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Discussion Re-write the Alvarez Arc

Would you change the Alvarez arc?

  • Not at all

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Minorly

    Votes: 17 9.8%
  • Moderately

    Votes: 34 19.5%
  • Majorly

    Votes: 72 41.4%
  • Completely

    Votes: 47 27.0%

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Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Sep 4, 2019
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Kingdom of Fiore
Alvarez arc was the final arc and with the enemies hyped as the most powerful(aside from dragons) foes they will ever face. IMO,it would have been better if the S12 were defeated by 2-5 mages with each of team Natsu(plus Laxus,Mira,Gajeel,Juvia,Cana) in each team facing the S12. Giving the main and the side characters I mentioned the biggest role in the battle and with the other mages of different guilds as a support giving them important roles in the fight too.

That way,the S12s,even defeated,would still gain the respect and the battles will be seen as a farewell battle for all the FT members and some favorite side chracters in the series. If that happened,I would have felt contented and might not ask for a sequel. I won't change the 7DS vs Acnologia match-up with the help of FS boosted by all of the mages of Ishgar. However,the 7DS should have been at their maximum power like Dragon Forces and with great choreography because the established fight was underwhelming.

The prologue of the arc was great tbh. I love that Bisca was utilized in the war helping Erza,and considering that both have a close bond since Erza was the one who brought Bisca to the guild. The role of Marin in that fight was great too.
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Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 18, 2016
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Nah. Acnologia should've never appeared in Alvarez, it was too soon for someone so ridiculously powerful as compared to others. At the very least, there should've been one more arc to deal with him.

Ebony Maw

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 8, 2016
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Nah. Acnologia should've never appeared in Alvarez, it was too soon for someone so ridiculously powerful as compared to others. At the very least, there should've been one more arc to deal with him.
There were two key mistakes Hiro made with Acno in Alvarez IMO. The first was having him blitz kill Serena before even August could react. It was just too much, had it been a powerful spell that did that to Serena then it would have been easier to write a counter to it. The second was making him the Dragon of Magic... like, what was he thinking? The dude is already so fast that August, the guy who stomped CS with ease, couldn't even react to him.... and he chooses to make him near immune to all Magic?

I can't imagine the stress of having to write and draw a manga like Fairy Tail every week, but these are two mistakes that I just can't make any excuse for.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Sep 4, 2019
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Kingdom of Fiore
There were two key mistakes Hiro made with Acno in Alvarez IMO. The first was having him blitz kill Serena before even August could react. It was just too much, had it been a powerful spell that did that to Serena then it would have been easier to write a counter to it. The second was making him the Dragon of Magic... like, what was he thinking? The dude is already so fast that August, the guy who stomped CS with ease, couldn't even react to him.... and he chooses to make him near immune to all Magic?

I can't imagine the stress of having to write and draw a manga like Fairy Tail every week, but these are two mistakes that I just can't make any excuse for.
Yeah. It's really stressful to make a story,even the scripts. I had a hard time doing those things when there were some storymaking activity in our class back in the days. But Hiro's art is superb though,I've read a number of manga and his work was one of the best to me. Does Hiro had some help with the script while making FT?or was he trying to get some ideas from some suggestions in some forums from fans?Wasn't FT originally planned as a short story?(lol,sorry for the questions,just wanted to clarify things).

Anyways,Alvarez was kinda mess up. Based on what I've read from this forum since I joined,most(if not all),were calling the final arc as one of the worst arcs in FT,Tartaros arc as one of the best.

Ebony Maw

Registered User
英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
May 8, 2016
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Yeah. It's really stressful to make a story,even the scripts. I had a hard time doing those things when there were some storymaking activity in our class back in the days. But Hiro's art is superb though,I've read a number of manga and his work was one of the best to me.
I've only ever read Fairy Tail and a little of Eden's Zero but I agree with you completely! Hiro's art is usually fantastic, though some characters bodies' are virtually identical.
Does Hiro had some help with the script while making FT?or was he trying to get some ideas from some suggestions in some forums from fans?Wasn't FT originally planned as a short story?(lol,sorry for the questions,just wanted to clarify things).
No worries!

And I'm not 100% certain on any of these answers but I'll do my best:

"Does Hiro had some help with the script while making FT?" - I've never seen or heard anything to suggest he did, but I'm sure his editors affected his work in places. The original story and rough plan was probably all him, his editors likely changed bits here and there though.

"or was he trying to get some ideas from some suggestions in some forums from fans?" - I don't think he did, though its almost impossible for us to know. Even then, he would probably on browse the Japanese forums that discussed Fairy Tail, and I have no idea what they thought to the Alvarez arc.

"Wasn't FT originally planned as a short story?" - This is one I have no idea on, sorry.
Anyways,Alvarez was kinda mess up. Based on what I've read from this forum since I joined,most(if not all),were calling the final arc as one of the worst arcs in FT,Tartaros arc as one of the best.
Yeah, Alvarez is really not that liked on MH, and to be fair almost all the criticism I've seen was legitimate. Likewise most people I've talked with think Tartaros is one of the best arcs in FT, and I would agree with them. It had an issue or two but it was still really good.

Man, the Alvarez chapter threads were something else lmfao, the salt in 100YQ threads is mild compared to some of the Alvarez threads.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Feb 3, 2016
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hi guys SO there is my Alvarez rewriting. i know it's long but i hope you'll enjoy it, please give me your thoughts on it

First I’d have change neinhart chara design because it’s horrible, I’d give him invel’s chara design and I’d give invel a more Viking design because he’s related to ice and war ( like with a Viking helmet with horns and animal fur) I’d have shown more spriggan interaction: ajeel and invel are e friends/rivals ( sand and ice) for exemple much more respect for August and Eileen Eileen isn’t related to erza


Alvarez attacks : brandish and ajeel attack first.
August Serena and Jacob at the East.
Wahl, Dimaria, Neinhart at the south (hargeon).
Eileen, Bloodman, invel at north
. Larcade and zeref at west.

-Ajeel squad vs Strauss siblings
Lisana vs Karim, lisana wins
elfman vs bakel elfman wins
Mira vs ajeel, ajeel too powerful for her even if she manages to bypass the sand with tempester take over. Ajeel uses dans world and retakes advantage. Lisana and elfman show up to help Mira. Elfman holds ajeel from behind using his hardest beast soul, lisana throws mira to ajeel and she finishes him with alegria satan soul.
Ajeel stand up badly wounded and retreats, elfman ko, mira ko, lisana takes them back to the guild

-Erza and Lucy vs brandish Brandish can’t use command T on living creatures but she has lot of miniaturized objects like knives and rocks that she throws and then gigantises. ( throws a Little Rock to the sky then it becomes a meteorite) Brandish shrinks all erza’s armors ans swords and Lucy’s keys. Erza has to fight hand to hand while Lucy users urano metria on brandish. Then erza finishes her with nakagami. Brandish made prisoner.

-Raijinshuu + ichiya vs baddman , unchanged

Natsu goes to west to fight zeref, unchanged Then comes back at the guild

-God Serena vs GOI, unchanged

-Acnologia vs God Serena same one shot while Serena is talking and acnologia says that he had to take Serena seriously recognizing his strength. Acnologia can’t say if he recognizes a smell on August and let him leave. But Serena doesn’t die and is saved by August with a medical dimension spell.


-Laxus vs wahl, unchanged Wahl dead

-Dimaria vs kagura, dimaria is goddess of war ( dimaria Athena yesta) fightdoesn’t end, dimaria has a large advantage but kagura isn’t out

-Wendy vs Neinhart
Gray vs tartaros + Deliorah
Lyon vs Ul
Juvia and meledy vs keith and zankuro
Erza vs azuma kyoka ikaruga
All historias are defeated,
Neinart still stands as dimaria,
obaba gets killed

Négociation session with August with same team. Unchanged
but August continues his walk to the guild


-Gajil and levy vs bloodman, unchanged but gajil dies for real,
first major death.

Crime sorcière joins the battle
-Jellal vs invel Extremely hard fight, invel users pure ice in a very savage fighting style, sema is frozen, jellal uses abyss break and manages to badly wound invel

Acnologia arrives in the north, Eileen meets him and starts fighting, acnologia smells something familiar and finds out she’s a....

At the same time JACOB arrives at fairy tail

-Jacob vs Ft guild + makarov + cana
Jacob still wins with stealth and hand to hand combat, and when he confess to kill cana, he gets hit and is sent away: gildartz has joined the battle. Jacob tried to fight him but he is no match for Gildartz and wonders how strong is he and that he’s not even sure that normal spriggans could beat him.
The fight is interrupted when gildartz was about to finish Jacob,
August is in the guild’s hall and sends god Serena to fight gildartz ( Serena hasn’t fully recovered from his one shot)

August finds fairy heart and tells Eileen to use universe one interrupting the revelation about her.

Universe one is used, some fights are interrupted.


-gildartz vs God Serena
God Serena has fire water wind earth thunder ice diamond and mist elements guildartz wins because god Serena was injured but it would have been a draw.

⁃ zeref arrives at fairy tail thanks to Eileen and all the spriggans are here too thanks to her except wahl and bloodman who died and god Serena who’s fighting guildartz somewhere else. Invel and ajeel are healed. + large army.

⁃ Allies try to assemble and attack to save Navi’s at the guild but a lot of parle are missing ( laxus guildartz jellal) crime sorcière is here as well The battle begins. But acnologia quickly arrives at the battlefield. Eileen takes invel and ajeel with her to push him back

-Acnologia vs Eileen ajeel invel Eileen high enchants the 2 spriggans who are used to act like a duo. Plus eileen revealing herself as the first DS and being a dragon

⁃ Dimaria vs orga Rufus shelia

⁃ brandish vs Minerva

⁃ Jacob vs elfman bacchus

⁃ Neinhart tried to stop natsu but he gets destroyed.

⁃ Larcade has to join the battle and with his magic he gives advantage to the spriggans

Oracion seis are the first ones who arrive to zeref and engage a fight for vengeance

Makarov uses fairy law on the army and DIES

Larcade vs kagura sting rogue

Natsu continues his rush and August tries to stop him.
Erza ans mira interfere to let natsu escape but they’re no match, laxus and jellal and then gildartz arrive giving to natsu the opportunity to leave and promising him that they’ll win.
August takes them away to not destroy magnolia during the fight.

GOI arrive on the battlefield

Dimaria vs orga shelia Rufus

Jacob vs elfman bacchus and wolfheim
Jacob is defeated

Brandish vs Minerva Jura and hyperion
Brandish is defeated

Larcade vs sting rogue kagura and warrod
Larcade defeated

Gray freezes Lucy and happy on their way to the guild to continue alone ( you know his plan) when he arrives at the guild the oracion seis are defeated except midnight who’s in a bad shape, cobra still conscious but defeated, the others are out.

Back to madara vs 5 kag.... oops August vs gildartz laxus jellal erza mira ( lets call them top 5)

August is in his normal form and can’t nullify magic in this form, only is the spells he has already copied. He tells them that even if they managed to defeat some of the other spriggans, he is in a completely other level and that he could kill them in one instant using some terrific magics.

The top 5 team up with combos to hurt August but he counters everything with his ridiculous number of spells but they finally succeed to hurt him with a combo and a finishing “haja kensei zetten”
August wakes up, with just some scratches and congratulates them then turns into his red mode, a tremendous power is unleashed.

The scene goes back to zeref vs gray where gray tried to lost iced shell before natsu stops him and engages a fight against the black wizard. Natsu enters fdkm but it’s not enough for zeref to go down then larcade appears and is killed by zeref who lost it and wants to kill natsu with a deadly spell now. Mavis interposes herself but the spell vanishes.

August is in the hall of the guild. Natsu is shook and asks while screaming what happened to the others then attacks but is thrown away with a gravity spell. August tells him that they’re alive but..

Flash back of few minutes ago. Laxus erza jellal ans mira are ko and gildartz stands in his knees before August. Cana comes and tries desperately to save her dad then August lets them live while talking about “the child of his majesty”. Gildartz then asks what is his goal in this war because he felt that he wasn’t just following orders.

Back to the present. Monologue of August saying that the meaning of this war is futile that he had a goal in this war which was seeing his mother. He reveals his identity. He says that the true enemy of humanity is acnologia and that the duty of humanity was to end him. Indeed I’m giving August a much larger time because he is the perfect center between each side, being the son of mavis and zeref. August leaves the place heading to acnologia. When he arrives, ajeel and invel are out and eileen is being beaten. August takes her place and tells her that the fight has to end too many people died. KING OF

that is my dream fight.

August uses a dimension spell to put himself and acnologia in a parallel world so they can fight without destroying the world. Then he goes all out, becomes a giant, uses meteor, and lightning body to increase his speed. The fight continues all around the world and space, using true heaven body Magic ( quasar, black hole, etc) and lot of super powerful spells from both sides but nothing works except physical hits and acnologia takes advantage Of the fight.

August has an idea to defeat acnologia and needs time to summon a forbidden weapon with knight magic. He uses historia and 3 dragons appear but acnologia kills them.
August summons Excalibur, the dragons slaying sword.
The two Kings clash. August loses his arm and acnologia is pierced by the sword and injured. In front of the colossal of the black dragon, August loses hope and then activates are magia then remembers natsu’s dialogues so he cancels it and then throws the sword to a no who dodged it saying « was that your last move king of wizards » August dies but he wasn’t aiming for acnologia but wanted to send the sword to natsu.

Acnologia is badly injured to the torso Back to natsu vs zeref They’re still fighting zeref doesnt want to give up his madness. Then the sword arrives, full of anti dragon magic. August’s ghost is with zeref and mavis and telling them he always loved them even if he didn’t recieved any love from them, he disappears.
Acnologia has to be killed.
All the Ds has to be reunited but gajil is dead. Neinhart makes a historia of him at the same lvl, using all his magic power. Eileen enchants all 8 DS and mavis and zeref unleash Fairy heart on them to give them unifinite magic power, the fight begins

Acnologia vs natsu gajil laxus Wendy cobra sting rogue god Serena + Eileen as back up ( she couldn’t fight because of too much injuries)
The DS combo passing each other the sword and hitting acnologia with it, then natsu finishes with one slay with the sword in which Eileen put all the other 8 DS magic.
Acnologia being already injured he wasn’t able to dodge nor block. Acnologia dies.

Mavis and zeref die too because they experience love again while activating fairy heart

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING, pls leave a comment

Jean Grey

Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jun 16, 2016
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I would end this at Tartaros.

no Fodder 12.

Igneel's death would be the same but END gets unleashed and kills Zeref. Zeref's final gift before he dies is removing the demon out of Natsu somehow. this way we won't have Gray's idiotism like in Alvarez arc. Acnologia survives and goes back to his mountain.

this way, we would have Acnologia in 100YQ to teach this false Gods who the true Dragon King is. you could put Irene in it as well but without any connection to Erza.

no offspring of Zeref and Mavis (big LOL at that), no Larcade BS, no suicides etc. I would probably put Bloodman in Tartaros as well somehow.

grey matter

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 4, 2019
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Anyways,Alvarez was kinda mess up. Based on what I've read from this forum since I joined,most(if not all),were calling the final arc as one of the worst arcs in FT,Tartaros arc as one of the best.
IMO, Tower of Heaven and Tenrou were the best arcs of the series. tbh, I consider many arcs better than Tartarus.

Tararus felt great, better than it actually was, because it came after one of the worst arcs in the series (GMG)
--- Double Post Merged, , Original Post Date: ---

no offspring of Zeref and Mavis (big LOL at that),
How TF did that even happen? LOL

Kenneth Latorre

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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Jul 17, 2019
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United States
ill rewrite the whole shit due to how stupid it was. i would keep acnologia for the the 100years quest as hype material (Have a dragon god equal acnologia in a battle) and such. August and Irene i would have also saved by having them win all the battles they faced (which would exclude Acnologia, zeref, and natsu)

idk. its just such a mess.


Registered User
上級員 / Jyoukuuin / Sr. Member
Sep 4, 2019
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Kingdom of Fiore
I've only ever read Fairy Tail and a little of Eden's Zero but I agree with you completely! Hiro's art is usually fantastic, though some characters bodies' are virtually identical.

No worries!

And I'm not 100% certain on any of these answers but I'll do my best:

"Does Hiro had some help with the script while making FT?" - I've never seen or heard anything to suggest he did, but I'm sure his editors affected his work in places. The original story and rough plan was probably all him, his editors likely changed bits here and there though.

"or was he trying to get some ideas from some suggestions in some forums from fans?" - I don't think he did, though its almost impossible for us to know. Even then, he would probably on browse the Japanese forums that discussed Fairy Tail, and I have no idea what they thought to the Alvarez arc.

"Wasn't FT originally planned as a short story?" - This is one I have no idea on, sorry.

Yeah, Alvarez is really not that liked on MH, and to be fair almost all the criticism I've seen was legitimate. Likewise most people I've talked with think Tartaros is one of the best arcs in FT, and I would agree with them. It had an issue or two but it was still really good.

Man, the Alvarez chapter threads were something else lmfao, the salt in 100YQ threads is mild compared to some of the Alvarez threads.
Thanks for answering @Ebony Maw !❤


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 18, 2016
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Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jan 22, 2019
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Fairy Tail
Both Zeref and Mavis were biologically below 18 though, afaik.
Mavis yes. But don't know how old was Zeref. I would rather say he was at least around 20.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 18, 2016
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Mavis yes. But don't know how old was Zeref. I would rather say he was at least around 20.
Pretty sure he was in his teens when he got cursed. That's what I garnered from chapter 436. Even looked like one.


Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Jan 22, 2019
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Fairy Tail
Pretty sure he was in his teens when he got cursed. That's what I garnered from chapter 436. Even looked like one.
1. He's still a bit taller than Natsu and they look more like same age - so around 20. (For me Zeref still looks a bit older than Natsu)
2. People can look younger than they actually are.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Mar 18, 2016
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1. He's still a bit taller than Natsu and they look more like same age - so around 20. (For me Zeref still looks a bit older than Natsu)
2. People can look younger than they actually are.
I mean sure, but then there's no way to confirm if he's above 18 either. I can counter argue that people can look older than they actually are. :P


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 10, 2019
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United States
Instead of Acnologia, God Serena should've faced off against the seven dragon slayers.

I bet @grey matter would love it

grey matter

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Dec 4, 2019
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Instead of Acnologia, God Serena should've faced off against the seven dragon slayers.

I bet @grey matter would love it
I would've loved it, but then he would be too powerful, right? I don't like making villains too overpowered. I have the same opinion of even Acnologia. If we was that strong, he should've been used one or two arcs after Alverez - with so much set up of traps and stuff cause he's too OP to fight head on.

I wanted Serena to be Yuri, who stuck being young cause of Mavis' law. And build up from there.


Registered User
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
Jul 10, 2019
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United States
I would've loved it, but then he would be too powerful, right? I don't like making villains too overpowered. I have the same opinion of even Acnologia. If we was that strong, he should've been used one or two arcs after Alverez - with so much set up of traps and stuff cause he's too OP to fight head on.

I wanted Serena to be Yuri, who stuck being young cause of Mavis' law. And build up from there.
As we know Serena has all those lacrimas and logically should be able to stomp the dragon slayers individually and we saw him 1 v 4 the wizard saints. So the 1 v7, would seem fair and balanced. With good writing, it could be done well.