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Discussion The Inherited Will

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Hannibal Psyche

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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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The Will Of D. is...

The D. Lineage

Oda likes to leave hints and clues here and there, he seems to take pleasure leaving us with cryptic messages for us to decipher which he sometimes does through references from religion and mythology.

Quite a few things in One Piece have a touch of biblical reference to them it like Treasure tree Adam, Sunlight Tree Eve, Tree of Knowledge, etc.

Referential similarities between One Piece and Christianity

Cain and Abel were from the same family, yet Cain killed Abel -
This contention is similar to that of Blackbeard and Luffy despite both being from the same Clan D.
Cain killing Abel also alludes to satan trying to destroy the line of David where Jesus would be born from -
This is similar to the WG destroying the Ancient Kingdom to stop them being a threat.
Authoritative figures from the past who influence the saviour, such as John the Baptist influencing Jesus -
In One Piece, Roger influences Luffy.

Note: God had to intervene in situations, protect his lineage and put in place inspirational and important figures to pave the way. The resemblance with One Piece is almost uncanny, the lineage of D. cannot be destroyed, tarnished or wiped out just like the line Jesus came through; the prophecy will be fulfilled.

1 Chronicles 17:11–14 (ESV)
11 When your days are fulfilled to walk with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, one of your own sons, and I will establish his kingdom.
This is the promise God made to David (same Lineage as Adam), that one of his sons will become a King and rule the world in place of the first Adam that sinned.
This is the promise God made to David (same Lineage as Adam), that one of his sons will become a King and rule the world in place of the first Adam that sinned.At this point I'm sure you get the picture, the lineage will always go on. In the Bible the 'D' middle-initial is referential to the line of Jesus's origin which is known as the "Tribe of Judah' or the 'line of David'. With little research this can be confirmed if you're interested for personal reasons.

About D. Bearers
  • The Will of D. is carried by D. name bearers.
  • Not all D. bearers carry the will as Whitebeard just realized.

The World Nobles and D. Bearers
The World Nobles control the world and they fear those who bear the D. initial as they use it as folklore to scare their children. They harbour a fear of the D. bearers themselves since they have made it the job of the World Government to be on the look out for them; this fear stems from the threat that their grip on the world will be loosened.

What is D. and Who are They?
D. is an initial that's shared by various people all over One Piece, they're also a clan, but even they're more specifically the remnants or survivors of an Ancient Kingdom. For more details, click the following link. - Ancient Kingdom's Secrets

What happened to the Ds and the Void Century?
The Ancient Kingdom was destroyed by 20 Kingdoms who were threatened by their Ideals and philosophies which they wanted to perpetuate throughout the world, but were stopped from doing so by supposedly wiping them out of existence; this essentially means the Void Century only exists because of the Ancient Kingdom (the clan of D).

What is a Will?
A will exists when one dies and is then inherited by a successor, sometimes a Will is also a request made by someone whose death is unequivocally imminent. Remember the Ds or Ancient Kingdom were wiped out because they had a philosophy or ideal they wanted to spread which is similar to that of the Revolutionary Army. Though, because they expected death, they left messages on Poneglyphs so the chosen one would read them and carry out the will.

Theme of Wills and Dreams
These are things that can't cannot be stopped; inherited wills, the destiny of an age and the dreams of its people. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of freedom, these things will never cease to be!
- Gol D. Roger
Roger is basically saying a man's life will be extinguished and will eventually die due to the flow of time; in contrast and ironically, concepts like "Dreams" and "Wills" which seem to lack the subtance of man never die as long as time goes on because either someone will inherit similar dreams/will or be inspired by one's dream, it inherently makes these concepts immortal which is why they're treasured and not to be underestimated out of foolishness.

An example would be the case of Calgara's promise to Norland which ended up being carried out by inspiring future generations; just like this dream/promise was carried out, the same can be expected of D's Will.

The 'Will of D'
Due to their supposed being annihilated, their ideals and philosophy has now become a will which is what's currently being carried out only by those who share similar philosophy even if subconsciously like is the case with Luffy. The theme of this ideal is FREEDOM, something both Roger and Luffy share which is why they're the beacons of the Will of D.

Another surprising aspect of the Will of D is that it has the power to intervene in situations to favour those who share the will; in a sense the Will of D is also a power similar to what one would call "good luck", not just simply a will.

Moments the 'Will of D.' Intervened or manifested its power:
Rocinante questioning if it's his own will...
to save Law or D's will, he doesn't care any more as he's grown a soft spot for Law who really was doomed to death. He's a world Noble, yet he's gone so far and this is as a result of D's Will orchestrating events.
There's also the occasion where Luffy was to be executed...
and as he was about to die smiling, lightening struck his executor; Luffy has a significant role to play in D's will so it saves him.
Luffy at the battle of Marineford...
from Impel Down was being assisted by Ivankov and Whitebeard; during the battle Ivankov realized why people seemed to have a natural affinity to assisting Luffy and it's because of D's will to protect him as he has a purpose to accomplish.
Luffy defeating Doflamingo...
was not just off his own power; powerful pirates in the right place at the right time? an Admiral who won't apprehend him? This is the Will of D. at work.
Note: The 'prime' champion for the 'Will of D' is Luffy, everything will centre around him. Law survived so he could be of assistance to Luffy in the future; in a sense Luffy is the incarnate of D's will.

Parallels and Additional Information
  • Just like there were prophets who had roles to pave the way before Jesus became the saviour; One Piece has Legends such as Roger who have also been instrumental to the 'Will of D' before Luffy arrived as saviour.
  • Luffy is like Jesus because he's going to the saviour of the world.
  • Luffy had a humble background just like Jesus (he was a carpenter), yet he's destined for greatness.
  • Both Luffy and Jesus get ridiculed for their bold claims; Luffy claiming to be Pirate King while Jesus claimed to be the Son of God/King of the Jews.
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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
Jun 25, 2015
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United States
Hey I read your theory and it's exactly what I was thinking I know I'm late but to add to that I think that those people with the D. initial are the descendants of the people from the Great Kingdom. FFT.


MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
May 20, 2010
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WG's reason for the Tequila Wolf's bridge building is connecting the islands right? also building those bridges will make people travel thru land and not sea anymore that means the great age of piracy will stop.

I think the next thing the WG will make will be Airships the only flying ship i saw was Enel's Ship , Shiki's Ship (DF's ability) and Kuma's transport ability (it's not a ship though). but again WG making Airships will make the age of piracy another nail in the coffin.

Technically WG is like the templars in assassins creed they build the world thru inventions and making life easier for people but in exchange for the freedom of the citizens. Will of D's descendants on the other hand (Assassins) are the old school guys they want freedom to do what they want even if the consequence are glorious or tragic (Nothing is true, Everything is permitted)

The reason for the great pirate age is Gol D. Roger's last message and supporting that message was White Beard announcing One Piece is real. And i think that WG wants to suppress that fact by advancing thru mechanical inventions (making the One Piece world like ours in real life.)

Just imagine the world of One Piece with Smart Phones, Planes , and other futuristic things we got in the real world does anyone wants to study the history of the world anymore? Even asking a 15-25 year old citizen in the real world where their national hero birth town is they don't even know even the title of their national anthem they don't even know. :D

Just like the quote said History is written by victors. So currently WG is writing their own history.
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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 28, 2008
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Galactic Empire
The most predictable answer is that the clan of D are descendants of the kingdom destroyed when the 20 royal families formed World Government (and why are they are said to be enemies of the Celestial Dragons). They are the ones who created the Poneglyph and the ancient weapons. And Raftel is the only remaining part of that kingdom.

But that is too predictable to be true.
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MH Senpai
有名人 / Yuumeijin / Celebrity
May 20, 2010
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The most predictable answer is that the clan of D are descendants of the kingdom destroyed when the 20 kingdoms formed World Government (and why are they are said to be enemies of the Celestial Dragons). They are the ones who created the Poneglyph and the ancient weapons. And Raftel is the only remaining part of that kingdom.

But that is too predictable to be true.
Well if it's too predictable then let's reverse it.

What if the 20 Kingdoms that formed the WG are really the good guys and the D's are the crazy ones that wants to destroy the world to make it whole. You know typical villain saying to make the world start again they have to eliminate all life so that a new life will start again untainted of sins.

Even Rayleigh told Robin that if he tells Robin about the void century it can be different from other people who read it. So what if Rayleigh's depiction of Void Century was like the WG are the evil ones maybe Robin's depiction of the void century will be on reverse.


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MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Jan 1, 2006
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Oda has given us more than 15 years of manga material to "predict" those answers, it would be a horrendous mistake, if he reversed it in the end. The winner writes the history, in this case took upon the name Tenyruubuto, "the heavenly dragons", named their enemies Devils, probably because of their connection to devil fruits. Oda made the effort to showcase how only a single royal family was different, the Nefertaris, wouldn't it strange if they somehow all would have been good 800 years ago?

They go through means like genocide to eliminate all traces of their and the worlds past, there is literally no chance for them to have been the good guys in the past.

Notice me Escanor senpai

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伝説メンバー / Densetsu / Legendary Member
Dec 27, 2008
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The most predictable answer is that the clan of D are descendants of the kingdom destroyed when the 20 kingdoms formed World Government (and why are they are said to be enemies of the Celestial Dragons). They are the ones who created the Poneglyph and the ancient weapons. And Raftel is the only remaining part of that kingdom.

But that is too predictable to be true.
You know after almost 800 chapters and all the hints that we got, it's not about it being too predictable, it could very well be what Oda is hinting at. In fact he left so many clues that seem to indicate just that, and this story was never about not being predictable. After all we all predicted that Luffy would beat DD despite the fact that the latter seemed more powerful. Ok not the best example, how about Sabo beating Burgess again? The story can be very predictable so why not this?
So the clan of D are called "God's natural enemy", they seem to always enter in conflict with the Tenryuubitos. So it could be that unconsciously they hate them because of the destruction of their kingdom, but mostly because of their ways and the fact that they inspire nothing but digust to a good portion of the Ds. And since the enemy of God in all religions is supposed to be Satan or the Devil then maybe "D" stands for "Devil". But to me it looks like the Ds are fated to fight the Tenryuubitos, so maybe destiny has more to do with it.
And right now we don't really know the reasons behind the Tenryuubitos erasing history and forbidding the study of Poneglyphs, like Kidopitz said it could be that right now the Tenryuubitos appear as the bad guys, but in reality they might have tried to do good by stopping the Ancient Kingdom of uniting the world through means of war and destruction, even if it might have benefited the world on the long term. So we can't really say then who was right and who was wrong, they both did some vile things, and the Tenryuubitos won in the end, but somehow became corrupted with power. Indeed it seems that not all the Tenryuubitos are bad, based on this arc, we know that DD's own parents and brother were actually pretty decent people. So it's not like evil runs through their veins, just that their ways are twisted, and it mostly comes from education. If all the Tenryuubito children weren't thaught to see everyone else as scum they wouldn't behave that way, and obviously slavery is a problem. So who knows maybe the truth about the Will of D and the Void century won't be that predictable.
And this could be what Rayleigh was referring to, it's not that clear cut who are the good guys and the bad guys in the story.
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Hannibal Psyche

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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To explain what it is, I'll be covering the subjects below and then concluding with what it is by showing how the Journey to finding One Piece is a lure trailing to more than just wealth.


Gol D. Roger is the very first Pirate King and the owner of One Piece. What we currently know at a basic level concerning One Piece treasure is that it exists as confirmed by Whitebeard and Roger.

It's on an Island in the New World which we can conclude is Raftel based on what Crocus seems to be implying here in light of Roger's conversation with Whitebeard.

He's also confirmed that it is indeed a treasure as he responded to the question; his final words were...
Lead 1: One Piece leads to the Grand Line.

One Piece Treasure leads to something that's far greater than wealth, it leads to things that can change the world. In order to prove this, one has to ask this:

Why is Sengoku mad about Whitebeard confirming the existence of One Piece if all it leads to is treasure?

If treasure is such a "Big Deal", why's Chinjao's treasure that's stored in the Ice Continent untouched?
Chinjao can't access his treasure due to Garp deforming his pointy head which he explains in Dressrosa (30 years after his deformity) and he confirms that Sai can now access the treasure now that he's gained the power to do so.

If wealth isn't why looking for One Piece is such a Taboo, what is?
People becoming pirates? That in itself is problematic, but that's not much of a threat to the Government with their military power. The most likely thing that could be problematic pandemic to the World Government is it leads to Poneglyphs.
Lead 2: The Grand Line leads to Poneglyphs.

Poneglyphs are these cube shaped objects and they're scattered all over the One Piece world.

They're very important, they have inscribed on them the description of the Ancient Weapons; location of Ancient Weapons and the truth about what occurred during the Void Century.
The people of Ohara who Nico Robin is a descendant of were archaeologists who were aware of the Void Century and capable of deciphering the inscriptions; so the World Government eradicated them all to keep this history a secret rendering it impossible to know of this history. Unbeknownst to the World Government, there is another way to decipher the inscriptions on Poneglyphs and that is through a gift known as Voice.Of.All.Things (V.O.A.T).

The Voice of all things is explained here in detail.
Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, the truth and Ancient Weapons can't be attained without the ability to decipher the Poneglphs and we know the Ohara Scholars were wiped out to make this impossible.

VOAT is a gift which gives one the ability to hear the voice of all things, with this ability one could decipher the Poneglyphs even without the intellectual knowledge to do so as Rayleigh says.

Despite theire inability to read Poneglyph, Roger's ability helped them to learn about the Void Century and Location of Ancient Weapons.

Take note that Rayleigh tells Robin that learning about the history of the Void Century will lead them to "answers" or a final conclusion in probably how best to save the world

Luffy has also proven to possess this gift known as VOAT.

Roger too has exhibited the ability to hear Sea-kings which proves Luffy definitely possesses it.
Lead 3: The Poneglyphs leads to Void Century & Ancient Weapons.

Just like the Ancient Weapons, the truth can also only be learn through Poneglyphs. We know the 20 Kingdoms oppressed all races severly.

We know there was an Ancient Kingdom, and what the 20 Kingdom found to be even more of a threat than the Ancient Weapons were their ideologies which one can speculate to be based on freedom.

Being that the 20 Kingdoms (WG) run on slavery, they had to obliterate this Ancient Kingdom that posed a threat to their system. We can believe this because the 20 Kingdoms condoned the slavery of all races especially non-humans.

For more in-depth and related info, read the spoiler:
D. is an initial that's shared by various people all over One Piece, they're also a clan, but even they're more specifically the remnants or survivors of an Ancient Kingdom. For more details, click the following link. - Ancient Kingdom's Secrets


The Ancient Kingdom was destroyed by 20 Kingdoms who were threatened by their Ideals and philosophies which they wanted to perpetuate throughout the world, but were stopped from doing so by supposedly wiping them out of existence; this essentially means the Void Century only exists because of the Ancient Kingdom (the clan of D).


A will exists when one dies and is then inherited by a successor, sometimes a Will is also a request made by someone whose death is unequivocally imminent. Remember the Ds or Ancient Kingdom were wiped out because they had a philosophy or ideal they wanted to spread which is similar to that of the Revolutionary Army. Though, because they expected death, they left messages on Poneglyphs so the chosen one would read them and carry out the will.


These are things that can't cannot be stopped; inherited wills, the destiny of an age and the dreams of its people. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of freedom, these things will never cease to be! -
Gol D. Roger
Roger is basically saying a man's life will be extinguished and will eventually die due to the flow of time; in contrast and ironically, concepts like "Dreams" and "Wills" which seem to lack the subtance of man never die as long as time goes on because either someone will inherit similar dreams/will or be inspired by one's dream, it inherently makes these concepts immortal which is why they're treasured and not to be underestimated out of foolishness.

An example would be the case of Calgara's promise to Norland which ended up being carried out by inspiring future generations; just like this dream/promise was carried out, the same can be expected of D's Will.


Due to their supposed being annihilated, their ideals and philosophy has now become a will which is what's currently being carried out only by those who share similar philosophy even if subconsciously like is the case with Luffy. The theme of this ideal is Freedom, something both Roger and Luffy share which is why they're the beacons of the Will of D.

Another surprising aspect of the Will of D is that it has the power to intervene in situations to favour those who share the will; in a sense the Will of D is also a power similar to what one would call "good luck", not just simply a will.


Rocinante questioning if it's his own will...
to save Law or D's will. he doesn't care any more as he's grown a soft spot for Law who really was doomed to death. He's a world Noble, yet he's helping out a D. bearer, this is D's will at work by influencing Rocinante.

There's also the occasion where Luffy was to be executed...
and as he was about to die smiling, lightening struck his executor; Luffy has a significant role to play in D's will so it saves him.

Luffy at the battle of Marineford...
from Impel Down was being assisted by Ivankov and Whitebeard; during the battle Ivankov realized why people seemed to have a natural affinity to assisting Luffy and it's because of D's will to protect him as he has a purpose to accomplish.

Luffy defeating Doflamingo...
was not just off his own power; powerful pirates in the right place at the right time? an Admiral who won't apprehend him? This is the Will of D. at work.
Note: The 'prime' advocate for the 'Will of D' is Luffy, everything will centre around him. Law survived so he could be of assistance to Luffy in the future; in a sense Luffy is the incarnate of D's will.


To be brief there are 3 Ancient weapons; they're Pluton, Poseidon and Uranus. All 3 are powerful enough to destroy the world and should anyone be capable enough of controlling them; they'd be able to rule the world.
The one Ancient weapon that can't belong to a person is Poseidon; the power of Poseidon resides in a Mermaid known as Shirahoshi. Being that she's inherited with this power, she's granted the power to both communicate and control Sea Kings and this power belongs to her alone.

There are 2 other Ancient weapons known as Uranus and Pluton which are powerful enough to destroy the world. Pluton is a huge ship and very little is known about Uranus. Roger has found one of them and Shiki who was a formidable pirate (owning the largest armada of pirates) wants possession of it; unfortunately for him, Roger wasn't willing to partner with him and share this weapon to rule the world.
Based on this, I've come to believe the chances that one of these Ancient Weapons (Pluton or Uranus) is in the same location as Roger's One Piece. It's also important to know how to find these Ancient Weapons, or at least to learn about them.


Firstly, Queen Otohime tells us there'sa prophecy which claims that someone will appear who can guide Poseidon (Shirahoshi) and clearly, that person is Luffy.

Secondly, though Luffy can communicate with the Sea Kings and hear them, however, he need Shiarahoshi to order them to obey Luffy as they exist only to obey her (Poseidon).

The Sea-Kings can carry heavy things such as Noah and Pluton also being a ship might require the strength of the Sea-kings, so it's quite possible Uranuss may equally be gigantic. If this is the case, it explains why Roger couldn't use it and how important it was to have known Poseidon for D's Will to be carried out.

Luffy being friends with Poseidon means he can:
  • He can use Noah too and Ancient Weapons if they require the Sea-King's strength.
Ultimately guide Shirahoshi.
Lead 4: The Void Century results in hatred for the Celestial Dragons and WG system.


They're also known as Tenryuubito, they perceive themselves to be gods because they're the founders of the WG and were originally the kings of kingdoms like Dressrosa, Alabasta, Drum Kingdom, etc.

They all moved to Mariejois and put retainers in other words to rule in their steed; these former kings became known as World Nobles while the rulers of the kingdoms who are below the World Nobles became kings.

It is because they literally rulers the world by lineage and owners of the WG which makes them even superior to the Gorosei; this is why they're free to break the law killing people and buying slaves in Mariejois which is an illegal act everywhere else.

Since they do control the world and own the World Government, they're able to summon Admirals on a whim and so as they please.
Lead 5: All accumuated knowledge leads to war against WG.

This is ultimately why Whitebeard says this at his death besides reinstigating reasons to seek One Piece as it's still not been found for 24-25 years after Roger's death. Don't forget Whitebeard spoke to Roger before he got arrested, so Roger had the time to inform him on this mysteries

Whitebeard: Someday, one will arise who will challenge the world.. and shoulder centuries of history. Sengoku, you and the World Government fear the great war that will come to this world one day! I'm not interested in the treasure, but when it's found... the whole woulrd will be turned upside down! Someone will find it. That day will come.

And as stated earlier, Whitebeard confirming One Piece's existence reinvigourated many to Piracy which is why Sengoku was angry, he's literally done what Roger did making the chances of One Piece being found much more likely and the chance of this prophecied war coming to pass.


Luffy is ultimately this chosen man; both future Pirate King and greatest threat to the World Government's dictatorship over the world destined to extend true freedom to the world.
Roger declared the existence of One Piece and urged people to seek it right? People like Luffy became Pirates and went seeking One Piece, but out of the millions of people that go seeking One Piece, surely 1 individual will take the same exact route as Gol D. Roger? Correct, Luffy did so far.

20 years ago which is 2 years before Roger was executed, he visited Sky Island (Skypiea arc) and he left a message for whoever followed his route which is why he created the Pirate Ge to urge many people to become Pirates with the premise that at least 1 person would take the same route he did.

As his message said "we came here and followed its guidance", he wants whoever taking his path to follow the guidance of the Poneglyph.
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Registered User
下級員 / Kakyuuin / Jr. Member
Mar 28, 2014
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Has anyone watched the movie Serenity directed by Joss Whedon? If not 1. I recommend and 2. spoiler warning. I think part of the One Piece (among the tons of gold and stuff) may be like the recording River found showing the Government had created the Reevers by pumping nasty gas into the air to control the people terraforming the planet Miranda. Which then caused the crew to have a huge fight to expose what the Government had done. Only in One Piece the recording will probably be the Rio Ponyglyph and I think the fight will start not end when the Government is exposed. I think the inherited will just means one day someone will come who will pick up where the last person left off. That is, if someone is fighting for something but fails, someone else who wants that same thing will come along eventually and fight for too and maybe win. It may or may not be supernatural.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 28, 2008
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Galactic Empire
Re: What One Piece Is

What is One Piece

Good reading. But a missing piece is Skypeia. There is some unresolved questions regarding Skypeia from 800 years ago, hinted by Norland. Roger went to it, and there was a Poneglyph. How does it ties with the Void Century?

Hannibal Psyche

Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Feb 11, 2011
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Re: What One Piece Is

Good reading. But a missing piece is Skypeia. There is some unresolved questions regarding Skypeia from 800 years ago, hinted by Norland. Roger went to it, and there was a Poneglyph. How does it ties with the Void Century?
Well, I think the Will of D is as a result of wanting to right all the wrongs during the Void Century. The only thing that we have to do is wait to have that revealed; I believe with some research into the earlier chapters more hints will be uncovered that may have been missed. Pretty sure some people may have already pretty much figured it out, but I'm currently looking into finding out threads about that and doing some research on it later. Clueless atm, lol.


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英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member
Aug 12, 2010
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United States
You know after almost 800 chapters and all the hints that we got, it's not about it being too predictable, it could very well be what Oda is hinting at. In fact he left so many clues that seem to indicate just that, and this story was never about not being predictable.
I have to say that I really agree with this. Oda is not the kind of author to shy away from good story telling, just to give us a omg wtf twist moment. Oda is the kind of author who drops hints and then builds off them until his readers can put together the complete picture, which is something that makes re-reading One Piece so enjoyable. I like to think that we will be able to at least have a reasonable idea about the will of D and what One Piece is before Oda actually makes the revelation. It would break my heart if Oda devolved into a troll like Kubo or Kishi, who just write whatever they think will make a good twist or surprise.


Registered User
MH中毒 / MH Chuudoku / MH Addicted
Apr 28, 2008
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Galactic Empire
I have to say that I really agree with this. Oda is not the kind of author to shy away from good story telling, just to give us a omg wtf twist moment. Oda is the kind of author who drops hints and then builds off them until his readers can put together the complete picture, which is something that makes re-reading One Piece so enjoyable. I like to think that we will be able to at least have a reasonable idea about the will of D and what One Piece is before Oda actually makes the revelation. It would break my heart if Oda devolved into a troll like Kubo or Kishi, who just write whatever they think will make a good twist or surprise.
And we are lucky for that. Normally manga authors don't invest on long-term story arcs, since the industry is very competitive and there is no grantee that a series won't be canceled on the next week (no wonder the vast majority of manga titles have poor endings). Just look how Bleach chapters always end in a cliff-hanger or plot twist which doesn't pay off on the next one, something Oda never pulls so cheaply.


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初心者/ Shoshinsha / Beginner
May 1, 2009
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i like your theory man. please update photos' links so people who read them lately can understand better.


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中級員 / Chuukyuuin / Member
Oct 5, 2015
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So, how the theory now in 2020.
we have so much info already..
the thing that i really didnt understand is why they laugh when reaching laugh tale.
my head spinning so much why is the void story so funny that they all laugh..