The main edge the PB appear to have is technological given how readily available their weapons which are capable of damaging above average high rankers are. I have no idea of what to make of richmond being a line of text.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Aug 5, 2018
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United States
For all the hype around the mysterious ship only Mikel has used the power; it can only launch one blast; and the range of the attack is limited!
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

TBH besides being surprised about the newness of the ship no one is fearful of its power LOL!!!
--- Double Post Merged, ---

PB only look better because their army is coordinated and they respect the chain of command.


Registered User
中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Aug 29, 2023
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United Kingdom
Nah kirin didn’t brought 12 BH with him
He brought that one fighting PB
They were probably that ones wouldn’t betray the family head for him.

There’s no way Kirin would trust PB family to sacrifice its whole family to lead a powerless clan without any BH. We are losing our mind here

can’t wait for this arc to finish.

he destroyed you for sure
But he is not making any sense
With his BHs point of view
When i thought it was a tie match
You just posted that blasphemous theory
About Luslec and Zahard etc

i need to see another round to decide the winner.
--- Double Post Merged, ---

A 5 years hiatus is needed tbf.
Writing heaps of paragraphs doesn’t mean nothing if you’re slow and aren’t making sense sorry.


Waifu Slayer
神のごとし / Kami no Gotoshi / Godlike
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Fire Nation
For all the hype around the mysterious ship only Mikel has used the power; it can only launch one blast; and the range of the attack is limited!
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

TBH besides being surprised about the newness of the ship no one is fearful of its power LOL!!!
--- Double Post Merged, ---

PB only look better because their army is coordinated and they respect the chain of command.
I don't think the series has evidenced any limits to the shinwonryu ships yet. Pretty sure the LPB reactions to it count as fear. Even lobadon was shocked by it and lobadon's farts can kill 10 evankhels.

The PB army is... coordinated? Gustang gave control of the family to belerier, a literal rando who wants to destroy the family and no one seems to trust. On top of that tiara wants to stop the revolutionaries while tip toeing around gustang's orders. The only difference between the PB and LPB messes is that gustang's deal is intentional. So traumerei doesn't give two shits about his family in general, gustang is trying to destroy the LPB as much as his own family apparently. I suppose there's room to suggest that whoever of the PB family that survives gustang's nonsense will be free...


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Sep 16, 2021
Reaction score
Since sin is now important, I suppose we've have to look anything related to divine.

- Haetae is said to be sacred beast, if it's sacred, that is surely that must be tied to something divine. Does Traumerei believe in gods? Does he serve a god? Where ever he comes from, in the outside, do they believe in a god? This question could be asked of all FH too. We know at least Arlen believe in Enryu's god (since Enryu got angry on Arlen behalf, her shrine being defiled by Zahard)
- There's another instance of sin being used, and it's Baam of all people. He said it'll be a sin if he were to release Leviathan. Odd for him to use the word "sin", does he believe in gods? Does he serve a god?
- FHs themselves are considered gods. Considering Enryu's god, this could be taken as heresy.
- Slayers are considered gods. Same as FHs, heresy to the Outside God.
- Baam is a slayer candidate at this point in story (well still is in the latest chapter), but Hwaryun humorously called called Baam her "stupid god" S2 CH111
- Wangnan, the prince of red district, is qualified as the worst mistake of Zahard and the 10 families S2 CH111
- Some people are called "god" like the God of Guardian in Hell Train.
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

Heck, the name Tower of God.

Baam is essentially the avatar of the outside god. I wonder if Zahard and other Great Warriors are also an avatar of other gods, or Baam is just a special case.

King Dryst

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jun 17, 2018
Reaction score
I'd rather not have Urek/WHS bail out Baam TBH, I prefer SIU finds another route. Heck, an admin intervening is even better than Urek/WHS, and we had a precedent for that (floor 2 admin sent Evankhell & YHS to Karaka's heart IIRC).
Someone is going to have to bail him out if he ends up with the big shots on either side of this affair wanting to kill him. He can't deal with Traumerei, Gustang or Luslec at this point. And it's really the only logical reason to have Wingtree showing up here.


Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Nov 15, 2021
Reaction score
French Guiana
Wiwi wasn’t the only one fighting… joo was shown outside the ship with a gun in her hands and the blood chimera was also shown fighting, and seeing as she was on the floor even before the teleportation warp, implies she started fighting at probably the same time as wiwi. Proust also referred to fighting the branch heads as a collective ( “ they’re the branch heads, they aren’t easy “ ) not just one person, like you’re insinuating. Therefore it makes sense for it to have been Atleast multiple BH vs Ernaux and gir etc.
No, Rasth was shown lying on the same bed ( not same color but clearly same bed, not the first time they change color of thing) where she was talking to Kirin.

She just wasn't fighting.
Joo wasn't fighting either, she was outside with her water pistol watching what was going on.
but I didn't say they weren't fighting BH I said all BH weren't fighting
…are you slow ? Not only would Proust destroy wiwi like Dumas did Jinsung, but wiwi isn’t taking a direct hit from the shinwonryu ship and leaving with only a ripped shirt. It completely decimated el abuelo even from the distance it was shot at and even traumerie spoke on its capabilities. Most of That fleet was destroyed by Gir when they first commited the ambush and the rest was done by either the Po bidau vanguard or the army. Why is this far fetched to assume when we straight up saw Gir blow up a ship with one hit ?? You don’t believe that maybe they directed their efforts to wiwis ship after the scene cut ?? After all Proust was specifically told to use the shinwonryu ship after the warp, why would he have used it beforehand ?
but buddy, the thing you don't get is that Abuelo's durability is unquantifiable:cookiestare
HR of Hugo's level can't get past Abuelo, but we don't know Hugo's level, she's lost so fast she's impossible to place.
So Abuelo being ripped and Wiwi taking the shit with just a ripped shirt doesn't contradict itself, when we have another feat for Abuelo or when we can finally place Hugo, then we can discuss it again.
we would have seen PB fleet in front of Wiwi if your hypothesis was correct, but no, we just saw the SWR ship and Proust's ship

“ linked to his lighthouse manipulation “ …so it’s a shinsu ability…. Lmaoo
I mean an artefact linked to his lighthouse:epicfacepalm
how is it “ clearly a machine “ ? Shinsu abilities manifest in all shapes and sizes. For example catan, are you gonna say his shinsu ability is a machine or device because he can summon tanks and guns ?? Not only has it literally got the design of a shield but it must have some defensive capabilities in order to stop incoming attacks before absorption. What are you talking about ?
Catan's weapons are physical weapons with real bullets
it's not a shinsu technique
Catan's weapons are objects
the teleportation sphere is a object, simple
I don't see what the problem is, PB theme is the utilisation of more or less special objects or spells.
Richemond would simply be following his family's theme.
I don’t think anything, it’s explicitly stated. In order to get to the grand match somebody has to break through all the Po bidau forces ( emphasis on the ‘s’ ) Do you think Po bidau forces refers to a group of regulars ? It obviously refers to other powerful high rankers, not in the army, who are within the family. Such as idk, the guy we dead saw this chapter 💀.
wishful thinking won't save you
and I've told you, if this other HR PB aren't at least in the top 300 in terms of strength, they're not even worth mentioning
The book is Gustang pressure point, Traumerei will obviously learn and use the informations in it if Lobadon secures it. Everyone knows that Lobadon alone can't force a truce, him included.
This confirms that Rob's plan is stupid.
The book was just a means to an end and that end was peace.
This book could have had Blossom Nudes in it and Rob would still have gone to get him.
Traum was always going to fight Gustang, just because Z asked him whether he had the book with him or not.
Rob knows it's not Traum who decides, but he's going anyway
whoever ripped Rob's arm off hit him too hard, he didn't just lose an arm, some neural conexions definitely died that day:residentsleeper
Fact of the matter is that Gustang plan revolves around those informations and Baam, who also holds Traumerei's memories.
Lobadon had the key pieces of this war on the palm of his hands and decided to leave it to Tiara and Goruro.
To do what ? Replicate Gustang vs Pudidy and Perseus ?
he doesn't know that Baam has the leviathan
as far as he's concerned, it's just a plan that's no longer certain to succeed and is no longer topical, now that a major asset in his family is at risk of extermination, it's only natural to prioritise their rescue.

think of it this way
you're a military operator
-you go on a mission to get vital information from an enemy camp
-after several unexpected and desired events you manage to obtain the information
- but a traitor tells you that you've done all this for nothing and that the opposing side had planned everything.
-he's a traitor and can't be trusted, yet when you connect the dots you realise that the only logical explanation is that he's actually right.
- Then you learn that an important base with several of your side's major assets is under attack and that your intervention can save it.
What would you do?
I'd get rid of the information or downgrade its importance from "major" to "secondary".
but it's not me, it's you
What would you have done?

I think we'll never agree:yodawg